In fact, Fang Qi called Lin Chen to come here for exactly the same purpose.

During the time when Lin Chen was no longer there, the spaceship base had achieved unprecedented development.

First of all, the bonuses of the scientific researchers brought back have been greatly supplemented, allowing the already busy positions to breathe. Secondly, the White Queen of Artificial Intelligence is simply an accelerator-like existence.

Its appearance has greatly alleviated the waste of excess time.

So the spaceship base once again gave birth to a combat ship, several Millennium Falcons and exploration spaceships that were about to be eliminated by the times during Lin Chen's absence.

Lin Chen found Fang Qi, and the reporter truthfully told him that he could make a second flight.

The expression between the words was excited, as if he was urging to pay.

"Why are you in such a hurry?" Lin Chen asked in surprise.

Fang Qi said with a smile: "You can't be in a hurry, the bonus of human resources has been revealed, and all departments are now urging important people."

Lin Chen nodded and said, "Okay, let's go at night."

With the current existing technology, in fact, an interstellar trip is as simple as taking a long trip by plane.

One hundred light years?

In the past, it was definitely a place that would never be reached, but now it is too simple, even if it is a thousand light years or ten thousand light years, it is only a matter of time.

That night, Lin Chen opened the system mall.

At present, the total fan value is 520 million, but he gritted his teeth and exchanged all the fan points for a kind of spaceship information.

Assault ships, also called transport ships, have a length of 752 meters and are equipped with a powerful firepower system.

Although it is called a transport ship, this spaceship has Yongda's firepower, and even without loading soldiers and combat units, it can have quite a terrifying deterrent effect.

The information appeared in Lin Chen's mind, but Lin Chen didn't even think about it, and directly changed the information into a data file and transmitted it to the artificial intelligence White Queen.

With the existence of the White Queen, Lin Chen can save a lot of time in the future to cover up the origin of the information, or to discuss the issue of the spaceship with other people.

After everything is settled,

Lin Chen is leading the empire's fleet in the vast night, setting off again for an interstellar journey.

This kind of thing is a task that countless people are vying for, and everyone wants to see the universe

Passing through the vast starry sky, the empire's fleet took 49 hours to reach the biohazard planet a hundred light-years away from the blue star.

After the fleet entered the Resident Evil planet, it started to broadcast radio broadcasts to the world again.

【This is the imperial fleet from outer space. We are human beings. Now the emergency channel is broadcasting. The location is xxx north latitude xxx west longitude. There is no contagious disease here. There is no contagion if repeated. We provide safety, protection, food and shelter. If you are someone Talents in one field, please use the broadcast to contact us, the spaceship of the empire will pick you up personally, and take you to a world free from infection and danger, we will accept broadcasts from all over the world]

As soon as the news came out, everyone on this planet, except the Fleet Fleet, breathed a sigh of relief.

A group of aliens suddenly disappeared before, but it made many people panic for a while.

Without a group of aliens, no doubt some survivors would lose their chance to travel to the new world!

But right now, the radio broadcast was launched again, and many people immediately understood why the aliens suddenly disappeared after deliberation.

They should have sent all the rescued survivors to the new world.

Immediately, countless versions were born. No matter what, the survivors have seen the hope of the future. As long as they can be rescued by aliens, they will definitely stay away from this world where viruses are everywhere.

Even those who had questioned it no longer issued any doubts.

All radioed to report their positions, asking for alien protection.

"Please rescue us first, our shelter is running out of food, the location is xxx"

"We belong to the Academy of Sciences, please come and rescue us quickly, I can't hold on any longer, the address is xxx"

"Save me, save me."

Intensive radio broadcasts are filled with a large number of distress messages.

In this regard, whether it is the Huangzhen Fleet or the Strong Empire, it has saved a lot of trouble.

At the same time, the Umbrella Company heaved a sigh of relief when they learned that the group of aliens who left had suddenly returned.

The subject, Dr. Essex, smiled and said, "Fortunately, we are back, otherwise our Umbrella Company's plan would not only fail, but might even be wiped out by that fierce fleet."

Weeks said: "More than that, the second-hand preparations have also been arranged."

"Very well, let's contact the two fleets and say that our scientific researchers have gathered together and let them come and accept it."

Dr. Essex looked confident.

Want to save all the survivors on this planet?

Hehe~ If there are no survivors, can the Umbrella Company only use human clones for experiments in the future?

It is absolutely impossible, and we must capture those alien spaceships and obtain their technology and information!

After a while, the Umbrella Company began to contact the Strong Fleet and the Huangzhen Fleet by radio, and announced that it was going to hand over the scientific research personnel tomorrow morning.

As for the location, it is a football field that has been prepared for everything.

As long as they can, Umbrella Corporation can use countermeasures to make the two groups of aliens fight each other, and finally reap the benefits of the fisherman.

The news reached the Huangzhen Fleet.

Lin Chen turned to look at Alice and asked, "Do you know where the other artificial intelligence is?"

"Yeah, I shut it down in the hive once."

"Very good, let's start to deal with the umbrella company tomorrow!"

"Don't they have a conspiracy?"

Lin Chen said with a smile: "It's up to the plan. I have discussed it with the Jianmeng Empire long ago, and the talents are evenly divided."

That is more than 7,000 scientific researchers of the umbrella company!

Even if it is divided equally, there are nearly 4,000 people!

You must know that this number is already very impressive. After all, the last time the empire's fleet stayed on this planet for nearly two planets, it only rescued 150,000 survivors, and only 2% of the scientific research personnel were about 3,000. The appearance of the personnel left and right.

A trip tomorrow can be worth the previous two weeks, why not go.

Could it be that the empire's fleet is still afraid of a mere umbrella company?


the next day.

A cleared stadium A group of scientific researchers were brought here by the Umbrella Corporation.

They had heard about it before they came, and it seemed that they were going to be picked up by aliens and sent to a world where there was no infection.

This made everyone happy for a long time.

They are not the group of lunatics who studied biochemistry. There is no other way to work for the umbrella company. If they don't continue to work for the umbrella company, they will end up in a terrible end. Now they will soon fall into the hands of aliens. Excitement made them worry.

Perhaps the aliens and the umbrella company are of the same nature, they are a group of lunatics.

After a while, another group of umbrella guards entered, and those scientific researchers stopped talking immediately, like a mouse seeing a cat.

This is a group of ruthless executioners, the killing weapon in the hands of Umbrella Corporation!

The guards were all in well-equipped black combat uniforms, holding firearms one after another, and it was impossible to know what kind of face was inside the black helmet.

The security personnel of these umbrella companies held guns and guarded the surroundings, but it seemed more like blocking the retreat of the scientific researchers.

After a while, two men in black suits walked into the door of the football field.

They are the spokespeople of the Umbrella Company, and they are Dr. Essex and Weeks, the main subjects. These two people have absolute rights in the Umbrella Company!

Weeks said: "Now we have to wait for the aliens to show up."

Dr. Essex said confidently: "That's right, when the aliens appear, we will tell them that these scientific researchers will only be handed over to the strong side for safety reasons, which will cause two groups of aliens If there is an accident, we also have another hand to prepare."

Right now, the umbrella company is fully prepared!

No matter what happens to the aliens, as long as their people come down, no matter what happens, the Umbrella Company will be the ultimate winner!

Even if the aliens are aware of the conspiracy and there is no planned rush, the Umbrella Company is not afraid, because there are second-hand preparations. There are a large number of virus evolutions hidden in this football field, that is, from all aspects of combat power. A licker and tyrant who can crush zombies!

Even if the aliens have advanced technology, the Umbrella Company can fully exploit their strengths and circumvent weaknesses, and surprise them. When their spaceship is still on guard, they suddenly attack, and this success is also very high!

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