Ding Yi wiped the muzzle of the gun and put the pistol back on his waist, with a sneer on his face.

You want to ask Ding Yi why he doesn’t use Miao Bu Zhen to prove his martial arts cultivation in melee combat?

Come on, who has ranged weapons instead of using melee weapons?

But this time, after three breaths, a line of text that he had been waiting for finally appeared in front of Ding Yi's eyes.

[Killing the evil man Miao Buzhen of Qingsi Watch, he gained a life span of 21 years and 궝days! 】

It wasn't until he saw this line of text that Ding Yi relaxed all over, secretly thinking that this was really a hearty battle, and he was almost injured!

"Sure enough, in addition to gaining lifespan by destroying evil spirits, you can also gain it by killing these god-worshipping monsters. In this way, 놖's lifespan is finally close to six years old!"

At this moment, Ding Yi really felt like he was reborn after a disaster. His few years of life had made him cautious these days, always feeling that he was inferior to others.

But from today on, he, Ding Yi, is considered to be more than half an ordinary person!

Thinking of this, Ding Yi suddenly smiled, and then walked up to Miao BuZhen in twos and twos with a long knife to check on Miao BuZhen.

At this moment, Miao Fuzhen was still motionless, and it seemed that he was completely dead.

Ding Yi used a long knife to poke at Miao Fuzhen's body, and stabbed his body several times. After finding that there was no movement, he squatted down and looked at his head.

Ding Yike could see clearly that Miao Fuzhen's long hair suddenly grew rapidly and acted as a shield to resist attacks. It was simply weird.

However, it seems that his evil-breaking talisman is too powerful. Now the charred corpse has no hair at all on its body. There is even a big black hole on the chest, and the whole body exudes a pungent burnt smell.

"Good man."

Ding Yi looked at the corpse in front of him with deep emotion.

This Miao Fuzhen not only provided him with the idea of ​​going to the martial arts gym when he first entered the city and was most confused, but now he has provided him with a life span of 21 years. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is a role model.

Ding Yi shook his head and stood up, then took out the quicksand picture from his arms and spread it out to look at it in the moonlight.

Sure enough, the original small red cross mark had disappeared, which made Ding Yi confirm that the threat had disappeared, and finally a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Afterwards, Ding Yi picked up the oil lamp 깊 from the ground, lit it, took it in his hand and walked into the inner bed next to 깊.

"There must be a reason why this guy suddenly became murderous. I don't know if I can find any clues."

Ding Yi muttered and looked around in the bedroom.

Not long after, Ding Yi stood in front of a floor tile where he was sleeping with a strange look on his face.

There was no other reason. Ding Yi found that the floor tile under his feet was empty when he knocked it. It seemed that there must be something inside.

I have to say that this Miao is really destined to be with him. Not only did he fulfill Ding Yi from beginning to end, but the way he hid things was also very different.

"It seems that I have to find another place to hide things in the future."

Ding Yi shook his head, then squatted down and used a long knife to pick up the stone bricks from a distance.

The expected hidden weapon of poisonous smoke did not appear, but it was reasonable.

After all, if there are things hidden in the bedroom, they are easy to access. If you put poisonous smoke in the bedroom, it will make you sick.

Ding Yi cautiously came to the pothole and looked inside, only to find a white statue prominently placed inside.

This statue looks like a man or a woman, with long hair tied up on the back of the head. It sits in a lotus position. It is unknown whether it is the face of the Qingsi God believed in by the Qingsi Temple.


Ding Yi was shocked, and the words "worship God" instantly appeared in his mind.

This worship of gods is the statue of the one hundred and eight disaster stars.

During this period, Ding Yi also heard that gold was the highest grade of the statues, white was the second lowest, and there were purple, jade, and blood in the middle from high to low, for a total of five statues.

The pure white statue in front of him is the same as the statues of worshipers that Ding Yi heard about during this period. With Miao Buzhen's status as a worshiper of gods, it is not difficult to guess the name of this statue.

"It is rumored that one statue of this thing can give birth to a master of the Fetal Zang Realm, which is equivalent to the martial artist's Skin Grinding Realm."

Ding Yi stood by the pothole, muttering in his heart.

"It seems that the recent Green Silk Evil in Sangufang was caused by Miao Buzhen. Late at night, Miao Buzhen took this statue to the target point to release the Green Silk Evil, and after killing the residents, returned here."

Ding Yi speculated on what happened, but at the same time he became more and more confused.

I don't know Miao BuZhen's identity, let alone a statue of worshiping a god buried here. So why did Miao BuZhen suddenly kill him?

Ding Yi didn't give up and began to search carefully in Miao Fuzhen's room. Finally, Ding Yi found a letter in the quilt on the bed.

According to the old rules, in order to prevent the letter from being smeared with poison, Ding Yi tore off the sheet and wrapped it around his hands several times. Then he took the letter to the inner room and read it under the moonlight.

After a moment, Ding Yi closed the letter expressionlessly, then looked at the charred corpse in the corner, and murmured:

"Miao is not true. After all, you are a storyteller. How can you believe the nonsense from Baiyun Temple?"

This letter actually has nothing to do with the information Ding Yi wants to know, but it is related to another secret.

This letter was written by Baiyun Temple to Qingyun Temple. The letter said that Qingyun Temple cooperated with Baiyun Temple to create some chaos in Qingfeng County. When the Baiyun Temple plan is completed in the future, it will agree to Qingsi Temple's request.

The envelope is signed by a person named Duji, which looks like a fashionable name.

Although Ding Yi did not get the answer he wanted, he understood why Miao Buzhen dared to mess around in the outer city.

As for why he wanted to kill him, Ding Yi guessed that Miao Buzhen thought he was a foreigner and would not cause much reaction even if he died, so he set his target on himself.

Shaking his head, Ding Yi folded it and wrapped it with a sheet, then returned to the inner bedroom, chopped the quilt and bed into pieces with a knife, and then turned over the cabinet to pretend to find something.

Finally, Ding Yi wrapped his hands and took out the statue, wrapped it with a cushion, and finally tidied up the scene. After confirming that there was nothing missing, he quietly left here with all the things.

Although Ding Yi's courtyard was next door, he was not stupid enough to climb over the wall and go home directly. Instead, he followed the way he came, stepped on the shaft frame and jumped onto the roof, then jumped down from the back, and hurriedly left in the opposite direction of his home.

Half an hour later, Ding Yi, who had walked around for a full circle, quietly came to his own door, looked around, and found that there was nothing wrong before he pushed open the door and entered the courtyard.

After returning to his own room, Ding Yi first took off his "nightgown".

Although the ink on it had already dried up, Ding Yi was very satisfied with its performance tonight.

Before entering Miao Buzhen's courtyard just now, he deliberately walked around other places in Sangufang and stained the ground with ink to confuse future investigators.

Although there are no cameras or fingerprint recognition in this world, Ding Yi believes that one must be extremely cautious in doing things, and the necessary means of confusion must be used, and there must be no hidden dangers.

Ding Yi first took out the letter, lit it with the flame on the lamp, and then threw it on the ground.

After the letter was completely burned to ashes, Ding Yi went to the kitchen, lit the firewood in the stove, and then threw the "nightgown" in.

Finally, Ding Yi came to the table, opened the cushion, and revealed the white statue.

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