It turns out that those who come out to mix always have to be repaid.

While exploring Rivendell, players have fun chopping crypt spiders, and while searching for elven treasures, they also make fighting crypt spiders and sacrificing spider legs fun.

In just a few days, the crypt spiders who died in their hands did not know how many there were, although most of them were small crypt spiders that did not even have their own consciousness, but they were enough to cause Rose’s anger.

Previously, she was at a critical moment of advancement, so there was no retaliation for the player’s behavior.

And now, having become Eve’s dependent, she can no longer fight against the players…

However, that doesn’t mean players aren’t punished.

At this moment, all the players on the scene found that their liking with Rose the Queen of Spiders was below minus 50, all of which was a level of dislike.

And the battle squad of the box lunch even became minus 100 in unison, reaching a level of disgust that only Demacia has experienced…

Even those players who did not choose to explore the mission, because of the Spider Mother Queen’s subjective impression of the Chosen, the favorability of not meeting dropped to minus 30.

How to remedy Spider Lady’s favor has become a new target for players.

Especially those who are eager to get their hands on spider mounts!

For a time, the strategy and intelligence section of the official website forum were brushed by the newly launched NPC, Rose the Queen of Spiders.

Its popularity even surpassed the post of Goddess Eve.

Later, this popularity was climaxed by a screenshot.

It was a close-up picture taken by a player participating in the mission, the moment when the goddess Eve reached out and placed her hand on the head of Rose, the queen of the spider, who had turned into a spider lady, and taught the other party to speak…

I have to say that the angle chosen for this screenshot is really good.

The holy goddess is like light in the darkness, she smiles, reaches out and caresses the head of the newly civilized spider queen Rose, while the half-human Rose kneels respectfully, her half body is hidden in the darkness, as if she has been baptized by the goddess…

The majestic, holy and stunning goddess, the queen of spiders, Rose, who coexists with hideous ugliness and mysterious beauty…

Half light, half dark.

The right light and shadow special effects made this game screenshot a famous scene in “Elven Country”.

When Eve was flipping through the forum, she also saw this screenshot of the player.

His heart moved, and he saved it:

“These players chose a good angle, this screenshot is very good, and an oracle is sent back to let people draw a relief according to the screenshot in the temple.” ”

The true god of Segers has the habit of painting historical reliefs of the true god in temples or holy places, which can not only be used to praise the epic of the true god and publicize the great power of the true god, but also attract believers and condense faith.

Eve, who is a local custom, naturally plans to give it a try.

After all…… This classic picture of transforming legendary Warcraft is simply a missionary killer!

And after further exploration, gradually, players also discovered how to mend and Rose’s good feelings with Queen Spider.

After turning into a monster girl, Rose the spider queen’s wisdom has been further improved, although under the influence of the goddess’s oracle and the habits of crypt spiders, she still chose to hide in Rivendell, but showed more curiosity about civilization.

As long as players find her and can bring enough items from the civilized world or some interesting stories that interest her, they will find that her liking will increase slightly.

In addition, like the black dragon Myrell, Rose also showed an interest in food. There are two types of food for crypt spiders, one is ore and the other is other creatures.

When hunting other creatures, crypt spiders will spit silk and entangle them into a large cocoon, and corrode each other into a liquid with acid, which they can then enjoy.

After groping, players found that boiling Warcraft meat into rich and delicious broth would be loved by Rose.

Not only that, she still retains the hobby of eating ores, and if she can find some rare ores to feed her, it will also make up for a certain good feeling.

Of course, the latter option is too expensive, and almost all players choose the former.

And as the good feeling was repaired, gradually, some players gradually dispelled the vigilance of Rose the spider queen and allowed them to go deep into their lair.

After going deep into the crypt spider’s lair, players discover new treasures.

That’s the silk left behind by the spiders in the crypt!

After drying, this spider silk is extremely elastic and feels excellent, and after being identified by Elf Forge Carlos, it is an excellent magic equipment material, which is tough and has good magic guidance!

Not only can they be used to make beautiful clothes, but they can also be used to make magical equipment!

For a while, more players poured into the ground and began to brush up the good feelings of Rose after the spider, wanting to get her permission to enter the crypt spider’s lair to hunt for treasures…

Especially some of the bold female gamers!

It’s just that even the fastest progressing players are still far from meeting the conditions for obtaining mounts…

The members of the bento squad are even more unlucky, and they find that their good feelings really can’t be saved.

Whenever they learn from other players and try to enter Queen Spider’s lair in Rivendell, they are thrown out by a group of large crypt spiders…

If it weren’t for the fact that Rose also became a dependent of Goddess Eve, it is estimated that it would not be so simple to throw it out.

And when they try to brush the good feelings, they will also be kicked out by the crypt spiders…

Seeing this scene, Eve shook her head in secret.

A few players in the box lunch still don’t want to have spider mounts, honestly wait for the next race to be subdued by him!

Destroying the high-level Warcraft Advanced Legend, this Vengeful Spider Queen Rose can remember for a lifetime…

It is not only the players of the box lunch squad who are saddened in their hearts, but also the black dragon Myrell.

This Erjiao Black Dragon, who thought he was a noble silver dragon, suddenly found that the number of players looking for it had greatly decreased recently…

Even if it releases missions, there are very few players who come to roast it.

Those players…

All go to refresh the purple NPC – Rose’s favor after the spider.

And after learning the truth, the little black dragon was about to explode:

“Long ears of these forces! Hum! Don’t think about getting Milesel’s mission rewards anymore! Hum! ”

But soon, it hesitated again:

“Or… Shall I raise the reward again? ”

The days when there is no barbecue to eat are too difficult… It is easy to go from thrift to

luxury, but it is difficult to go from luxury to thrift!

Myrell, who was accustomed to honey roasting, could no longer eat other Warcraft meat.

After the crypt spider was adopted by Eve as a dependent, the players’ exploration of Rivendell became smoother.

Without the obstruction of the crypt spiders, they found a large number of elven relics in the depths of Rivendell, including various equipment, crafts and even equipment for craft forging and magic tool manufacturing of the elven civilization thousands of years ago.

Many are even well preserved!

And these things have been transported back to the Chosen City by players.

What is destroyed is sacrificed for recycling, and replaced with contribution.

Equipment and crafts are auctioned among players and bought by local players.

As for the equipment for craft forging and magic tool manufacturing, it was taken away by several major unions at a high price…

In order to increase the attractiveness of their own union, they have begun to train their own forgers, and these equipment have come at the right time! With further communication with Rose the spider queen, Eve also has a certain understanding of the underground world.

Rivendell’s underground world entrance connects to a more remote place in the underground world.

There used to be a large number of monsters living here, but when Rose came here with a population decades ago to prepare for the promotion of legend, most of them were scared away.

If you want to find them, you must also go deeper into the underground world.

Near the entrance to Rivendell’s underground world, there is also a settlement of intelligent creatures.

It was a dark dwarven tribe that lived underground.

Dark Dwarves are a branch of dwarves who are usually less than one meter and five meters tall, weigh about the weight of adult humans, and have gray-black skin.

Unlike their relatives on the surface, the dark dwarves, although equally good at mining and forging, believe not in the god of dwarves and forging, but in the lord of darkness and shadow – Holdel, an ancient true god of the underworld.

Of course, there are also some dark dwarves who believe not in Holdel, but in Hela, the god of death and the lord of the underworld.

In general, there are more dark dwarves who believe in the former, and they are mostly older.

The latter are fewer, and the younger ones are more.

The Dark Dwarf Tribe that lives near Rivendell is a medium-sized tribe that is said to exist in both true god beliefs.

They settled nearby after the fall of Rivendell, UU read books the passages to the surface and underground world were opened, and signed a non-aggression agreement with Rose, the spider queen who later migrated to the vicinity.

In addition, they often interact with human smuggling caravans on the surface.

It was also the non-aggression agreement between the dark dwarves and Rose that allowed the human smuggling caravan to safely set up a small stronghold in Rivendell.

After knowing these things, Eve instantly became alert:

“I didn’t expect to be able to reach Hela’s followers so soon… It seems that I have to be careful, the vest of the Grim Reaper is still less used… At least, it doesn’t work underground! ”

It is foreseeable that the entrance to the underground world has been completely opened, and players will definitely have to deal with the dark dwarves next.

At this time, you can’t lose your Grim Reaper’s vest.

And while Eve was meditating, suddenly, he was attracted by a vigorous life energy in his own body…

The source of vitality is a humanoid light cocoon on the world tree.

That was Eve’s attempt to take the initiative to give birth to the original elves!

His heart moved, and he returned consciousness to his essence.

Eve knows…

The first primordial elf in the true sense is about to be born.

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