“I didn’t expect the players to attract the attention of the dark dwarves so quickly. ”

Eve was a little surprised.

However, this also shows that I am afraid that the settlement of the dark dwarves is not far from here…

“It seems that the map of the dark dwarves is about to open. ”

After thinking about it, he temporarily turned on the language blocking function for the team of fried tomatoes with tomatoes, blocking relevant words about the World Tree, Euktra Hill, and other words that easily exposed their own ontology.

Although players have accepted the setting of helping the goddess keep her real identity secret, God knows if there will be players with brain pumps, so it is better to be cautious.

Of course, it is only the language conversion that is blocked.

Players are summoned to the world of Segers, and in fact they still speak Chinese, but… As the initiator of controlling the connection between the player’s consciousness and the body, Eve can manipulate the player’s body.

Although players think they speak Chinese, they actually automatically translate into the local language of the SEGERS world and vice versa.

This local language defaults to Elvish, but players can also tune into the language system the lingua franca used when communicating between the various races in the Segus world.

For example, when communicating with orcs, they use a lingua franca.

Although for players, they feel that they are all speaking Chinese, and feel that the game official made this language system a little inexplicable, but it is quite emotional to accept it.

And blocking, in fact, is to turn off the “translation” of relevant words, players will directly speak Chinese, and the natives naturally can’t understand it.

Of course, players can also learn the spelling of the local language by themselves, so that even if they do not use systematic language conversion, even if it is blocked, they will write the text…

But…… What gamer would have a brain twitch and put a lot of effort into learning a messy language that is probably just a garbage of the game’s official brain?

In addition to learning the god Cuckoo Bird…

Well, mage players who want to learn the magic formation will also learn it, but they are more likely to learn runes in the elven language and draw scoops according to the gourd.

Except for some language features,

Eve also blocked the sacrifice before one of the players was ready to sketch the sacrificial formation, and informed the players with a system notification.

It probably means that the players officially enter the underground world, and the sacrificial magic array is temporarily banned and so on, and it will be lifted when they return to the ground…

There are also believers in the Grim Reaper, in case the players use the sacrificial formation with a big grin.

The “First Legion” did not know that they had just been blocked by the beloved Goddess-sama for some language functions.

Although the sudden news of the underground system forbidding sacrifices was a little surprising, it was only a little surprised.

They have already exchanged fire with these hideous giant scorpions.

These players are all good at field battles, and they just led out three giant scorpions, even if they were black iron monsters, they did not cause them to panic.

After many days of fighting, they are no longer rookies who have just entered the game, and they are already familiar with this kind of group of Warcraft, which is nothing more than that the breed of Warcraft has changed, and it is just a little troublesome to test the opponent’s attack mechanism and weaknesses.

The mages have prepared the fireball technique, and with Rose the spider queen in front, they already know that for the vast majority of Warcraft underground, the magic lethality of fire attribute and light attribute is the highest…

Melee players surround the giant scorpion that is attracted to it, wander away to attack, retreat after fighting, retreat and fight, and cooperate perfectly.

Even Eve saw it, and had to sigh that the players’ progress was really rapid…

Actually, it’s normal to think about it.

For players, this is just a game, and the biggest psychological hurdle that recruits need to overcome – fear, is gone.

Then, they can reduce the pain and be able to resurrect, which in turn faintly increases their bravery and tolerance rate.

Therefore, after dying a few more times, the players’ combat literacy is still growing quite rapidly.

This also made Eve more and more satisfied, feeling that it was not far away to create a “Calamity Legion” that could make other true gods tremble.

On the other side, the player’s short existence has been secretly peeping in the hidden cave, and he has also walked along the narrow cave carved by hand, and when he finally walked out of the cave, he came to a small city made of rocks!

The entire town is made of black rock, and the style is rough, which looks solemn under the light of fluorescent stone at the top of the underground cave.

And dwarves dressed in crude dark brown linen clothes with dark black skin carrying pickaxes or carrying goods on their heads are coming and going in the small town…

This…… It’s a dark dwarf city!

The dark dwarves who were suspected scouts shuttled all the way, greeting other dark dwarves they knew in the small town, and non-stop came to one of the most solemn three-story stone buildings in the middle of the small city…

“What? You said you saw a group of elven mercenaries who were most likely from the surface? Hundreds? ”

In the hall of the stone building, an elderly old dwarf listened to the scout’s report and looked stunned.

At a glance like the usual dark dwarf, he is short and stubby, but he has a long beard, dark black skin, and no hair on the top of his head.

The old dwarf looked at the dwarf scout who reported in front of him, and a trace of speechlessness flashed on his face:

“Copper hammer, did you drink too much ale? This is a dark region, where do the elves come from? And it’s hundreds of people… Mercenary? ”

The identity of the elf is so sensitive, how can he swagger to become a mercenary? And it’s hundreds of people!

Although the mainland does not have long ears for hiding their identities as mercenaries, they are all exceptions!

Not to mention… What are elves doing in the dark lands?

The old dwarf didn’t believe it at all.

“Really! Grandpa Balin, I will never be mistaken! Pointy-eared, tall, and good-looking, definitely elf! They’re over there in the dark forest! ”

The dwarf scout who was called the Copper Hammer said with a red face.

“Impossible! ”

The old dwarf shook his head:

“The dark forest is full of monsters, although it is close to the entrance to the surface, but there is a terrifying big spider guarding it, without our guidance, the creatures on the surface can’t get down at all. ”

“Really! Grandpa Balin! I can swear to the Grim Reaper, I was absolutely not mistaken! That’s really a bunch of elves! The armor on their bodies is very good-looking, much more exquisite than the human world, and it feels no worse than our craftsmanship, and they are definitely elves. ”

The hammer draws a symbol on his chest symbolizing the Grim Reaper and the Lord of the Underworld.

Swear by death…

Listening to his words, the old dwarf’s expression was stunned, and his expression was a little solemn.

In the world of Segers, where the true God is supreme, swearing to the gods of faith is the strictest oath, and no intelligent creature dares to play tricks on this matter.

“Do they have the same hair color? ”

The old dwarf asked.

“Inconsistent, there are all kinds of colors…”

Hammer shook his head.


The old dwarf frowned, also slightly relieved.

“So, it’s not an elven tribe that was forced to migrate underground. Fully armed, is it really a mercenary? But how did they get down? What are you coming down for? ”

“Don’t believe it… You can also check it out, they are fighting giant scorpions over there! ”

Hammer said again.

Listening to his words, the old dwarf was slightly stunned:

“Fighting giant scorpions? How did they fight with that kind of monster? ”

“It seems that an elf strayed into the mushroom forest in the dark forest and was eaten by those giant scorpions, and then the other elves shot out in anger and fought fiercely! ”

Old Dwarf: …

“Are they strong? Legend has it that thousands of years ago, the human gods and gods of war gave them a racial curse, didn’t their strength all fall to black iron? ”

He asked again.

The hammer scratched his head:

“I didn’t probe carefully, but I feel that the strength is not particularly strong, it seems that they are still under the black iron. ”

Old Dwarf: …

Is it crazy for a group of elves under the black iron to provoke the giant scorpion above the black iron?

Bahrain admits that the elven silver culture and forging techniques are absolutely top in the continent.

Even after a thousand years, other races in the Segers Continent could not surpass it.

Even the dwarves who are good at forging are barely equal to them in ordinary forging, and the higher-level magic equipment is slightly inferior…

But civilization is civilization, forging process is forging process, these do not represent the combat effectiveness of the race.

Under the strength of the same rank, the elves’ weak chicken combat power is notorious.

They hadn’t fallen down the rank before, and the elves could crush with a higher starting point, better equipment and hard power, but now it wasn’t the past…

And…… For the sake of one dead clansman, and more clansmen?

Is it worth it?

It’s no wonder that these long-eared mixes are getting worse and worse…

He shook his head, thought about it and said:

“You show me. ”

He was still curious about elves.

The dark dwarves are not good, but the elves are different…

That is a typical silly and stubborn race that is famous in the whole continent, and it is harmless, if it is really them, the old dwarf does not mind in-depth communication, he has always been very yearning for some of the manufacturing processes of elves.

Led by the dwarf hammer, the old dwarf Balin soon followed the tunnel to the place where he had inspected the player.

As soon as he came here, Balin saw the players fighting the giant scorpion through the small hole dug in the tunnel.

I have to say… The First Army is indeed experienced.

Three Warcraft were not their dish at all, even if it was the one of the Black Iron Superior, after paying five players to die, the First Legion also annihilated it.

And considering that they can’t use the sacrificial formation, these giant scorpions don’t seem to have anything good on them except for pincers and stingers…

Therefore, when killing the giant scorpion, the players adjusted the “experience point acquisition” to 100%, leaving no loot, and the entire giant scorpion was drained of vitality by the “war sacrifice” and turned into flying ash…

Looking at the large amount of experience points that arrived in the status bar, the players’ eyes were eager.

The experience points provided by this giant scorpion are so high!

This is also for a reason, the living environment in the underground world is far worse than that on the ground, and the Warcraft that can survive here are generally much more tenacious.

And Eve’s “war sacrifice” instinct that gives the player’s body relies on absorbing life force!

In addition, this time the players did not choose to leave the loot, but absorbed 100% of the experience points.

So…… The data that arrived in the account was unexpected, and it was normal for UU to read books www.uukanshu.com.

Although five players died, the players basically figured out the battle mode of the giant scorpion.

So, they all got excited, gasped, and continued to excitedly lead monsters to fight…

What the old dwarf saw was the picture of the players killing the giant scorpion, throwing a few fireballs into the mushroom forest, attracting five giant scorpions at once, and fighting with them.

That kind of excited anticipation, as well as the uncontrollable happy expression that could be seen from far away, made the old dwarf suddenly stunned.

This group of elves…

What the hell is going on?

It’s not like fighting for revenge?

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