"Li Tianyang!!"

Li Bu Tong growled.

Li Bu Tong's eyes were gloomy. He looked at his grandson who had become completely unfamiliar, and his heart was filled with sadness. He couldn't believe what was happening in front of him.

This was his most outstanding and proud grandson. He had always been proud of him. How could he become like this now...

"Tianyang..." Li Bu Tong's old eyes were filled with tears and sorrow.

Li Tianyang felt annoyed and disgusted when he heard Li Bu Tong's sorrowful voice.

"Shut up!" Li Tianyang shouted, with madness flashing in his eyes: "I hate you, a hypocritical old man, you are not worthy of being my grandfather!!!"

"You!!!" Li Bu Tong was so angry that his face turned red in an instant.

"Puff!" Li Bu Tong spurted out a mouthful of blood, and the whole person shook for a while, fell to the ground, his chest rose and fell violently, and his eyes were dim.

Seeing this, Li Tianyang smiled cruelly at the corner of his mouth, and was just about to pursue the victory and completely solve this old guy.

At this moment, the warriors in the bar finally heard the noise outside and ran out.

"Who dares to make trouble here? Aren't you afraid of being suppressed?"

"I want to see who is so arrogant, don't you want to get involved?"

"Dare to mess with my Warrior Association, you are simply asking for your life!"

"I want to see who is so bold?!"

"Let me deal with him!"

A group of warriors shouted loudly, filled with righteous indignation, and rushed out fiercely.

However, they just rushed out of the bar and were stunned.

At the door of the bar, there were two men standing, Li Tianyang and Li Bu Tong.

However, Li Bu Tong was covered in blood, his face was pale, his clothes were tattered, and he looked as embarrassed as a beggar.

Li Tianyang was calm and composed, with a slightly raised corner of his mouth, revealing a sarcastic arc.

Everyone widened their eyes, looking shocked, not knowing what happened, and Li Tianyang was injured.

Li Tianyang looked at these people with a strange smile on his face.

"Who of you will die first?!" Li Tianyang said jokingly, his voice was very arrogant, and he didn't take the warriors present seriously at all.

At this moment, Li Tianyang felt that his status and strength had been improved, and he looked down at this group of ant-like existence.

And all this was brought to him by the master.

Li Tianyang is now looking forward to it. He can't wait to show his role, let the master recognize him, and then lead him into a more powerful world.

He wants to be the first person under the master and reach the peak!

Li Tianyang thought of this, his eyes were hot, he looked at the many warriors and licked his dry lips.

This group of people is the stepping stone for him to reach the peak.

After Li Tianyang's words fell, all the warriors of the Warrior Association were stunned in place, they stared with wide eyes, looking at the scene in front of them in disbelief.

"Li Tianyang, is he Li Tianyang?"

A warrior murmured, and he felt that the scene in front of him seemed fake.

These warriors looked strange, they didn't understand why Li Tianyang had such an attitude.

But they didn't dare to provoke Li Tianyang, after all, he was the grandson of their president, how could they dare to offend him.

When Li Bu Tong heard what Li Tianyang said, he immediately said: "You guys leave here!"

The warriors looked at each other, they didn't leave, but looked at Li Bu Tong.

"Hmph, what are you still standing there for?! Hurry up and leave!"

Li Bu Tong scolded these warriors, he knew that if these warriors stayed, they would definitely die at the hands of Li Tianyang, he didn't want the Warrior Association to be destroyed because of him.

"Old thing!" Li Tianyang laughed grimly, "I will kill all of you today!!"

Li Tianyang said coldly.

These words made the warriors present look drastically, they couldn't believe how Li Tianyang could say such words.

"Li Tianyang! Are you crazy?"

"What do you want to do? Do you want to betray the Warrior Association?!"

The warriors spoke in a stern voice.

Li Tianyang laughed: "Betray the Warrior Association?"

"The Warrior Association is nothing!" Li Tianyang's tone was full of disdain. The figure of the master appeared in his mind, and his heart was filled with supreme respect.

"You are looking for death!"

"Good boy! How dare you insult my Warrior Association? Today, I will teach you a lesson!"

A young warrior glared at Li Tianyang, and then he kicked the ground with his feet. There was a rumble, and a crack was stepped on the hard concrete floor.

"Get out!"

Li Tianyang snorted coldly, and he clenched his right hand. A terrifying force burst out from his fist and hit the warrior.


The warrior's arm was directly broken, turning into a ball of meat, and blood splattered all around.

"You!!!" The warrior's face was painfulPain, but before he could react, Li Tianyang crossed the space in one step, and in the blink of an eye, he came to him, and he reached out to grab his throat.


A sound of bones breaking sounded, and then blood gushed out, his neck twisted, his eyes rolled back, his pupils dilated, and he completely lost his life.

Li Tianyang threw the body on the ground casually, stepped on the body of the warrior, and looked down at everyone from above.

The warriors swallowed their saliva, their hearts beat violently, and looked at the scene in front of them in horror.

This scene was too fast, and even before they could see clearly, Li Tianyang killed the warrior in seconds!

What's going on? !

"You... How did you become so powerful?!" A warrior said tremblingly, his voice hoarse and unbelievable.

Li Tianyang grinned, and his eyes swept over everyone.

"Now, it's your turn."

Li Tianyang's voice was cold and cold.

The warriors were startled and retreated in a hurry, looking terrified.

"No... It's none of our business!"

"Don't mess around! Your grandfather is here!"

The warriors kept retreating, looking at Li Tianyang vigilantly.

"My grandfather?" Li Tianyang sneered, "He can't even protect himself now!"

The warriors' hearts trembled, and they looked at Li Tianyang's ferocious expression and couldn't help but step back again.

Li Bu Tong sighed heavily: "You shouldn't have come out, it's too late now..."

As his voice changed, a trace of determination flashed in his eyes, and he stared at Li Tianyang: "No matter what, we won't sit and wait for death!"


Suddenly, Li Tianyang laughed up to the sky, his face was twisted, hideous and terrifying.

"You won't sit and wait for death? What else do you want to do? You want to stop the master from dominating the world? It's wishful thinking!"

As soon as Li Tianyang finished speaking, he looked at everyone with a gloomy look, and a cruel smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

He stomped his legs on the ground and appeared in front of everyone in an instant.

Darkness, terror, coldness, and bloodlust, this is the only thought in his heart now.

Warrior Association, these people, all deserve to die!


The screams rang out, and the blood stained the ground red.

"No... Don't!"


The people of the Warrior Association wailed miserably.

Li Bu Tong looked at everything in front of him, his face was pale, and tears flowed from his turbid eyes.

"Li Tianyang,!!"

Li Bu Tong roared, and he rushed out like a violent lion and tiger.

Li Tianyang's eyes fell on Li Bu Tong, and he grinned:

"You old man, I want to see how much more you can do!"

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