Wang Ningsu looked up and saw a bus not far from her.


Wang Ningsu was refreshed.

Could she be saved? !

Wang Ningsu's heart was filled with infinite hope. She struggled to stand up, moved her jade feet, and ran towards the bus.

At the same time,

the bus driver had a serious face, as if he was facing a great enemy.

The other passengers on the bus also saw this scene, and they were all trembling, with fear in their eyes.

"That seems to be... a flame lion soul beast of the Five Elements Realm!?"

"Are you sure you didn't see it wrong!"

"One, two, three, four... twelve... It's over, it's over, it's over..."

"Oh my god, aren't all those flame lion soul beasts of the Five Elements Realm sealed in the Soul Beast Forest!? How could they appear near the city!"

"Yes! This place is very far from the Soul Beast Forest, how could there be so many soul beasts of the Five Elements Realm!?"

"Driver, turn around!"

"Driver, turn around!"

"With so many soul beasts of the Five Elements Realm, we definitely can't beat them!"

For a while, the car was in chaos.

"But... there's still one person who's not dead, maybe I can save her..." The driver struggled, his hands tightly gripping the steering wheel, his knuckles turning white.

Since he became a driver, it has been his mission to deliver and bring back passengers safely. Now that he sees someone suffering, he can't hold back his professionalism.

In this world, there are still some people who hold on to the light in their hearts, otherwise human society would have been conquered by soul beasts and evil spirits.

"Driver, turn around quickly!!"

"Turn around quickly, don't hurt people."

"Yes, driver, listen to my advice, turn around, you are trying to kill us, do you know!"

"Turn around quickly, otherwise it will be too late."

The passengers were extremely panicked and urged the driver to stop the car quickly.

Listening to the urging of the crowd, the driver's belief became more and more firm.

If he turned around today, he might feel guilty for the rest of his life.

"No matter! Saving people is important!"

The driver took a deep breath, stepped on the accelerator with his right foot, and the speed of the bus suddenly increased, rushing forward.

With a brake, the bus stopped steadily in front of Wang Ningsu.

With a crash, the door opened.

"Get in the car!" the driver roared.

Wang Ningsu didn't care to say anything, and climbed up the door in a rather embarrassed manner.

However, at this moment,

those flame lion soul beasts rushed out and sprinted towards the bus frantically, their speed exceeded the speed of sound, and they could run hundreds of meters per second!

In the blink of an eye, those soul beasts rushed over, and waves of hot wind pressure swept over.

They would never allow their prey to escape!

Otherwise it would be a shame for them!

Wang Ningsu's pretty face was pale, and her heart was about to jump out.

The driver hurriedly turned the steering wheel, trying to avoid the pursuit of these soul beasts.

However, these soul beasts were too fast, and even if the driver drove desperately, it was still impossible to completely avoid them. The bus was hit several times and shook violently.


A flame lion opened its mouth and spit out a fireball, which fell on the roof of the car. With a loud bang, the whole bus shook violently.

"Bang, bang, bang."

One after another, the flame lions hit the window glass, making a dull explosion.

The passengers screamed loudly.

Despair lingered in their hearts, and everyone thought that they would be torn to pieces by these soul beasts in the next second.

Even the driver was no exception. Although this bus was made of special materials and could withstand the attacks of the five-element soul beasts, it could not withstand the attacks of so many five-element soul beasts at the same time.

Wang Ningsu had already given up resistance, with her hands on the seat, waiting for death to come.

In her peripheral vision, she saw a girl in a black dress sitting next to her seat. She was very quiet, with her cherry lips slightly curled, and a hint of an inexplicable smile.

Wang Ningsu was stunned.

At such a critical moment, how could someone be so calm! ?

When she looked away and looked carefully at the girl in the black dress, she saw...

The girl in the black dress slowly stood up, with a faint smile on her peerless appearance.

A pair of calm black eyes, in Wang Ningsu's eyes, suddenly turned into strange scarlet blood eyes.

Wang Ningsu's eyes shrank like needles in an instant!

What kind of eyes are these?

Distorted, cold, bloody, murderous, tyrannical...

It seems that all the evil in the world evolved from these eyes.

Mottled sunlightSprinkled on the black-dressed girl, it actually reflected a scarlet blood light.

Every move, every frown and smile, all carried supreme terror, as if the supreme demon god had descended to the world.

Wang Ningsu's eyes widened, and tears burst out involuntarily.

She had just experienced such a dangerous life-and-death crisis without crying, but now she only looked at the black-dressed girl, and her eyes were already watery.

"Am I so scary?" The black-dressed girl smiled and whispered.

Wang Ningsu's legs softened and she fell to the ground in an instant.

It was obviously a very pleasant voice, but in her ears it sounded like the devil's whispers, full of pure and extreme malice.

If possible, she would rather go out and face those soul beasts now than stay here!

The next second, Wang Ningsu's eyes rolled up.

She was actually directly frightened and fainted.

Ling Qingxue, oh no, now it should be Su Chen who twitched the corners of his mouth, feeling a little helpless.

Is it really that scary?

Su Chen lowered his head slightly and looked at his white and tender hands.

What a beautiful look.

Is it really that scary?

Su Chen's eyes turned slightly, looking at the dozen or so flame lion soul beasts that were still attacking the bus outside the window, and a dangerous smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

He has been the Lord of the Black Shadow Kingdom for so long, but he has never taken action.

Today is just the right time to practice with them.

Su Chen controlled Ling Qingxue's body and said to the driver: "Open the door."

The driver was stiff all over, and felt as if his eardrum was pierced by a sharp thorn, which was so painful that he could not bear it.

The two words "open the door" that he often heard at ordinary times seemed like the sound of death at this time.

"Please open the door, thank you." Su Chen smiled slightly, very politely.

The driver came to his senses and did not dare to delay. Almost instinctively, he opened the door of the bus.

Su Chen nodded slightly and turned to walk towards the door of the bus.

Wherever he passed, all the passengers were so scared that their bodies were stiff and their hair stood on end.

The shouts and cries for help were silent, and the whole carriage was silent, leaving only Su Chen's light footsteps.




One after another, echoing throughout the carriage.

Everyone's heart beat along with it, and they even suspected that if the footsteps stopped, their hearts would stop as well...

Su Chen walked out of the car door.

Looking at the dozen or so Flame Lion Soul Beasts outside.

He walked towards them step by step.

All the Flame Lion Soul Beasts that were attacking suddenly stopped their actions and looked at Su Chen stupidly.

It was still daytime at this time.

But they felt that

it was dark.


I had something to do today, so I went back to my hometown. I took a day off and updated twice for now, and will resume three times tomorrow.

Muah! (๑> ₃ <)۶~

(By the way, I want a small gift, free of charge, please please-

ጿ ኈ ቼ ዽ ጿ ኈ ቼ ዽ ጿ ኈ ቼ ዽ ጿ ኈ ቼ ዽ ጿ ኈ ቼ ዽ ጿ ኈ ቼ ዽ ጿ ኈ ቼ ዽ ጿጿ ኈ ቼ ዽ

I'll show you my dancing talent, _| ̄|○)

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