The Game Touches Reality

Chapter 903: Seventh King City

When Yu Tu left the holy mountain. With just one step out, he returned directly to the starting point. The sun has not yet risen, and in the camp set up by Yu Shuang and Jue, the remains of the bonfire are still smoking.

Vigil immediately stood up, saluting like Yu Tu.

"How long have I been away?"

"Almost sixteen hours."

Yu Tu breathed a sigh of relief. He was really afraid that he wasted a few days in Tianti Mountain. This mountaineering, Yu Tu's improvement is still great. His soul perception has expanded to a radius of 150 meters. A single direction can exceed two kilometers.

And the biggest gain is not the God-given holy scripture, but the understanding of the end, or the rules of death, when the withered God is resurrected.

Now Yu Tu can add his own understanding of the rules of death when attacking. It is impossible to make every shot that has the same effect as the gaze of death. But it can target some specific enemies. For example, the undead.

After resting in the camp for a while, when Yu Shuang woke up, they set off again.

With the golden ladybug guide, there is no need to worry about getting lost. This is also something the gods give freely.

Their ultimate goal this time is to find the Seventh King City. Even if Misyitar cannot be persuaded, he must open the connection circle between the king city and other king cities.

Yu Tu is now clear. The seven king cities of Saslow are combined to form the complete King City of Sasrow. Indispensable. And this necromantic attack was also a severe test for King City. Although in the royal city that has been acquired, only the prison city has no self-detonation ability. But who can guarantee that the Seventh King City will have the ability to resist? There is only one army in the Seventh Royal City. The manpower is not even comparable to the prison city.

Yu Tu and the others never encountered an attack in the mountains. Walked out of the mountains three days later.

There are only a few days away from the royal city.

The location of the Seventh King City is located in a forest. The concealment is different from other royal cities. The Seventh Royal City is similar to the legendary existence in the forest. Even some players have discovered the royal city.

These are all messages derived from the comparison of information. Although many people have encountered the Seventh King City. No one can enter.

The royal city is like being isolated from reality, like a phantom, refusing everyone to enter.

Of course, Yu Tu and the others came here with preparations.

The seventh royal city is the most important part of the royal city. The protection is definitely not just the team of elite fighters. There are three defense systems in the Seventh Royal City. And the first one is the illusory enchantment.

The location of the king city and the corresponding time and space in the different world are switched. The real royal city is isolated from reality and staying in another world. The projection of the main world is just to determine the anchor point of the king's city. Prevent the separation of the other world from the main world and the loss of the king's city.

There are two ways to enter the royal city. Open the barrier inside the king city. Or use heraldic shuttle.

The second point is not a problem for Saslow’s people. Next, Yu Tu and the others only need to find the royal city.

Originally, it would be a waste of time to find the king city in the forest. Although there is a phantom composed of anchor points. But the real coordinate is not a point, but an area.

Fortunately, Orion generously gave the golden ladybug to Yu Tu.

This golden ladybug is similar to the compass used by the wandering businessman Jack. You can specify goals and guide them. However, the guiding effect of this golden ladybug is much stronger than that of the compass.

The golden ladybug twisted its **** in the forest. Take Yu Tu and others in a circle in the forest. Perfectly avoid predators on the road.

Even the dead spirits will be perceived by the little guy and avoid them.

Of course, Yu Tu will not relax his vigilance. The two elves fell on their shoulders, watching the surrounding environment vigilantly in accordance with their perception. After many attacks, Yu Tu has already understood that perception should never be used as a foolproof method. There are many enemies that can block perception. If you are in a dangerous place, you must be aware of being in a dangerous place.

Fortunately, they did not encounter any accidents this time.

Next to a lake, they saw the Seventh King City.

The gold color scheme is completely different from other royal cities. Various magical elements flowed on the surface. The protection of this royal city was stronger than Yu Tu had imagined.

Take out the coat of arms and shuttle. The three of them walked towards the royal city.

The outer magical protection caused ripples, and the three of them seemed to dive into the water.

The heavy feeling makes people uncomfortable, and the magic elements rushing from all directions are like waves, washing the bodies of the three.

I felt that the first one couldn't support it, was squeezed out of space by the flow of magical power, and returned to reality.

He also did not try to enter again. After waiting for a while, he began to clean up the camp, waiting for Yu Tu and Yu Shuang to return.

Both Yu Tu and Yu Shuang successfully crossed the barrier.

Later, they saw the real Seventh King City. A city located in a dark purple space. It was exactly the same as the phantom outside. When they got closer, Yu Tu and the others discovered that the gem-like decorations were just nodes of a magic circle. Under the extravagant camouflage, it is the defense of the city wall armed to the extreme.

Yu Shuang asked, "So, how do we get in? Shall we just call the door?"

"It shouldn't be necessary. We came in but passed through the defensive barrier. The other party should be able to feel it."

"You are right, I feel it."

The crisp voice is a bit immature. Yu Tu and the two looked at the visitor.

The tall city gate opened a gap for two people to pass through. A petite figure dressed in black stood in the gap with her waist inserted, looking at the two with an unhappy expression.

The height is 1.6 meters, but the sole is close to 15 cm. The breath on the body is very weak. The silver-white double ponytail hairstyle makes her look like a child. However, that mature face clearly put her in the perspective of an adult.

The most critical point. She is a living person.

"Miss Itar?"

The girl squinted her eyes and said in dissatisfaction: "You should call me His Royal Highness Mis Itar. Could it be that after a thousand years, Saslow's class rules don't exist?"

Yu Tu raised his eyebrows and said, "It hasn't changed. However, I don't think that as a king, I need to use honorifics to you."

"What? You are the king? What about that old man!"

Misyitar appeared in front of Yu Tu in the blink of an eye, and a pitch-black dagger fell directly on Yu Tu's throat.

Yu Tu's expression remained unchanged and said: "We can talk about this slowly. There is no need to meet to be so angry. Anyway, I also represent Saslow.

Miesitar curled his lips and said coldly: "This kind of tone is the most annoying for you. Take the gun away."


The two men recovered their weapons at the same time. The atmosphere has become much more relaxed.

Miesitar turned and said, "If you have the courage, follow me into the city."

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