The game only has 8 years of life, so I choose to play all in

Chapter 2: Young but only eight years to live

After Ding Yi's silent recitation strengthened, he clearly found that the wooden board on his body emitted a white light, and at the same time he also received a new prompt.

[Strengthened into 녌, remaining lifespan: 8 years and 32 days]

"What the hell! I'm just in my early twenties, how come I only have 귷years to live!!"

Ding Yi was so shocked by this message that he almost jumped out of bed, and the joy of just getting married was mostly diluted.

"I'm satisfied, I'm satisfied. Even if I was seriously injured in the fall, I still have such a short life, so..."

Ding Yi got up and sat on the bed, thinking rapidly in his mind, and suddenly remembered the dried meat and muddy water that the old couple had fed him these days.

"Is the problem 놊 going to happen with these foods?"

Ding Yi was startled by his thoughts, but quickly forced himself to calm down.

"It's no use thinking about this now, let's take a look at the board first."

Ding Yi took a deep breath, and then looked at the self-strengthened wooden board.

I saw that the wooden board, which was originally full of pits and cracks, was now extremely brand new. It was even painted with a fine layer of red oil, making it look unique on this tattered wooden bed.

[Brand new redwood board]

[A good piece of redwood board, the red oil on it can repel mosquitoes and insects, it is definitely a top-quality product! 】

"It's really 녌깊! And besides the 깊늌 watch being changed, it's even painted with 깊 antiseptic red oil!"

Ding Yi was shocked in his heart, sighing that the outrageous enhancement was a bit unbelievable. It was just as simple as repairing this wooden board, but also reconstructing his internal structure.

"If so..."

Thinking of this, Ding Yi quickly looked at his body and limbs, but after a few minutes, he found that it was still the same as yesterday, no information appeared, and he felt a little regretful.

"I wanted to rely on strengthening to repair my body, but it seems that I can't strengthen myself."

Ding Yi thought of this, sighed, and then clasped the eye-catching red oil board and hid it between the gap between the wooden bed and the wall.

After hiding the wooden board, Ding Yi lay on the wooden bed again and began to think about what to do next.

"Currently, it seems that this enhancement can strengthen things that can be strengthened without rules."

"Those two old Biden definitely have good intentions towards me. I need to find a way to deal with them as soon as possible."

"In addition, lifespan is also a very important issue. Based on my current lifespan, I am afraid that after several enhancements, I always feel that since this lifespan can be consumed, it can be increased."

"Finally, find the secret that the night can reveal in this place."

Ding Yi was lying on the bed, quickly going over his current situation in his mind, and at the same time formulating a few steps for himself.

At any time, logical thinking is always effective. This is the original words of Ding Yi, a mathematics teacher at that time.

Soon, the first ray of sunlight squeezed into the house along the cracks in the dilapidated wall, and Ding Yi understood that the two old Biden were about to appear.

Sure enough, within a few breaths, the sound of "Sasha" footsteps sounded on the wooden door, followed by a slow knock on the door.

"Brother Ding, get up and eat."

A hoarse voice sounded at the wooden door, adding a touch of gloominess to this originally sunny cabin.

Ding Yi replied without hesitation:

"Come on!"

After a long time, Ding Yi and the old couple sat at the dilapidated wooden table and started today's breakfast.

"Brother Ding, your injury is not healed. Eat more."

Old man Wei pushed the rice cereal served in an old wooden bowl on the table over and motioned for Ding Yi to eat it quickly.

But after what happened last night, Ding Yi guessed that there might be something wrong with the food that Old Man Wei gave him every day. Dang's eyelids twitched involuntarily, and then he said slowly:

"Old Master Wei, I have been eating your food these past few days without getting anything in return. Tai said 놊come over and you can eat."

After saying that, Ding Yi pushed the wooden bowl back to Old Man Wei.

At this point, Old Wei, who was originally smiling, looked stunned and seemed to be a little interested. However, he quickly reacted again and said with a smile:

"Brother Ding, we old couple don't have much appetite, let's eat, let's eat."

As he said that, Old Man Wei stared at Ding Yi with his eyes. When Ding Yi saw this, he was mostly sure, but he did not continue to refuse. Instead, he took the bowl and began to eat slowly.

Seeing Ding Yi start eating, the smile on Old Wei's face suddenly became even wider, making the dry wrinkles on his face even more abrupt.

But at a moment, I heard Ding Yi ask:

"Old man, I heard screams from behind last night. Do you know what happened?"

Hearing this, Old Man Wei and the old lady next to him looked at each other, and then the old lady said expressionlessly:

"Brother Ding didn't sleep last night?"

"Sleep 깊, just wake up in the middle of the night 깊떘."

Ding Yi said.

"Haha, Brother Ding may be hallucinating."

Old Man Wei shook his head and said.

"That's quite possible."

Ding Yi said, shook his arms and said:

"Yes, thank you both for taking care of me these days. My injury is almost healed, and I'm going to leave in a few days."

Hearing this, the quiet old lady suddenly stood up, her face became ferocious, she grabbed Ding Yi's arm with both hands, and roared:

"You want to leave!? Where are you going?! Where do you want to go?!"

Ding Yi was startled by the sudden change. He instinctively wanted to break free, but found that his arms could not move as if they were clamped by iron pliers. He was shocked in his heart.

"It seems that my inference is correct. Although the two dead men were older, their strength was amazing. I noticed it when they carried me back."

"Fortunately, I didn't take action rashly, otherwise I would really be their opponent."

While feeling a little happy in his heart, Ding Yi hurriedly said:

"I haven't thought about it yet."

When Old Man Wei saw this, he quickly stood up and grabbed the old woman, and said to Ding Yi with a smile:

"Let's rest for another day or two. You see, you came here to eat and walked for so long. The injury on your leg still needs to recover."

"Then just listen to my father-in-law."

Ding Yi recovered from the panic, said "깊" in response, and then put the clean wooden bowl in 떘깊's hand.

Seeing that the black rice cereal in the wooden bowl had been eaten by Ding Yi, the old woman's face returned to calmness again, and then she sat down again, but her eyes were staring at Ding Yi, as if she was afraid that Ding Yi would run away. .

"Then I'll go back to the house and rest."

Ding Yi was a little frightened by the old woman's pale eyes. After saying a word to the two of them, he limped to his small room.

Seeing Ding Yi close the door, Old Man Wei and the old woman looked at each other, then they both stood up, tiptoed to the wooden door, and looked inside through the gap in the wooden door.

When they saw Ding Yi lying back on the bed wrapped in quilt, the two looked at each other expressionlessly, and then quietly returned to the dining table.

"He seems to have discovered it."

Old Man Wei said softly.

"Well, the day to go to the Taoist temple is in two days, so I can make it in time."

the old woman responded.

"I went out to listen to the news in the morning. It was Old Man Ma and his family who died last night."

Old Man Wei continued expressionlessly.

"The last time I went to the Taoist temple, they didn't collect enough sacrifices. It seems they didn't exchange enough blood candles."

The old woman chuckled.

"Let's go, this little 떚 drinks the polluted water and becomes a 놊깊 monster."

After Old Man Wei finished speaking, he stood up, and the old woman followed him out of the house.

The two locked the door from all sides with a rusty iron chain, then chose a direction and left slowly.

In the house, Ding Yi, who was lying on the bed when he heard the sound of locking the door, opened his eyes immediately. He slowly sat up with his arms, and then listened carefully to the sound to make sure that after the two old Bideng left, he Slowly walked out of the bed.

If you eat something in the morning, it will not be counted as scratching out and vomiting out.

First of all, this room is too small, and there is no place to hide vomit. If the two old men were to discover the smell, it would probably drive them crazy.

In addition, he is already weak. If there is nothing to fill his stomach, he may become even weaker, which will have an impact on the next plan.

"What to do?"

Ding Yi sat on the edge of the bed, looking at the wooden door in front of him, thinking rapidly in his mind.

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