The core area of the Elven Forest, about four kilometers from the Chosen City.

There used to be a high-quality forest that was very suitable for use as building materials, long and straight, the material was good, and there was a kind of fragrance that could calm the mind.

When completing the daily task of collecting wood, if you turn in this wood, Alice will give more experience points and contribution.

Therefore, after the players who have found it explain the location in the official website strategy post, many players who collect wood will come here for wood collection.

And over time, this place is cut bald by players…

Even on the day of Eve’s recovery, everything grew, and many small saplings popped up, which were all dug up by the later second test players and used to use the street trees of the chosen city of the day…

However, although the trees were cut down, a large clearing was vacated here, and because it was once a forest, the soil here was extremely fertile, and players chose it as a test field for cultivating crops.

Elves are natural magical creatures and are many intelligent species of druids.

Perhaps for ordinary humans, the cultivation of crops is a long and face-to-face process, but for players with natural magic, everything can be accelerated.

After getting some crop seeds from the captured human caravan truck, Little Salty Mew handed them over to the guild’s Life Department players, allowing them to take on the relevant side quests and try to grow them.

At the time of capture, players got three kinds of seeds, which after identification, were Mannia Plain Wheat, Mannia Fast-growing Rice, and Iris Sweet Potato.

Plain wheat and fast-growing rice are the main agricultural products of the human society in the Segers world and have a long history of cultivation.

The smuggling caravan smuggled by the Elven Nightingale, who had been in human society, believed that it was probably the latest crop seed cultivated by the official magical association of the Holy Mannia Empire, which had recently become popular in human society!

The third type of Iris sweet potato is a bit like the potato on the blue star, but it is gray and has a sweeter taste than potatoes.

It is said that this is an exotic crop derived from other planes and was introduced to human society by legendary mages of the Kingdom of Iris thousands of years ago when the plane passage was not closed.

Because of the high yield of this crop, it was soon widely cultivated in human society,

And was welcomed by the civilian population.

However, unlike potatoes, Iris sweet potatoes must rely on seeds to breed.

And the sweet potato seeds captured by the players, according to the nightingale identification, believe that it should also be the improved seeds of the Ariel Kingdom!

Think about it too… If it is not a good seed, how can it be valued by the Sauron caravan and smuggled?

After all, magic items are more profitable! Smuggling magical items, isn’t it fragrant?

Only this rare seed will enter the eyes of smugglers.

Of course, now these things are cheaper for players.

Growing vegetables in the game, Celestial Empire players are still very interested.

Moreover, although the Elven Forest is rich in products, almost all of them are fruits and vegetables, and the staple food is indeed missing.

The people of the Celestial Empire are most unaccustomed to not having staple food to eat.

Therefore, players have strong expectations for these seeds.

And unlike reality, there is magic, the land of the Elven Forest is fertile, the magic contained in the air is very abundant, and the speed of plant growth can be artificially greatly accelerated without long waiting.

In just a few days, players were seeing results…

In fact, the results are even better than players imagined!

Right now…… The land has been turned into a farmland with plain wheat, fast-growing rice and sweet potatoes.

And because of the magic effect, another player got the dung of the black dragon Myrell, and the druids, the oak tree guard Basaka, assisted by the silver, and these crops seem to have undergone some kind of mutation…

They grow thicker, the fruit is fuller, and even the sweet potatoes seem to have more lumpy roots…

Under the experimentation of players, they found that through various bonuses, the growth rate of these crops can be increased to a very terrifying level!

The fastest fast-growing rice can ripen in three days, while the latest plain wheat only takes a week…

You know, in human society, even the fastest growing fast-growing rice takes at least four months to cook!

Of course, this is because ordinary humans cannot enjoy the bonus of magic, nor do they have the fertile land of the Elven Forest and abundant magical power, let alone the dung of the black dragon…

If nothing else, because of the revival of the World Tree, the magic level of the core area of the Elven Forest has long been at the same level as the outside world!

Under this condition, everything grows well and grows fast.

And now the farmland is already the second or third batch planted by players after harvesting the first batch of crops, choosing better seeds.

And after harvesting the crops, after the identification of the Great Druid Oak Guard Basaka, perhaps because the Elven Forest is full of magic, and the players use the dung of the black dragon, these crops have faintly exceeded the scope of ordinary crops, and have a hint of magical plants…

After eating these crops, it can even have a certain effect on absorbing magic!

Although the effect is very weak, it is also very amazing.

This made the players sigh again, the black dragon is really a treasure!

Of course, only players have this opportunity to use the black dragon’s feces as fertilizer…

And this further stimulated the enthusiasm of players to experiment.

After successfully planting, new crop seeds quickly spread among players, and many players bought some seeds from the “Moe Committee” with their contribution points to experiment in their yards…

They came up with all kinds of strange methods, and began to collect all kinds of magical materials in the Elven Forest, and used them as fertilizer experiments, wondering if it would make the crop mutate more…

Even…… Someone else hit the World Tree and began digging the soil around the World Tree, and was angrily reprimanded by the oak guard Basaka.

On the official website forum, players involved in planting have also gradually summarized different planting effects according to the progress of their fertilizer experiments.

Don’t say, there really is!

Black dragon droppings can increase production and quality, and can also enchant crops, while elf droppings can greatly increase the growth rate of crops, in addition, the soil under some special magical plants in the Elven Forest can also mutate crops with similar magical characteristics to these plants and have different tastes!

Therefore, it is not for nothing that some players hit the soil under the roots of the World Tree…

This is the soil where the true God has taken root! Referred to as Shinto!

In fact, some people took advantage of the NPC’s inattention to sneak up on it, and after using it, they were surprised to find that the crop began to grow wildly! The effect is even better than the excrement of the elves!

Then…… More players began to secretly dig under the world tree while the NPCs were not paying attention…

This situation made Eve cry and laugh, and in the end, he set up a magic barrier under him, making the soil immune to the players’ digging, and these strange players gave up.

The players’ performance in crop cultivation also satisfied the oak guard Basaka.

Well…… Except for those who want to dig the soil near the roots of the World Tree…

Basaka is the NPC of Eve’s selected [Crop Planting] mission, responsible for the entire process of player planting.

Because of his sensitive identity, he had no way to join the expansion of his power, so he honestly stayed in the Elven Forest to assist in the development of the elves and players, and did his job as a druid.

However, Basaka’s appearance has changed from the beginning.

Worried that his exposure would lead to the recovery of the mother god being detected, he specially prayed to Eve, asking to pass on the Transfiguration Technique, and now transformed into the appearance of a two-meter-tall bald elf strong man…

It looks a little scary.

However, since Transfiguration limits his magical power, he can’t use all his power when transfiguring, so he honestly does the logistics.

Basaka is very pleased with the enthusiasm shown by the players.

Although he will also wonder why these Chosen ones like to grow like humans, after all, the indigenous elves basically only eat fruit, the Elven Forest is so rich, the fruit can’t be eaten at all, even if it is finished, apply a magic and it will grow again.

But at least… With crops, the Chosen One hunted much less frequently.

In fact, it is not that there are a lot less, but there are almost no people around who can hunt, and now the players have run farther to hunt Warcraft, and he has been staying in the core area and can’t see it…

The side quest [Crop Planting], players completed very well.

Also related processed products, but also quickly entered the players’ table under the convenient magic…

The spices collected in the human caravan also inspired players, who began to look for similar alternatives in the Elven Forest to use as seasonings.

For a time, the players’ talent for cooking also came out, and various common dishes of Blue Star began to appear in the Segers world, and some vegetarian dishes even aroused the curiosity and welcome of the indigenous elves…

However, compared with the smooth planting industry, the livestock industry under the leadership of the black dragon Myrell has suffered setbacks.

During this time, the little black dragon took some players to toss the middle-level Warcraft of the Elven Forest and jumped a chicken flying dog, looking for the nest of the Warcraft every day to catch cubs.

Don’t say, I really caught a lot, but there is no one suitable for taming.

Moreover, Warcraft is not more sensitive to magic than plants, and can accelerate growth in a high-magic environment, but Warcraft is not so obvious… That is, the strength will be stronger.

At this time, because there was a precedent for crops, some players suggested that the little black dragon go to human society to catch some domesticated animals, but he was quickly reprimanded by Myrell:

“Rua——! Go to human society to catch domesticated animals? Do you think I’m the kind of bandit-like dragon?! ”

Isn’t it?

Players remembered the image of the black dragon greedily looting the treasures of half-orcs and human caravans…

Of course, they can also think about it in their hearts.


Mailrell turned his words and raised his proud dragon head:

“It’s impossible to rob, but Mailyl feels that he can go to human society to buy some back, but Mailyl has to go through the permission of the True God’s crown, and… The money wants you out! And give Lord Miryl half … No, it’s double the errand fee! Rua——! ”

It highlights the issue of money.


Players’ eyes lit up.

That’s a good idea!

After looting the half-orc tribe and human mercenaries, players also got a lot of common currency in human society, which happened to be useless, just used to buy domesticated animals.

“Buy domesticated animals? ”

Eve, who received the black dragon’s request, was slightly stunned.

She thought about it and agreed.

After signing the master-servant contract and becoming a believer again, Myrell could no longer run, and knowing his true identity, Myrell’s mouth was also tightened, and there should be no problem.

It’s just that…… Can it really be bought?

I’m afraid that as soon as it appears, it will be besieged by humans as evil dragons, right?

Of course, Eve did not hit it, UU read the book but went with it.

And learning that the black dragon was going to human society to buy domesticated animals, the players were also excited and shouted to go together.

However, after learning the distance, they were disappointed.

The nearest human nation is also seven hundred kilometers away from the core area of the Elven Forest, and the player’s activity distance is only three hundred kilometers.

“Hey… We can only explore it later when the map of human society opens. ”

Players have some regrets.

While players regret not being able to explore human society, the underground world has opened its doors.

And the fastest adventurous players also penetrate deep into the mysterious dark region through underground caves…

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