They want to fight a decisive battle with the human fleet to achieve the goal of a quick battle, so as to support the home planet.

But it turns out that these damned human fleets are very cunning.

They fight if they can, and fight if they can't. In short, they deliberately don't let the goblin fleet go to support the home planet.

"Ahhh~ Those damned human fleets have run away again."

"This is the fifth time we leave and they come back to bomb our planet and we come back and they run away."

"I'm about to go crazy. If humans are caught, this despicable and shameless racial chemical must be castrated!"


The goblin fleets all over the M8 sector were very upset.

It's a very powerless feeling.

You can't fight if you fight, and you can't walk if you walk.

But as time went by, the number of goblin fleets scattered throughout the M8 star sector continued to decrease sharply.

After all, in terms of overall strength, the human fleet has surpassed the Goblin fleet.

The war is still going on.

In various battlefields in the M8 sector, many human fleets have wiped out the Goblin fleet.

Just when the area where the flames of war were burning was getting bigger and bigger, and the Goblin fleets could no longer go to fight the fire, the long-lost orc battleship group finally came to support from the M7 sector.

Once this powerful battleship group appeared, it immediately resolved the crisis of the Goblin race, but it could not change the firmly dominant advantage of the human race.

The orc battleship group immediately turned into many fleets and started fierce battles with the human fleets in various parts of the M8 sector.

However, the human race is not afraid at all this time!

"Goblin support is here."

"Everyone cheer up, even if the opponent has support, but this time our strength is still stronger than the opponent!"

"The old tactics, the weaker fleet can't beat it and run away, and then join forces with the powerful fleet to annihilate those fleets of non-human races."

The fleet of the human race is in constant communication.

This war can be said to have interpreted the perfect tactics to the fullest extent.

The coordination between them is almost perfect.

And at this moment.

The starry sky near the goblin home planet.

The fierce fleet is still engaged in a fierce battle with the Goblin fleet, and once occupied an absolute advantage.

Suddenly, the space throbbed, followed by dense battleships appearing out of thin air.

The Huangzhen Fleet is here!

General Bit was rather dissatisfied: "What are you doing here?"

The Huangzhen Fleet is a large fleet composed of many combined fleets, with the number reaching tens of thousands.

Now appearing here is indeed somewhat suspected of sharing the results of the battle.

After receiving the dissatisfied message from General Bit, the Huangzhen Fleet immediately sent a message: "The support of the orcs is here. It won't be long before your battle here will become difficult."

General Bit sent a message again: "We are fully capable of handling it, but your operation has not yet begun."

The Huangzhen Fleet was helpless. Since General Bit didn't need support, they had no choice but to make another interstellar leap towards the M7 sector.


this time.

The Huangzhen Fleet's leap to the M7 star area is completely a solitary force. The only alliance forces are probably the Sun Never Set Alliance Fleet and some weaker fleets at the edge of the M7 star area.

But this is not afraid of the Huangzhen fleet at all!

Because their warships have the best performance and can definitely defeat all hostile forces.

In fact, the most important thing is that it was previously speculated that when attacking the goblin race, the orcs understood the truth of their lips and teeth, and would definitely support the M8 sector, so the current M7 sector has a high probability of being empty.

With the passage of time, tens of thousands of warships of the Huangzhen Fleet entered the M7 sector and continued to deepen.

They have lost contact with other human fleets, and the only one that can be contacted at present is the fleet of the Alliance on which the Sun Never Sets.

However, this situation did not affect the continued in-depth operations of the Huangzhen Fleet.

During their continuous interstellar transition, they finally successfully arrived at the central area of ​​the M7 star area.

Calculated according to the time of the blue star, the Huangzhen fleet spent nearly two years on this journey, and even the food on the battleship was almost scarce.

They don't know the current situation of other fleets at all, but at this moment, the Huangzhen fleet decided to lay down a planet for supplies.

It is extremely simple for tens of thousands of powerful warships to attack a planet together.

There was only a very short time before and after this process.

After recuperating, the Huangzhen Fleet began its wanton attack in the central area of ​​the M7 star area!

The fifteen combined fleets that made up the Huangzhen Fleet were disintegrated and distributed to various parts of the M7 star area. After the disintegration, the combined fleet disintegrated again and became smaller fleets to advance the action against the orcs.

For a time, many planets of the orc family, the overlord of the M7 sector, were hit by space strikes.

The planets of many orc races were howling, like a purgatory-like scene of annihilation.

"The hateful humans have crossed over to the M8 sector to attack us."

"Our warships have all gone to the M8 sector, what should we do?"

"Go and ask for help from the Star Spirit Race."

"Hurry up and send a message to order our battleship to return to defense."

In the M7 star sector.

The Huangzhen Fleet turned into many small fleets, attacking every planet of the Orcs almost all the time.

Under such circumstances, countless orcs died tragically, and the orcs who survived by chance hurriedly sent a message to their fleet, sending out the news of the fire in the backyard.

Of course, they didn't just pin their hopes on the return defense of the battleship group. After all, facing the menacing attack of the human race, it is inevitable that the two races of goblins and orcs will be somewhat powerless!

As a result, a large number of transport ships were ready.

These transport ships will break out of the blockade of human warships and go to the M1 star area to ask for help from the Protoss. As long as the Protoss agrees to come for military assistance, then with the powerful strength of the Protoss, the humans will definitely be beaten.

Both operations of the Orcs continued.

The news of the fire in the backyard was sent out, and a large number of transport ships broke out from the blockade of the Huangzhen Fleet.

Right now, the life and death of the orcs all depend on whether the warships of the orcs return to defense, and whether the protoss come for military assistance.

It's been a long time.

The orc fleet far away in the M8 star area is in full swing with the human fleet. Although they are at a disadvantage in the war, the human race cannot win the war in a short time.

However, these orc fleets suddenly received urgent messages from the M7 sector.

The news claimed that the backyard was on fire. In the central area of ​​the M7 star area, a large number of orc planets were being attacked by the human fleet. The fleet must return to the M7 star area as quickly as possible.

After reading the urgent news, all the warriors of the orc clan vomited blood collectively!

Everyone was very angry!

"Damn humans, we orcs and humans are inseparable!"

"Made, how could there be such a despicable and shameless race in the universe."

Almost mad.

The orc clan came to M8 star sector to gamble the survival of the race on this war, but in the end, they are fighting fierce battles with human fleets in various parts of M8 star sector.

But in the end, a human fleet went deep into the M7 sector?

Why is this race so despicable.

Don't they have the slightest courtesy, righteousness and shame at all?

Very angry.

In the end, the orcs confirmed the specific number of human fleets that had penetrated into the M7 star area, and immediately dispatched nearly half of the fleet back to the M7 star area to prepare to go back to put out the fire.

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