The Game Touches Reality

Chapter 996: Return of God and Coronation of New God

Tiannu, the **** of dreams, the **** of other worlds, the **** of planes. A powerful **** who controls the void. Once, he couldn't interfere with Esopama, like a shadow, taking care of the void.

But the invasion of the abyss broke the boundary between Void Space and Esopama. The void space began to affect the main world. In order to avoid the complete fusion of Esopama and the void, after the final battle, Tiannu banished the void and also banished himself.

Although so, he retained the coordinates of Esopama. He knew that the abyss would come again. Ready to return at any time.

Not long ago, he received a message from Orion. There is a very important thing, he must come back and participate in it.

When he was about to arrive, he felt the remaining breath of the abyss lord and the breath of strange gods. Only then did he meet Aisa.

Facing Tiannu, Aisa salutes respectfully. But Tian Nu gently turned sideways and stepped away.

"Now you don't need to salute anyone. You are the new **** who got the opportunity because of this disaster. As a companion, we will welcome you."

"Me? I'm just a person who has abandoned his faith. Even, because of me, caused the disaster in Esopama. Now, I just want to make up for my fault."

"Everyone makes mistakes. The same goes for God. We are just people who have mastered the rules. Everyone has a mistake. Keeping a useful body is more useful than death. Let's go, you are not important Is there anything to do?"

Seeing Tiannu's stretched out hand, Aisa hesitated and shook it.

In an instant, it looked like thousands of years. When they let go of their hands, Aisa had already returned to the broken world.

"Let's go, the world is waiting for us."

Although he said that, Tiannu showed no signs of moving. Instead, he pushed Aisa gently.

Aisa directly passed through the barriers of the world and returned to where she left off.

The passage is still there, and the land destroyed by the Lord of Destruction is still there. It does not seem to have changed. At least, the abyss hasn't had time to gather more dead spirits to come over.

When Aisa appeared, the Eye of the Abyss contracted obviously.

Isa caught this point.

"It turns out that you also have emotions."

The corners of Aisa's mouth slightly cocked and raised his hand.

After returning to Esoparma, Aisa clearly felt that his lost power was quickly recovering. The damage to the body is also disappearing at an extremely fast speed.

This is the right granted by the world to God. This means that Esopama recognized Aisa, the identity of God. This is not an ordinary thing. As I said before, there is a clear gap between the Seventeen Gods and the God Level. The most important point is the recognition of the world.

Aisa himself couldn't tell this feeling. But she knows that she can do what she wants to do now. No need to bear any consequences.

Following Aisa's movements, the entire birthplace of the undead began to shake.

The wreckage of the magic circle used to restrain the death giant was refined, and it changed continuously as it moved.

A magic circle capable of spreading the entire birthplace of the undead was forcibly suppressed to a range of 100 meters. Firmly engraved on the channel of the abyss.

The Eye of the Abyss showed a clear unwilling look, and then returned to peace. After taking a deep look at Aisha, he slowly closed and disappeared.

The passage between the world and the abyss is also disconnected.

This is not over yet. Space fragmentation still exists. There is no guarantee that the abyss will not find other cracks.

Aisha took a deep breath and began to spread his strength. Ten minutes later, the entire birthplace of the dead began to move.

Aisa lifted up the birthplace of the entire necromancer by himself. She regards her birthplace as a material to make up for the space and fill the void in the world.

After all this was done, the area where the undead was born began to be repaired under the rules of the world and gradually disappeared. After a while, it will become an ordinary piece of land. The undead also officially withdrew from the stage of history. They will no longer have the opportunity to start a war.

After doing all this, Aisa looked at his hands and understood what Tiannu meant.

The world began to cheer. Although there is no sound, every life can feel the joy conveyed by the world.

The sky above Aisha became extremely clear, the emptiness of the holy mountain stayed on the horizon, and twelve shadows could be clearly seen.

There are people and beasts. No need to prompt, Aisa also knows that it is the gods. They are waiting for their arrival.

The power of death and the power of life appeared at the same time, coming from all over the world. In front of Aisa, the two became one, turning into a new force.

This is the key to her becoming a god. Her power is not limited to simple life or death. It is a combination of the two. Life and death are interdependent and transform. She has undergone many life and death transformations, allowing her to master the power beyond a single life and death.

Named the power of reincarnation.

A ladder composed of the power of reincarnation was laid in front of Aisa. No need to hesitate, no need to hesitate.

Aisa stepped up the stairs, changing her body every step of the way. With each step taken, the death giant's consciousness will weaken by one point, and her fit with the body will increase by one point.

When she came to the top of the sacred mountain, the necromancer named Aisa had disappeared, replaced by a **** named Aisa.

The **** of reincarnation-Aisha Batu.

On the holy mountain, the waiting gods smiled and sent their own blessings.

"In the name of Orion, welcome the arrival of the God of Reincarnation."

"In the name of Yulin, welcome the arrival of the **** of reincarnation."

"Hahaha, in the name of Batu, welcome the arrival of the **** of reincarnation, well done."



The gods gave blessings, and Aisa responded to the gods. Starting today, Esopama has ushered in his eighteenth god. The vacant force has been made up.

The mainland, because of the birth of the new god, has fallen into a carnival.

The crisis of the undead was lifted, and a new **** was born. Everything is moving in a good direction.

On the periphery of the birthplace, I saw the Yu Tu of the whole process, turned and left with a smile.

Although it is impossible to change the fact that Akasso is gone, at least, Aisa's ending is not bad.

When the matter is over, he should go back and think of ways to improve himself.

Not every time, there is such luck. Tier 5 is still too weak after all. Yu Tu guessed that next, the world should enter a period of empty window. That is the best stage for him to improve himself.

After all, next, it is time to face the abyss. From this attack, it is not difficult to see that the abyss has been preparing for this war for a long time.

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