The Game Started With Building Mecha

Chapter 506 The War Is Coming

If not run.

Then the vampire's spaceship will come to capture the interstellar train in all likelihood, and the best choice is to escape and report back in advance.

Just when tens of thousands of real people Huang were in a panic on the planet invaded by vampires, the interstellar train passed through the vast starry sky, entered the M9 star area, and found a star that was placed in space by the Huangzhen Empire according to the coordinates of the star map. giant communicator.

Quickly enter the interstellar network channel.

[The Harmony interstellar train has now arrived at the A-7 galaxy in the M8 sector, and we will start a half-year treasure hunt in this galaxy! 】

[The interstellar train Fuxing is returning, and it is expected to enter the Huangzhen 3 star in three months]

The interstellar network channel has become a hot pot of porridge, as if sending signals to other trains on the interstellar network channel is a very fashionable thing.

And the interstellar train that just escaped from the M8 star area sent out three distress calls in a row, telling the whole story.

Now, the interstellar network channel was quiet for a few seconds, and then became more lively in an instant.

"What, M8 sector?"

"It has long been stipulated that spaceships in the M8 sector are not allowed."

"It's over, something big happened this time."

This is an unprecedented event!

Something happened to the interstellar train, and people were extremely concerned about it, because this was the first dangerous situation that happened in the Huangzhen Empire since the opening of the interstellar train.

When the explorers went to a certain planet to hunt for treasure, they encountered an invasion.

The official also found this distress signal on the interstellar network channel, and also attached great importance to this matter. Even the local Huangzhen Empire knew about it through the interstellar network.

How did you go to the M8 star area?

Isn't it strictly stipulated that only M9 and M10 are allowed to be the range of activities.

Later, after some confirmation, I learned how to get to the M8 star sector.

The command office was furious: "Find out for me which Star Destroyer Jingnan is driving."

After some investigation, they found the answer. Everything pointed to Lin Chen and Jiang Xiuer on Jingnan, because Jingnan was driving the flagship of Lin Chen and Jiang Xiuer.

Headquarters: "..."

This is disgusting.

In the end, the news was delivered to Lin Chen in the M9 sector.

At this moment, Jingnan was cruising on the flagship when suddenly a piece of information from the mainland of the empire appeared.

When I opened it, it turned out that there was an accident in the interstellar column.

Lin Chen smiled and said, "Something happened in the M8 sector."


"Since something happened, it's time to rescue the people first, then contact me with the warships cruising nearby to gather here, and tell them that the people of the Huangzhen Empire are in danger on other planets."

Jing Nan sent out what Lin Chen said in the form of an order.

This is flagship.

It is the battleship that gave the order.

The order has been issued, and except for the resting warships that have not received the message, almost all the cruising warships have received the message from the interstellar network.

Immediately, with Lin Chen's flagship as the center, warships gathered here from all directions.

Not long after, warships began to appear one after another.

There are still warships coming here from a farther distance. After all, they are going to save people and deter them by force.

At the same time, this is also to gain military merit! Sacrifice Sacrifice

These soldiers were so excited as if they had been pumped with blood. If they didn't stop them a little bit, the officers and soldiers of Azure Star who were on vacation would have to drive their battleships to kill them.

This situation lasted for about fifty hours before Lin Chen ordered the warships in the distance not to come over.

At this moment, around his flagship, there were three Star Destroyers and a cruise fleet of twelve assault ships.

Later, Lin Chen contacted the interstellar train in the interstellar network,

Obtained more relevant information.

Not only did he learn that it was the vampire race that invaded that planet, but he also learned that the vampire race had just entered the interstellar stage, and it was completely incomparable with the mighty Huangzhen Empire.

To deal with such a race, Lin Chen's sixteen warships have formed a temporary fleet, which can be easily crushed with great strength!

The specific location is not needed, because the existence of the interstellar passport can provide it with an accurate location.

Soon, these battleships have entered the preparation stage for the interstellar transition.

And Lin Chen's flagship sent an order: "Let's go!"

The fleet of sixteen warships, including star destroyers and assault ships, disappeared as they moved forward, because they activated the astral transition function and were sailing towards the edge of the M8 star area.



On a planet at the edge of the M8 sector. Si minus b xwx.c O Si

The attack of the vampire army is still in full swing.

Facing the attack of a powerful army of vampires, the human side was finally broken through the island's defense after a final unwillingness.

The human race on this planet is about to step into the fate of being enslaved and providing blood.

And the so-called government-in-exile also collapsed immediately, unable to recover.

The vampire army poured into the isolated island like a tide.

After the battle, they urgently need to vent, longing for the delicious blood of the human girl.

They were like a group of human-hungry devils, pouring in from all directions, and the places they passed were devastated, without any mercy at all.

For these vampires, they don't care about the life and death of human beings, because human beings are only their blood food. When they officially enter the isolated island, when they face a group of unarmed women and children, the cruelty in their bones gradually begins to dominate their brains .

"Hahaha, so much delicious blood!" The vampires laughed unscrupulously as if facing each other.

In the next second, they turned into hungry wolves, while those women and children became helpless sheep, and were ruthlessly thrown to the ground.

The human side immediately became a mess, and people ran away without a clue, until they were thrown to the ground by the vampire.

"Ah~ don't touch me, you devils."

"Don't take off my clothes, I'm a star, I'm a big star, you can't do this to me."

"Save me, someone will save me."

This is an apocalypse.

There were shrill screams and cries of women everywhere.

And those army of vampires who are constantly flowing in all directions will not be sympathetic at all.

They will kill the man directly.

The woman was directly pressed to the ground by several vampire warriors and stripped naked. Amidst the screams of the woman, these vampires exposed their sharp fangs to the woman's skin, and then their throats rolled, almost short In just a few minutes, a few vampire warriors can suck a human woman dry!

The scene became a mess, no matter whether it was the human side or the vampire side, there was no order at all.

The vampires were shouting: "Brothers, hurry up and catch human women. Their blood is the most delicious. If you don't do it now, you won't be able to enjoy it in the future."

Morale was at an all-time high.

These vampires were out of control, and even the orders of the vampire officers could not be issued for a while, and the vampire warriors would not carry them out.

And this also caused them to forget the order given by the commander before the attack. Mi He Mi

The order requires that after the capture of the isolated island, the human race must not be persecuted, and the humans from other planets must first be found.

But now, with so many delicacies in front of them, they can freely suck the delicious blood, these vampires have already forgotten that extremely important order.

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