The breakthrough in the microdermabrasion realm was faster than Ding Yi imagined.

The next night while taking a medicinal bath, Ding Yi found that the outer layer of horny skin on his body began to peel off layer by layer, and gradually sank to the bottom of the water as the medicine in the barrel rose and fell.

This strange feeling made Ding Yi feel like an onion, and he couldn't help but hum.

"If you are willing to peel away the 놖's 뀞 layer by layer~"

The successful breakthrough in the microdermabrasion realm relieved Ding Yi's nervousness to a certain extent. He even began to feel that he had finally gained a firm foothold in this world.

"What a nice night."

Ding Yi lay timidly in the medicine bucket until all the black color in the medicine faded away. Then he suddenly stood up from the medicine bucket and looked at his smooth milk-like skin. He couldn't help but reveal a smile.

"The lead is washed away and the skin is polished!!"

Ding Yi chuckled, and regardless of his nakedness, he jumped up from the bucket and landed firmly on the surface.

He stood with his body and legs spread apart, stretched out his arms, twisted his waist and exerted strength, and saw waves of ripples on the skin of his body, passing from his waist to his arms like water waves.

"Okay!! Sure enough, only in the skin-grinding realm can we better utilize this ape-python power!!"

Ding Yizhong shouted excitedly, and then performed the first few moves of White Ape's Python Fist one after another. For a moment, the whole room was filled with the sound of stepping on the pedals, as dull as a drum.

Although he has been using the White Python Fist for almost a month, Ding Yi has never felt as wonderful as he did tonight. At this moment, he seemed to be transformed into a real vicious ape, and the force of his fist seemed to be like thunder. The air in front of him tore, splitting a bright hole in this chaotic world! !


After a set of punches, Ding Yi 껩놆 felt tired, but at the same time, the evergreen energy in his body arrived as expected, watering his tired body like sweet rain, making Ding Yi feel energetic again.

“Not bad, not bad!!”

Ding Yi chuckled, very satisfied with the set of punches just now, and took off the bath towel from the shelf next to him and put it on his body, then went to the inner room to rest.

As usual, Ding Yi has recently taken out the Quicksand Picture to take a look at it before going to bed, but just this glance made Ding Yi's hair stand on end, and his body suddenly stood up from the bed.


놙On the quicksand map at this moment, a red cross 께께 suddenly appeared next to the area where Ding Yi was.

Moreover, the red cross was so close that Ding Yi almost thought the enemy was hiding under his bed.

At this moment, Ding Yi's hands holding the quicksand diagram were trembling a little, not because of fear, but because of anger.

"You damn thing, it's not over yet, I've already kept a low profile, why are you still here??!!"

Ding Yi bit his teeth, and the joy of breaking through the skin grinding barrier instantly dissipated, replaced by endless frustration and anger.

But after three days of separation, he looked at each other with admiration. Ding Yi had learned to face this since time travel. At this time, he took a few deep breaths and calmed down immediately.

The red cross is not big, not even as big as Qingyunzi's back then, which is enough to show that this person has murderous intention towards him, but the threat is limited.

There is a lot of room for maneuver here.

But Ding Yi noticed another thing at the same time, that is, the red cross appeared in a very subtle position.

"It's actually next door to Miao Bu Zhen?! No, you didn't offend him, did you? But no matter what, this quicksand picture will definitely not go wrong. This Diao Mao has long felt that there is something wrong, but now it seems that 놖 has a sixth sense. 놆Correct.”

Ding Yi put down the Quicksand Picture, quickly put on his clothes, and at the same time placed the evil-breaking talisman close to his body, first preparing for Miao Buzhen's sudden attack.

Then, Ding Yi lit the oil lamp, hurried to the table, and began to think about countermeasures.

First of all, I am not sure what path this Miao Bu Zhen is going to take.

Worship God? Still a martial artist?

If 놆 worships gods, judging by the size of the red cross, it should be about the same as Qingyunzi, and the evil-breaking talisman in his hand is enough to cope with it.

But if 놆武夫, Ding Yi is in some trouble.

Although he has been polished to a level, he has very little experience in fighting martial arts, and it can even be said that he has no experience.

From this point of view, additional preparation is needed.

Fortunately, Ding Yi himself has now entered the threshold of martial arts. In addition, he has studied diligently in the martial arts school for more than a month, and his understanding of martial arts is far from what he could have been a month ago.

At that moment, Ding Yi rubbed his temples and began to think.

After a moment, Ding Yi suddenly thought of something. He hurried to the kitchen, took out the bamboo tube containing chopsticks, and then picked out a finger of lard from the oil can and put it in.

Immediately afterwards, Ding Yi took the bamboo tube to the table, casually crushed a little dust on it and put it in, and then wrote the word "flash bomb" on the bamboo tube with a brush.

As we all know, the main materials of flash bombs are magnesium powder, gunpowder and grease.

Ding Yi is sure that this magnesium powder does not exist here at all, and he may not even know the concept of magnesium.

As for gunpowder, it was a product strictly controlled by the military in ancient times on Blue Star. Ding Yi in this world did not expect to be able to get it.

Therefore, if you can make do by reducing the lifespan required for strengthening, 껩놙 has grease.

At this moment, under Ding Yi's nervousness, a line of text gradually appeared in Ding Yi's eyes.

[Currently it can be strengthened. The required lifespan is 2 months and six days. Do you want to strengthen it? 】

"Don't say it, don't say it, it can really strengthen it!"

Ding Yi looked at the words in front of him and was stunned.

Perhaps because this flash bomb does not have attack properties, its lifespan is actually shorter than when Ding Yi strengthened the pistol, but this has already surprised Ding Yi.

"놆!! Strengthen 놖!!"

Ding Yi bit it and directly chose to strengthen it. This red cross appeared next to him. How could he be safe?

Ding Yi really couldn't sleep unless Miao Buzhen was killed tonight.

A burst of light flashed, and the bamboo tube placed on the table suddenly transformed into a thin dark green cylinder.

[Bamboo flash bomb]

[A scientific achievement from another world seems to have a certain impact on low-level warriors? 】

Ding Yi picked up the flash bomb on the table, then put it in front of his eyes and measured it carefully.

I have to say that it is really weird to see something that can bring back memories in this world. Ding Yi even had the illusion that he had traveled through time.

But the quaint surroundings reminded Ding Yi all the time that he had indeed arrived in a strange and dangerous place.

"Let you feel the technology from Blue Star."

Ding Yi stuffed the flash bomb into his arms, then thought about it, went to the room, picked out a set of dark clothes and brought it to the table.

Ding Yi spread the clothes flat on the table, then dipped his pen with ink and began to smear on some key parts, trying to make the whole suit look as black as possible.

Not long after, Ding Yi looked at the temporary "night clothes" on the table and frowned in disgust.

"No, I don't have enough lifespan, I really want to strengthen it."

Ding Yi sighed, then took off his clothes and put on the clothes that were still dripping with black water.

After moving slightly, Ding Yi didn't feel anything was wrong. Then he prepared everything, picked up the long bag that had been hanging on the beam, opened the door and walked out.

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