The Game Warrior

Chapter 194: Jinfeng Yulu 1 meets

The sixth fireworks in March, the 194th chapter of Yangzhou in Jinzhou, where Jinfeng Yulu met "six pieces." Du Guhong's expressionless expression turned over the inventory.

"Why !?" Huang Rong couldn't shut his mouth. "I got four and thought I had broken the record ..."

Basically, the card that ordinary players get after completing this task is one card per person, and Huang Rong's record-breaking four cards is no exaggeration.

"A total of ten pieces together, I have been able to change something. I didn't expect it ..." Shen Rong Huang Rong looked up at Du Guhong hopefully. "Do you have something you want to change?"

Butterflies are just two people who can complete the task together. They cannot be traded. If you do n’t get tired enough, the next Valentine ’s Day lover will also change. Then the original card is considered in vain.

Someone once protested the sixth night company's promise that this is to teach people to learn to be single.

Butterfly card can't trade what it gets in exchange for the same card. If not, Huang Rong doesn't have to be so pitiful to see Du Guhong. She does have what she wants and the whole game can only be obtained by this method.

There are many things that can be exchanged for cards. It is said that if you have enough of them, you can even get a top-level "Butterfly Dance" secret to permanently master the meaning of "Butterfly Dance".

"Go for it." Du Guhong handed the cards over to Huang Rong. How could a small abacus escape his calculation? Naturally, the score "Liang Zhu": the high-end melody.

The experience of this mission has been quite expensive and does not say "butterfly dance" buff "i.e. state" and "Liang Zhu" is the experience of hacking ghost soldiers alone, not to mention there are several kinds of drops-

A bowl of Meng Po soup: poison can let all the tasks and related items off the body. Directly equivalent to one death is really insidious.

Soul Criticism Two: the black and white impermanence of things written on the dead, the earthly **** of the dead can hold a series of mission books on it, so even the death bond cannot be eliminated.

For the players in the rivers and lakes, this is almost equivalent to the death-free gold medal. Unfortunately, it is impossible to trade and only save one task at a time and consume one at a time.

These are naturally good things, but the more the Valentine's Day task has been done, the smaller the chance of these things falling. Du Guhong is the first time to do it, so everything will fall. Next time, there will be no such luck next time. Too.

In addition to Meng Po Tang's criticism, there are a lot of scrap copper and iron. Not only did they not describe each one of them, but they didn't waste that time, and there were three tasks.

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After all, this series of Valentine's Day tasks test the degree of understanding between men and women. When you need real effort, you can get through with less cooperation. Some even pure puzzle games only enlarge the scene characters and then Just settled in the background.

The mission of the White Snake is to break through the Leifeng Tower to see the name. The murderous in fact is to fight against the monks in the 12th floor.

Each monk asks different ways and questions. Some of them, such as quiz, are purely brain teasers, and even one person blindfolds another head to make small games like vocabulary guessing.

Using this kind of thing to make Du Guhong almost hit the gun and hit the twelve-story pagoda for half an hour, he completely dumped Bai Niangzi and Xu Xian's family to reunite Fahai and spit blood to death. Needless to say.

The twelve monks who were very rich in harvest were each equivalent to a monster with the same level of experience.

In addition, the two also got their wish. The buff named "Shuimanjinshan" will add a little water damage to the ordinary attack in the next six months. The Duguhong attack was originally brought to the natural icing on the cake. This is also the reason for the second mission. .

The crab card for customs clearance was replaced by Huang Rong with rare herbal patterns and several rare herbs. Her herb-picking level was already not low and she walked along the side of the Yangtze River only to realize that the world is the only one she owns.

As for the next Magpie Club, it is the puzzle game mentioned earlier.

The two people started playing the Magpie Bridge from the two sides of the river. It is basically a small game similar to Tetris. The neat line will be transformed into the Magpie Bridge, but it will also cause trouble to the teammates on the other side. The trick is that you ca n’t rush. Go to the middle of the river and finish the bridge.

The reward for this task is nothing worth saying. The buff that lasts for half a year is to increase the upper limit of planting and tailoring skills. Each of the two people is not a waste. It is just a few dollars for the magpie. Yun Xiajin is also worth mentioning. This is a very advanced fabric Female players like to use skirts and clothing to sell some silver.

The last Baolian lantern mission was another tough battle where two people had to kill the endless sky soldiers and hack the Huashan side by side to rescue the Three Madonnas.

The process of the entire mission is similar to that of Liang Zhuxiang, but there is a slight difference in details.It is no longer that the two are armoring each other, but whether Tianbingtianjiang or Huashan Shiyan will only be damaged if they withstand the simultaneous attack of two people, otherwise the difficulty will be invalid. It's bigger than Liang Zhu ~ ~ Since you need to kill monsters and drop a lot of the last buff, both of them also like it-the attack damage will increase by 5% in the next six months.

It's just that he is hesitant to change the card in his hand. In the end, he changed a Baolian lamp-daily appliances are waterproof, windproof, black, sunscreen ...

After finishing the four tasks in one breath, it was still early but very early. Two people finally had free time and started to sort out the loot. The sword and halberd are said to also have Tianhe Xingsha from the magpie ...

Du Guhong Ren Huang Rong said that there are a lot of these things that are actually small fortunes. If the amount of good things is definitely less, it will definitely not be a big game company. It has always been balanced. He has long seen it. .

At this moment, his spirit was completely concentrated in his body, and focused on the burst of the moment when he volleyed to the inside of the body ...

He didn't pay attention to the nearest fireflies in the air, and the nearest ones suddenly changed their direction and flew towards them both.

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