At night.

Ding Yi was not lying on the bed, but was sitting at the table, waiting for something quietly.

I don't know how long it took, but Ding Yi, who had closed his eyes and fell asleep, suddenly opened his eyes suddenly, as if he noticed something.

At this time, the restlessness last night came again. Ding Yi frowned, glanced at the room consciously, and found that it was already late.

"It seems that the Yin Yang Evil appears at the same time every night. There should be something like a formation in operation."

Ding Yi thought in his heart.

Next, Ding Yi resisted the urge to light the oil lamp and prepared to see what was so special about Yunshen Pill.

땤Soon, Ding Yi seemed to notice something and couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

When the yin and yang evil attacked Ding Yi last night, he obviously felt hot and hot all over his body, and even more beautiful scenes appeared in his dream. This situation was like a spring dream.

But today, when the evil spirits of Yin and Yang invaded, Ding Yi felt that there was only a moment of restlessness in his heart, and then it fell silent. Then, like Liu Hui, he lost his reaction to human nature.

To put it bluntly, it withered.

"I'm so stupid..."

Ding Yi was greatly surprised and shocked. At the same time, he couldn't help but feel speechless. He secretly thought that if a person from the sky came here, wouldn't he walk sideways here?

However, although this kind of elixir can resist Yin and Yang evil spirits, will it really be okay if you take too much of it?

Ding Yi couldn't help but shudder at the thought and quickly lit the 껗놅 oil lamp on the table next to him.

The fiery red flame made Ding Yi feel a little warm, and he also saw the familiar reminder.

[You have refined Yin and Yang evil spirits, and your life span will be +0.1 days]

[You have refined Yin and Yang evil spirits, and your life span will be +0.1 days]


"There is no other way. Let's survive this period and find a solution as soon as possible."

Ding Yi looked at the beating prompts in front of his eyes and thought to himself.

Early the next morning, Ding Yi got up and left the house, and then planned to go to the Inspection Department to take a look.

The Qingfeng County Inspection Department is subordinate to the county government and is a military organization under the rule of Daliang.

The Inspection Department works to inspect a county and specializes in handling some more difficult cases such as disasters, robberies and murders.

Needless to say, the entry threshold for such a violent organization with law enforcement powers must be high and scary.

But Ding Yi has no choice. After all, if he wants to live a long life, he has to deal with all kinds of evil spirits, so the Inspection Department is the best choice.

Soon, Ding Yi made some inquiries and came to the outside of the Inspection Department of the Outer City.

The Inspection Department also has a small house in the outer city, but it is much larger than Ding Yi's residence. There is also a person on duty at the door, as if no strangers are allowed in.

In fact, there are not many pedestrians outside the Inspection Department. The residents here seem to be very afraid of the Inspection Department, and they always take a detour when passing by.

Ding Yi stood at the intersection and looked at the inspection department on the opposite side, with a murmur in his heart.

"Just ask directly like that?"

Ding Yi was hesitating when he heard two people passing by talking quietly to each other.

"This inspector is so unreasonable. There was quite a big fuss in Maliufang yesterday."

"No, that Du? I heard that the inspector had his teeth smashed and arrested after he cursed."

"Shh, stop talking nonsense."

"If you want me to be a martial artist, I also want to join the Inspectorate. How majestic!"

"You're the only one who's still a martial artist?! You don't even poop and look at yourself!"

While the two were chatting, they quietly looked at the Inspection Department over there, and their figure quickly disappeared from Ding Yi's sight.

"Wu Fu... It seems that there are still certain conditions before joining. This is troublesome."

Ding Yi muttered and frowned.

Although he now knows an ordinary method and has practiced Evergreen, no matter Qingyunzi or Li Baozheng, they all said that he is not a martial artist at the first sight. It is obvious that this martial artist has a kind of Unique judgment method.

Thinking of this, Ding Yi took another look at the Inspection Department over there, and then quietly left here. Obviously, with the current conditions, it is not possible to join this Inspection Department.

After leaving the inspection station, Ding Yi lowered his head and thought all the way. Unknowingly, he suddenly noticed that there were more and more pedestrians around him. He couldn't help but look up, only to find that another large mansion appeared in front of him.

Different from the inspection department just now, there were many people coming and going at the entrance of the big house in front of him, and some people even came in and out from time to time. This made Ding Yi consciously take a look at the horizontal plaque hanging on the house.

"Bai's Martial Arts School".

Ding Yi's pupils shrank and he murmured.

놛Unknowingly, I followed the flow of people walking down the street and came to the door of this martial arts gym.

"By the way, martial arts school."

Ding Yi seemed to have thought of something. He looked at the open door of the Bai Family Martial Arts Hall, rolled his eyes, and immediately followed a man and walked in.

As soon as he entered the courtyard, Ding Yi saw an old man sitting at a square table in the middle of the courtyard. There were a few scattered people lined up in front of the square table, apparently registering something.

Facing the small courtyard, there are two shirtless and muscular men standing on the left and right of the entrance to the front hall. They have their hands behind their backs, watching the passers-by entering the courtyard like two door gods.

Ding Yi looked around the small courtyard, and then quietly came to the square table where the little old man was sitting, intending to see what they were registering.

"The registration fee is ten taels, and the monthly food expenses are ten taels, for a total of forty taels!"

The old man said to the first person crowded in front of the table.

"I know, I know, sign up now!"

The man carefully took out a small bag from his arms, and then handed the bag respectfully to the little old man.

The little old man took the bag, opened it, looked at it, and then weighed it in his hands. He nodded, then took out the roster and started to register.


"Zhou Hai!"


"twenty one"

"Well, take the sign and go in."

The old man took out a sign from the table and handed it to the man named Zhou Hai. Zhou Hai quickly thanked him and ran happily towards the front hall with the sign.

Ding Yi, who was behind the team, was stunned when he saw this scene.

What the hell? Forty taels? Did you hear it correctly?

What a robbery!

Although I was prepared for the high registration fee, I was shocked when I heard the number.

The one who took out forty taels of Zhou Hai made Ding Yi feel incredible.

Didn't this girl say that there are slums in the outer city? How come there are still people so rich? ?

In Ding Yi's shock, the second person also started paying to sign up, which suddenly gave Ding Yi an idea.

"It turns out there are no rich people, so I can't get in touch with myself."

Ding Yi sighed in his heart, touched two pieces of silver that had been hidden in his waist, and then hurriedly walked out of the Bai Family Martial Arts Hall.

On the way home, the scenery in my field of vision was all gray and gloomy, resembling faded old photos, which made me feel desolate.

Forty taels of silver, where can I get this?

Without money, you can't enter a martial arts gym.

If you can't enter a martial arts gym, you won't be able to gain experience and knowledge as a martial artist.

If you can't become a warrior, you can't enter the Inspection Department. If you can't enter the Inspection Department, then your life span is like that sourceless water, which will always be consumed in one day.

"It's an endless loop..."

By the time Ding Yi returned to his small courtyard, it was already approaching noon.

On the way, I took some time to sell a bowl of noodles at the roadside stall. Although I added chili pepper, I couldn't taste the noodles. It was obvious that Ding Yi was very worried at the moment and was worrying about the registration fee to enter the martial arts gym.

But when Ding Yi returned to the house, sat down and took a sip of herbal tea, and after he calmed down a little, he suddenly had a new idea.

놛hurriedly came to the yard, dug out a small piece of mud from the ground, then wet it with water, and made it look like a silver coin.

Immediately afterwards, Ding Yi used a bamboo stick to carve the word "gold" on the mud, and then stared at the mud in his hand, waiting for the prompt to appear.

After taking a breath, the familiar words appeared in Ding Yi's field of vision, but this time Ding Yi couldn't be happy at all.

[Currently it can be recharged and it will take 1 year and 3 months of life. Is it rechargeable? 】

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