The Game Warrior

Chapter 217: Zhuge Fired Gourd Valley

The sixth fireworks in March, the 217th chapter of Yangzhou in Zhuzhou

A group of people saw Du Guhong's innocent expression, recalling the knight's words, there was a burst of laughter at once, and immediately threw the rules and regulations of Lin Linmo into the side.

How can Du Guhong turn around and of course turn around and run away.

You Gu is deep and tortuous. A group of people hurriedly chased the leaves and leaves. It was like falling leaves in the late autumn. It was like the duel on the TV did not start.

It's just that these people thought Du Guhong so well that they could ask for help in front of Tang Chunyu, and where they could look at the unusually long queue around them, they were pulled into the valley unsuspectingly.

Knowing the situation inside, Tang Chunyu has not been broken by hatred. She first divided dozens of people to let them go around to see if there is a way out so that when Du Guhong escaped, he could block a little and then entered with the big team.

At this time, you are still playing the game of chasing me in front of the queue. No one noticed why this time Du Guhong's escape will be slower.

If you look down from above, you can see that the entire valley seems to have turned into a tens of feet long grass chasing teeth and chasing behind Du Guhong.

When he turned another corner and ran for less than two steps to chase his soldiers, he suddenly stopped. Du Guhong was still running and chasing the soldiers. The team continued to just hit the front wall and had to stop to ask what had happened.

"Dead road! Dead road ahead! Haha, this kid is in a dead end ..." The people in front finally couldn't help but laughed through the whole team with a laugh, and then the wall slowly approached Du Guhong.

This approach is not the same as just now. These people arm in arm and arm tightly formed a chain. This is to learn from the experience of the last failure. They do n’t know that the game designer changed it to close to Lingbo Weibu original. A teleportation technique thought that this would stop Du Guhong.

But it doesn't matter if you can't stop it.

At this moment, Du Guhong had ran to the foot of the cliff and had to turn back because of nowhere to go. He leaned back against the mountain wall as if the pure deer trembling at the foot of the tiger leopard seemed to be innocent girl who was about to be turned. How poorly cowardly and how timid.

Even Tang Chunyu squeezed from the crowd suddenly felt a little soft-hearted and wondered if he was too much. Du Guhong said that it seemed right. The two actually had no grievances, but he was so angry that he calculated him to get the task props in vain. already……

Tang Chunyu is still pondering the huge beast composed of nearly a thousand people, but his mouth has been opened and his claws are slowly approaching the mountain wall. Seeing that he will swallow the prey, this time the prey that should be begging for mercy under the claw suddenly smiled. The mysterious hidden mystery of a smile is no less than that of a thousand people gathered.

Not all of the nearly 1,000 people were confused by Du Guhong's acting skills. At this time, someone finally asked, "Where is there another woman?"

Du Guhong's smile was even stronger. The reason why he laughed just now was that Huang Rong, who was hiding behind the fence above the cave entrance, signaled that the tail of the enemy team had all entered the valley and there were only three kittens or two barbecue parties remaining ... You can start the bird!

In the long laugh of "Close the door! Let go of the dog", Du Guhong recruited his legs and passed the yin and yang stilts in an instant, plus the agile explosion. The first jump was the effect of the "Butterfly Dancing" on the left and right. The second jump of the instep is half a second, almost in the blink of an eye.

These people looked up innocently, wondering and wondering when Du Guhong fell down, how should the fastest frequency of the hidden weapon nail him as a hedgehog, so he would not run again, and the second jump of Du Guhong in the air just jumped out of the sleeve just now. The weird hook on the front of the long cable grabs the rock wall firmly.

The force is bursting! Du Guhong used his hook claws to pull it up and then climbed up to the bottom of the feet. Only then did the rock wall be five or six feet high from the ground, and a long rope was hung early. Dinghang will come down and just met Du Guhong, looking at the excitement of nearly a thousand people, but there is no one.

The conspiracy ‘trick’ as soon as a person wakes up like a dream and finally smells an unusual taste.

It's a pity that it's too late ...

Chaos has spread from the place where a man entered the valley ...

Almost as soon as the former team was shocked by Du Guhong's intrepidity, the back team chasing was almost deafened by a loud noise-Huang Rong cut off the rope that lifted the fence.

When they recovered, the only exit was to close the portal to them. A heavy fence fell from the sky and smashed into the ground to block the Leopard Cave passage.

The wood of this fence is extremely thick and very fine. It is made of good materials. The system gate does not seem to be so extravagant. It can be seen that this door will not be picked up at one and a half times. But this is not the most important. There are also countless dead branches and fur leaves ...

The problem is that it is mixed with spicy fire.

After a winter of wind and rain, the sun has exposed these branches and leaves that have decayed and are easier to light than gunpowder powder. Moreover, the deliberately and unintentionally added so much fierceness in the fire almost burst into flames. UU reading

Suddenly, the thick smoke billowed into the heat and the red flames could almost lick Huang Rong's toes ten feet above.

Before anyone could wake up from this mutation, the fire dragon had spread along the valley line and the ground was full of flammable things. The fire tongue was cheering and leaping into the canyon.

If you look down from above at this time, it is simply a shot of thousands of people chasing Du Guhong, but the dead grass branches that the grass dragon turns into the fire dragon fly into a torrent of lava boiling.

The torrential torrent instantly transformed the entire leopard garden into a lava city.

More than a thousand people are flying and flying, although this is a sensory stimulation of the game, it has been reduced by several orders of magnitude.After all, it is alive and burned by fire.It is hot and painful, not to mention how ugly it would be when burnt to death ...

These are all beautiful girls, although they are not as soft as they are when chasing Du Guhong. This may destroy the broken phase. One by one, the ants on the hot pot began to flee.

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