The Game Touches Reality

Chapter 181: Frontline camp

The underground people in the underground forest are not the underground people miners before, but the underground people fighters.

Compared with the miner, the soldier's attribute is obviously stronger by two points. The weapons are not simple stone tools, but carefully polished copper weapons.

However, although the enemy has become stronger, another person on Yu Tu's side has been strengthened.

"Hehe, I don't know what effect this will have. Everything will grow!"

Yu Shuang raised his staff, and the green brilliance fell around. Before the underground warriors could react, the surrounding trees began to riot.

Several trees close to the underground people exploded directly, and all the poisonous fog inside hit the faces of the underground soldiers.

Even with a high amount of poison resistance, the underground warriors were still paralyzed by the poisonous mist. In an instant, most of the enemies lost their combat effectiveness.

Then, a large number of blood-sucking vines emerged from the ground, restraining the enemy while still sucking the enemy's vitality.

Yu Tu and Aiwen immediately followed the attack. In less than five minutes, thirty underground warriors were resolved without even moving.

After solving these monsters, Yu Shuang's level has been improved, and his combat effectiveness has been further strengthened. The two cleared up valuable drops and quickly left the battlefield.

But even so, they were still besieged by underground people.

I don't know why, the enemy always seems to be able to accurately locate the two of them. Every time, nearly 30 people encircled and suppressed, and the frequency is getting faster and faster.

Enemies encircled and suppressed are not mere soldiers. There are archers, berserkers, and knights. The only good news is that this race seems to have no spellcasters.

Solved another group of chasing soldiers. The two drank the potion and began to evacuate without even picking it up. According to previous experience, within five minutes, the next team of enemies will definitely appear.

After another run, the two stopped.

In front of them, stood a group of underground people. There are various occupations, and the number cannot be judged temporarily. The two underground people who took the lead were tall, holding enchanted weapons. Also wearing a scale armor with higher defense power, it is an elite monster that has reached level 35-the captain of the underground hunting.

"Trouble, Yu Shuang, you may need to resurrect me later."

"Don't worry. I understand."

Preemptive strike. Yu Tu took the lead in hitting gravitational destruction, disrupting the enemy's formation. Yu Shuang behind him immediately cast auxiliary magic, and the plants summoned by the growth of all things quickly built a defensive circle, and the surrounding trees were also ready to move, ready to explode.


After being attacked, the opponent immediately launched a counterattack. Melee rushed forward frantically, and the shooter behind kept throwing. Simply, there are not many shooters, and Yu Tu can still escape.


"All right!"

A small flame dragon had already condensed around Aiwen, and a wave of hot flames surged toward the enemy.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!) At this time, the trees within the flame range exploded.

When the poisonous mist in the trees touched the flames, it exploded directly, exploding the stunned people from the underground people passing by, into a dizzy state.

When the flame ended, Yu Tu rushed up to meet the enemy. Now, the underground people were all stunned by the explosion just now, and they were simply lambs to be slaughtered.

Yu Tu aims at one of the elites. Death gaze, spell enhancement, and extreme shooting are on. The instant stab followed the fierce cross kick into the air and started shooting.

When it was about to land, the air bomb continued to float in the air and hit combos.

When the other hunting captain rushed over to support his companion, Yu Tu had already finished the battle. Death Gaze For such an elite monster, it only needs to be triggered once to complete the kill.

After solving an enemy leader, Yu Tu avoided another hunting captain's attack and turned to clear the mobs.

Compared with these underground people, Yu Tu's speed advantage is very obvious. In addition to the effect of trampling, Yu Tu can wreak havoc among the monsters. However, even so, it is impossible to completely avoid all attacks.

Yu Tu could only avoid the enemy's attack as much as possible, and most importantly, not let the hunting captain touch him.

With the effect of the potion, Yu Tu estimated that he should be able to hold it for five minutes. This period of time was enough for him to solve all the shooters, adding a few Berserkers at most. Mainly the magic value can't keep up.

"Damn it, is there no other way?"

Yu Tu pondered how to break the game. After entering the enemy camp, he has figured out the number of enemies. Sixty underground people are definitely not what he can eat. Perhaps in conjunction with Aiwen's next flame dragon destruction, another hunting captain can be killed, but the remaining monsters are also very troublesome.

Before Yu Tu could think of a way, other movements came from behind the monster.

"Damn it, it's been too long, has the enemy's support come? I can only find a way to escape."

Yu Tu, who had already begun to think about retreating, suddenly saw the underground hunting captain starting to direct his personnel to the rear.

"What's the matter? Greet your teammates? No, there shouldn't be such a stupid setting. So, this is someone who is on guard. Is it your own?"

Yu Tu looked for an opportunity to open the system map. They are now not far from the front camp. The soldiers in the camp may indeed come here.

Ten seconds later, the underground man was about to fight with the incoming person.

Seeing that it was his own person, Yu Tu immediately changed his fighting style. Abandoning the killing of ordinary underground people, he turned to face the underground people hunting captain.

The hunting captain is indeed much better than ordinary underground people. But it is not difficult for Yu Tu to solve it. It just takes a little more time.

With the recovery of most of Aiwen, Yu Tu successfully killed the second hunting captain two minutes later.

After losing the boss, the remaining underground people began to have chaos. The army coming to support from the rear immediately seized the opportunity and cooperated with Yu Tu to encircle and suppress this group of underground people.

After the battle, Yu Tu saw the people coming to support. Not the npc army he imagined, but ten players. Looking at the prefix, it should be a player called the Eden Guild.

The other party looked at Yu Tu and walked out a representative. ID David of Eden.

"Brother, it's okay for us to have these drops? The two elites count on you."

"Yes, you take the elite too. We don't want it. Thank you for your help."

"Haha, nothing. After all, it's a cooperative task, just work hard together. It should be the first time to see you. Walk in that direction, and you can see the camp set up by the npc within 800 meters. Where to go Replenish it. You can still receive cyclic tasks inside."

"Thank you."

Yu Tu pulled Yu Shuang and left directly.

Yu Shuang didn't say much. Under normal circumstances, it is Yu Tu who decides the intersection with other players.

Following the direction David said, the two quickly saw the outline of the camp. Although this distance should be considered safe, Yu Tu still asked to get to the camp quickly.

Crossing a stream, the two officially reached the frontline camp.

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