< "contnew" > latest website: City Hall in Black Rock.

The old dwarf Balin sat at his desk, looking down at the daily affairs of Black Rock City.

Suddenly, there was a commotion outside the house, which made him look up and frown.

With faint noise and screams, the dwarf hammer stumbled in:

“Lord Bahrain! Lord Bahrain! A group of dwarven guards suddenly came from the city hall, and they took Elder Xilin and Elder Luotu away! They also say that they are believers in darkness, go and see it! ”

Dwarf guards?

Balin’s pupils shrank slightly, and the quill pen in his hand was subconsciously squeezed in half.

“How many people came? Where did it go? ”

He barely held back the fear in his heart and asked.

“It should be coming here soon, you should go and persuade!” City Hall is loyal to the Church of Death, how can there be dark believers? You…”

The hammer was stunned halfway through speaking.

Because he saw that the Bahraini elder, who was usually stable, turned around and opened the window in a hurry, intending to escape…

“Elder? ”

The hammer is still a little confused.

At this time, several heavily armed dark dwarf guards poured in:

“On the orders of the temple master, arrest the dark believers! Bahrain, you have nowhere to go, surrender quickly! ”

What’s going on? How could it be exposed?

Hearing the voice of the guards behind him, Balin looked horrified.

The elder turned out to be a believer in darkness?

The hammer was stunned.

Balin panicked in his heart and quickly accelerated his movements.

It’s just that as soon as he turned out of the house, he was surrounded by a team of guards again, and he was quickly tied up…


It began to be staged in all directions of Black Rock City, and the dark dwarf guards seemed to have “eyes”, and as soon as they caught one by one, a large number of dark believers were arrested…


In the mine cave of the back mountain in Black Rock City.

Several believers pushed Hearthstone, who was in a wheelchair, and fled in panic.

And Hearthstone’s face was filled with disbelief:

“How did it come to be exposed? What the hell is going on here? ”

Obviously, he planned well, if the elves can cause chaos, he ordered the dark believers to take the opportunity to infiltrate the Church of Death to destroy the statues, and then attack inside and outside, summoning the army of shadows to completely solve the Death believers in Black Rock City.

And if the elves did not come as planned, he would honestly lurk for a while, wait for the Church of Death and the elf mercenaries to be paralyzed, and then find a way to intensify the contradiction between the two sides…

But…… How did the manpower on his side be exposed in the blink of an eye?

Hearthstone looked flustered, and could only be surrounded by cronies and fled outside the city through the secret passage of the mine…

“It’s over, if you lose your foundation in Black Rock City this time, there will be no way to destroy the idol…”

Hearthstone’s face turned pale.

As long as the statue of the Temple of Death still has power, Black Rock City is almost unbreakable, and the dark believers cannot completely overthrow the rule of faith of the God of Death here!

Even if he is prepared to have an army of shadow creatures as a hole card, I am afraid it will be difficult to work.

Because for shadow creatures, the power of faith in the true god is already a great threat, and the lethality is great!

He could already imagine the wrath of the true God that his failure in the mission would usher in.

Death is not terrible, because the true God has a way to make your death more painful!

Although Black Rock City is not large, it was once one of the sources of faith for Holdel, the god of darkness and shadow, and after the believers of the Grim Reaper completely expelled his faith here, it made this ancient true god feel angry and shameful…

This time to retake Black Rock City, but this true god personally issued an oracle for believers!

If it fails, Hearthstone, as the dominant one, will end miserably.

But…… What the hell is going on?

Hearthstone couldn’t figure it out, so he could only flee in a hurry surrounded by his cronies…

And after he finally came to the outside of Black Rock City through the secret passage, he froze.

Here, someone is already waiting for him.

“Hearthstone, you have nowhere to go. ”

A crisp voice sounded, it was the female temple master of the Temple of Death!

With a team of dark dwarven guards, she blocked the exit of the secret passage.

It’s just that at this time, the dwarf temple master has completely restored his original appearance and lifted the god of death Hela’s god possession.

Hela’s consciousness has returned to the underworld.

“You guys… How the hell found us. ”

Hearthstone gritted his teeth.

The head of the Temple of Death looked at Hearthstone, whose eyes were red, sighed softly, and a trace of fanaticism welled up in his expression:

“Under the gaze of the true God, everything you have is hidden! ”

True…… True God?

Hearthstone was stunned, and then he noticed that the head of the God of Death Temple seemed to have the breath of the god of death power…

In an instant, he suddenly realized:

“So it is! You really used the power of the god statue to invite the true god! ”

The head of the Temple of Death neither acknowledged nor denied it, but said:

“Surrender, Hearthstone, all of you dark believers in the city have been captured by us. ”

“Surrender? ”

Listening to the words of the head of the Temple of Death, Hearthstone let out a sneer.

After confirming that the Temple of Death had really used the power of the idol, he calmed down instead.

I saw Hearthstone squint his eyes and said:

“I don’t know if you’re smart or stupid enough to use the power of the temple to capture us, it’s just… With such a large-scale inventory of different beliefs, how much power is left in the temple’s storage? ”

“No matter how much is left, you have failed. ”

The dwarf temple chief said.


Hearthstone smiled, and a hint of madness welled up in his expression:

“Who wins, not necessarily! ”

After speaking, a deep energy began to gather on his body!

“Not good, hide quickly! ”

The dwarf temple chief’s expression changed.

And hearing her order, all the dwarf guards retreated.

In the solemn gaze of all the dark dwarves, this dark god actually burned his faith power, and the whole person turned into a black flame, and the deep light rose up into the sky!

“Yes… Signal! ”

The dwarf temple chief looked solemn, but he was not flustered, as if he had expected it earlier.

“It’s an emergency signal! ”

In an underground forest outside Black Rock City, more than a dozen dark dwarves wearing gray and black robes looked solemnly in the direction of Black Rock City.

“It’s Lord Hearthstone, I’m afraid something is wrong in the city, and he ordered us to summon the Shadow Legion immediately. ”

A low, husky voice said.

After speaking, the dark dwarves looked at each other, and then nodded one after another, stepped forward, and swept away the fallen leaves on the ground…

And as the fallen leaves were cleared, a huge magic array that had already been carved out on the ground gradually revealed!

I saw that they came to the Dharma Formation, knelt down around the Dharma Array, began to pray in a low voice, and chanted mantras that suppressed and frustrated.

And with their spells, the magic array gradually emitted a deep brilliance, and a chaotic and gloomy aura began to condense continuously.

At the same time, the center of the Dharma Array suddenly brightened, the earth began to shake, and a dark gray energy rose up into the sky!


In Black Rock City, the players who were still watching the infighting of the dark dwarves in amazement and curiosity suddenly felt the earth shake.

“Look, what’s that? ”

Someone pointed to the sky.

The players looked up and found that a dark gray energy column rose up in the direction of the surroundings, and a cold and chaotic aura came from afar…

Immediately afterwards, the tops of the four energy pillars disintegrated one after another, as if they had become four spitting volcanoes, and one after another smaller dark gray arcs fell to the ground like rain, and some even fell directly into Black Rock City!

As soon as they landed, these dark gray energies began to change like wriggling jelly, and finally turned into black-gray translucent humanoid monsters wrapped in thick black smoke!

On the walls of Black Rock City, the dwarf guards changed color one after another as they watched the dense strange monsters that suddenly appeared under the city.

“Shadow creatures! It’s the Shadow Creature Legion! ”

“Not good! Sound the warning horn, close the city gates, and notify the temple to activate the defensive magic! ”

With the loud trumpet, the guards on the entire city wall suddenly took action…

“Captain of the Guard, it’s not good! The energy stored in the temple has run out! ”

“What?! ”

“But the temple elders say that the elves will help us defend the city together! ”

“Elves? Just them? What can they do? ”

The captain of the city defense of the dark dwarf was suddenly speechless, and his expression was angry.


In Black Rock City.

This place has long been completely chaotic with the landing of a small number of shadow monsters…

These shadow monsters that suddenly descended were extremely powerful, and normal attacks could not cause powerful damage to them, while the other party began to kill wildly in the city, devouring everything.

They roared, flailed their claws, climbed on houses, galloped across the ground, and shredded everything they saw with their claws wrapped around the black mist!

The dwarven guards had to gather in pairs and fight the shadow monsters.

Wails, screams, roars, the clashing of weapons, the chanting of incantations resounded everywhere…

Seeing this chaotic scene, the players were stunned.

“Groove! Are the special effects so scary? ”

Although they had experienced a big battle with half-orcs, this formidable monster still scared them.

“Don’t be stunned! Go get your gear! There is a war! There is a war! ”

Demacia cursed secretly and quickly ran towards the city gate.

The other players also reacted, suppressing the fear of this ghost-like shadow creature, and followed one after another…

On the city wall, the guard captain of the dark dwarf led the soldiers to cut down a shadow creature that tried to climb the city wall, looking at the dense shadow army in the distance, his expression was very ugly.

“I’m afraid the number is at least several thousand! It may even break 10,000! ”

His voice had a tinge of tremor.

In the absence of the Temple Defense Divine Technique, how can Black Rock City resist?!

And at this time, the surrounding guards suddenly exclaimed:

“Captain be careful! ”

The dwarf guard captain’s heart froze, and a sense of crisis suddenly arose.

He swung his sword and turned around, and saw a shadow monster descending on the city rushing towards him…

Caught off guard, he was suddenly thrown down, even his weapon was knocked away, and the shadow monster wielded its claws surrounded by black mist and stabbed at his body…

Just when the captain of the dwarf guard was terrified and thought that he was about to die, he saw a huge fireball suddenly fly over and suddenly hit the shadow monster.

The fireball exploded, the shadow monster let out a miserable scream, and the black smoke surrounding its whole body suddenly dissipated, revealing a dark gray translucent body.

And the captain of the dwarf guard also took the opportunity to break free from the opponent’s claws, picked up his weapon and fled.

While panting, he looked in the direction where the fireball had just flown and saw a pink-haired elf girl wearing a magic robe and holding a magic wand standing three or four meters away.

The elven girl looked excited, and she muttered joyfully while looking at her staff:

“Hit! I hit it! ”

Captain of the Guard: …

And behind the other side, UU reading www.uukanshu.com And more heavily armed elves poured up the city walls…

Their expressions are very strange, some nervous, some excited, warriors, mages, hunters, all kinds of professions… But morale was high.

I saw them brandishing their weapons, screaming and climbing the city wall, and began to assist the dark dwarves in defense!

At the same time, the captain of the dwarf guard also heard the lingua franca one after another:

“Support the dwarves! ”

“Hurry up! Disperse the defense! Don’t let a monster in! ”

“Kill them! ”

“Ula——! ”

Looking at the elves who were even more scrappy than the dwarf soldiers, the captain of the guard was stunned.

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