latest website: Speechless are not just a few mysterious beings who secretly discuss “big things”.

In the Kingdom of God, Eve’s true god avatar sat tall on the throne, browsing the official website forum that was transformed in front of him, and he was also speechless for a long time…

“How to be most efficient in reselling things without affecting the ‘Dark Dwarf’ prestige mission. ”

“Common tricks for haggling – for dwarves. ”

“[818] First Legion Guild Member ‘×××’ almost ruined the entire prestige mission for equipment! ”

“[Essence Post] Dark Dwarves communicate precautions, how to quickly mingle with them. ”

“【Essence】Black Rock City Specialties and Sales Locations Column List”

“The coordinates of dwarf traffickers and how to sell themselves for a good price”

“[Daily Record] I run a pyramid scheme underground. ”



Ever since players flooded the underground city of the Dark Dwarves, all sorts of weird posts have popped up on the forums.

Eve found that she still underestimated the players.

Unlike the elves, the Dark Dwarves are not Eve’s followers.

Because there is no faith connected to the game system, Eve cannot manifest the favorability like the elves, nor can she have a mission system template, let alone prohibit players from attacking dwarves like they forbid attacking nature believers… As a result, the ability to restrain the player is greatly reduced.

Fortunately, due to preconceived notions of friendship and the constraints of prestige missions, players do not regard dwarves as enemies, although there are often things to do, but at least there is no situation that Eve is most worried about cutting people when they see people.

Of course, going into the city to unload equipment is also one of the reasons, and the player has not yet reached the point where he can take over a dwarf with his bare hands.

But even if Eve restrained the players in the form of prestige missions, after dealing with the dark dwarves, their various tricks still emerged…

There are those who steal things, there are also those who cheat things,

What’s more, there are players who use death to black equipment, thanks to the dark dwarves who don’t know usury, otherwise Eve feels that she will see a large number of elves borrowing usury and then committing suicide on the spot…

As for the routine operation of mixing fake goods into flour when buying and selling with dwarves, Demacia saw the business opportunity and even threw down the toilet and ran to the underground world to start a pyramid scheme!

Reputedly…… Relying on the experienced MLM knowledge searched on the Blue Star Network, he used a batch of fruits that can be found everywhere in the Elven Forest to make products, and within a day, he developed nearly a hundred downlines among the dark dwarves, and he was still expanding, earning a large amount of universal currency…

Then, he used these currencies to buy a large number of magical materials unique to Black Rock City, and resold them to the elves of the Flame Clan, obtaining a considerable contribution, and accidentally improved the goodwill of several elf NPCs by selling magic materials at a low price…

And after he tasted the sweetness, several players saw the business opportunity and learned from each other, although they were not as much as he fooled, but they also made small profits…

However, the dwarves are not fools, and there are already faint people who feel that something is wrong.

Although it has not yet been poked, Eve seems to have seen the picture of the dwarf chasing and killing these players after waking up.

It is foreseeable that it is only a matter of time before Demacia becomes the most popular elf in Black Rock City…

This made Eve cry and laugh.

This guy… Do you die without thinking about the consequences?

In fact, he is not the only one who died, but everyone has relatively converged.

After all…… Death is human instinct, and under the premise of no pressure of death, human beings can be full of tricks.

As a race in the underground world, it is not that there are no dwarves who intend to eat black against players, and there are even people who plan to take the opportunity to plunder a few elves and sell them to the black market of the underground world.


What happened afterwards was dramatic…

Several dwarves did plan to kidnap an elf, only to be run away at the last minute.

This time made them nervous, worried about being retaliated by the elves, and they were ready to hide, but it was not retaliation that greeted them, but the business of the elves…

Suddenly, an elf found them and wanted to make a big deal with him and sell a batch of elven slaves!

Let these dwarves similar to the urban underworld be stunned.

Genie…… Even sells elves?

Then when they spent a lot of money to buy these elves, these elves committed suicide one after another, causing several dwarf traffickers to go bankrupt in an instant…

Subsequently, other dwarf slave traders in Black Rock City also encountered similar business, and elves came to the door…

The results are the same.

It didn’t take long for these people to stop daring to fight the idea of these elves.

And the gains of those red-eyed players, the dwarves who tried to ambush players outside the city, were even killed one after another.

They were horrified to find that once these elves fight, they were extremely fierce, and after fighting with one, they would soon come to a group… I don’t know how they got in touch.

It is useless to do it at all, and it is useless to even beg for mercy.

However, players are also not very interested in attacking the dark dwarves.

Because after killing the dwarves, they have no experience points, and at most pick up a little “drops”.

The question is… These robbery dwarves are often poor to death.

In a word…… In the Dark Dwarves, although the characters of the elves have not completely collapsed, but… Compared to the legendary image, it is almost turned upside down.

Fortunately, on the whole, the Dark Dwarves have a positive evaluation of players.

The high-level of Black Rock City was not unaware of some small frictions, but as a whole, they also turned a blind eye and passed.

In the underground world, strength is king, and if you eat black and you are destroyed, you can only say that you deserve it.

However, what surprised the dark dwarves was that these elves were not stubborn, and they were able to get used to the rules of survival in the underground world!

The dwarves found that even if an elf was killed by a dwarf in a dispute outside the city, these elves would not come to the door to question them.

This made many people look up at the players.

Because…… This approach of the players happens to be in line with a certain concept that the power of the underground world is king.

Of course, although there is a small friction, the overall communication process still carries a lot of goodwill.

Players still attach great importance to the neutral NPC reputation evaluation set by Eve.

So…… Although it is a wave, the players also maintain a sense of proportion.

If nothing else, the first few who were equipped with death scams were quickly stopped by other players.

And with the influx of players, gradually… The dwarves are also used to the wandering of these strange elves.

Anyway, the other party is just here to do business, and the overall attitude is good, coupled with the traditional image bonus of the elves, although the dwarves think that these elves are very strange, but slowly… But also accepted.

The influx of players has brought a large number of rich products of the Elven Forest, and objectively improved the lives of the dark dwarves, so although there is friction overall, it is also quite popular with the dwarves.

In turn, some of the Dwarves’ products have been well received by players.

Especially the steam gun, a weapon similar to the Blue Star hot weapon, made players very curious, and many people traded a little, ready to go back to try the effect.

And several weapon controllers of the “Moe Committee” are said to be planning to modify it according to the dwarves’ steam guns to see if they can come up with hot weapons on the blue star…

Other than that…… Players also got wine at the dwarves!

As in many Western fantasy titles, the dwarves in the Segers world also love good wine, and players are also interested in the wine in the game.

However, after trying, players feel that the dwarves’ wine is not tasteful enough.

At least…… It is far worse than some of the wines of the Celestial Empire.

In fact, it is also normal, unlike the dwarves on the ground, the dark dwarves living underground lack the food to make wine, and many times their wine is bought from human caravans, and black-hearted human caravans will always sell them some inferior wine.

Although there are some high-quality ones, they are all enjoyed by the dwarves with a face, and almost all players can buy in the tavern are the lowest quality ale.

And the players whose appetites have long been nourished by the various wines of Blue Star naturally can’t look at these ales that taste worse than beer.

In fact, there have long been life players who plan to make wine, but although the Elven Forest is rich in products, there is no food suitable for winemaking, there are a lot of fruits, and some players try to make fruit wine, but they always feel that there is a lack of taste.

However, after having crops, some players have begun to look up information on the Internet and try to make wine, and it is estimated that success is only a matter of time…

When the time comes… Presumably, there will be one more commodity sold to the dwarves.

And the upper echelons of the player’s three major guilds have also begun to discuss business cooperation with the high-level of Black Rock City.

Some of the dwarves’ minerals and magical materials are still very attractive, whether they are used for equipment forging, equipment repair, or infrastructure building, they are very useful.

Some players have calculated that if they can trade with dwarves and train their own forgers, they can save more or less the contribution of repairing or redeeming equipment in their daily expenses.

Eve did not stop these things, but was happy to see them.

With the communication between the two sides, the dwarf Black Rock City has gradually become a stronghold for players to stay in the underground world.

In the huge underground cave, on one side of the underground river is the stronghold of the dark dwarves, and on the other side is the underground forest where the monsters live.

The monsters and monsters there even harass the dwarves from time to time, which also gives them a headache.

However, UU reading if you want to kill those monsters, the dwarves do not have the courage.

The entire Black Rock City, the population is actually a few thousand, and the combat population is even less, after all, the dwarves are not half-orcs who are all soldiers, and they really fight with Warcraft, and the casualties are really large…

Of course, there is also a reason that these underground monsters are not only ferocious, their lives are tenacious, and there are no materials worth shooting on their bodies, and it is simply not worth the loss to beat them.

However, players flocked into the underground forest and hunted the monsters!

In this regard, the dark dwarves were very puzzled, and they didn’t know why these strange elves were so interested in fighting Warcraft.

However, they are happy to see it.

The dwarves couldn’t be happier to have someone strike at the monsters entrenched nearby.

It’s just that as time goes by, a group of people can’t sit still more and more.

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