The Game Warrior

Chapter 302: Repeatedly defeated repeatedly

The sixth fireworks in March, Yangzhou, Chapter 302, repeated battles and repeated defeats and repeated defeats are the so-called first impressions of people. The impressions formed after the first contact with unfamiliar things. Impressions summarize and classify things and make inferences or make judgments.

Therefore, in the process of Huang Rong gradually instilling the content of the plan into Du Guhong, Guo Pingrong met before and revealed that he was **** and said that he used to play Du Guhong in the past. This was just to give Du Guhong a strong first impression.

Of course, if this first impression played a role, it would be better if Du Guhong and Shui Qiang did n’t get the chance to meet in the final, but if both failed, Huang Rong would have to find an opportunity to come. Du Guhong stated the rest.

Under the strong first impression, the fact that the ability person can compress is the fact that the five-element team itself is the special service group a, so it becomes a matter of course that Huang Rong ’s unbearable sympathy, Du Guhong, will never think of her being persecuted. Facts ...

If the order of statements is reversed, the power compression, the secret service group A, and then the homosexuality will be considered as facts. Even if the other party is the fact, the other party will suspect that the latter is simply an obscenity made up by Huang Rong.

That's where the subtle difference between the words "repeated defeats repeated battles repeated battles repeated defeats" and "repetitive defeats repeated battles repeated defeats repeated battles".

I can think of such a plan, but Du Guhong thinks that Huang Rong can be regarded as well-intentioned! Compressed in advance? Ability? Special service group A? Team? ......

Ren Duguhong's wisdom suddenly got such unexpected news and he had to digest it well. If he was a heartless and stubborn man, he might be stunned, but the smarter this kind of thing, the more people can think of it. .

Get acquainted with Huang Rong's acquaintance, the romantic style of the 25,000-mile Long March Hawaiian Beach from Chengdu City to Yangzhou City and what she said to herself repeatedly afterwards ...

Suddenly, countless pictures and thoughts flashed in Du Guhong's mind.

He stared at Huang Rong's spear across the air as if it had become a statue until a Japanese pirate slashed a knife on his junior. He blinked his eyes before finally recalling his soul-wandering consciousness.

Huang Rong's voice is still cold: "I thought you had no chance to come today. Since you are also a power person, you should know that there are things in this world that cannot be explained."

"There is exactly one person in our team whose ability is to crack such a maze ..."

Huang Rong explained blankly on Du Guhong's face but with a smile on his face: "You made a mistake ..."

Huang Rong did make a mistake. She only knew that the first impression would induce a wrong impression and form a deep-rooted judgment, but she didn't know that the first impression was due to human emotions.

When you are angry, you do n’t look at anything, when you are anxious, when you are in anger, when the plants are calm, when the plants are calm, it seems that the temperature will drop a few degrees ... All kinds of strong emotions and all kinds of first impressions are actually essentially The same exists.

This kind of thing may have an effect on 99.9999% of human beings, but Duguhong is not eating it.

In his eyes, these two sentences are the same: "failures and battles"

Of course he also knows that these two sentences are different in the eyes of others.

Combining Huang Rong's words just now, Huang Rong's pains and sorrows have emerged from the past one by one in Du Guhong's eyes ...

"If you really want to drive me away, you should make the most natural move according to your emotions." Huang Rongcai's slightly stunned kung fu had a pair of arms that were not stout but extremely stubborn, and also passed on the back of the arm. Here comes the long-standing temperature.

Du Guhong's voice rang in her ears: "What you said just now is much better as a reason to break up than the last **** story. Generally speaking, people always pick the most powerful or the most powerful ones when looking for reasons. It's easy to say ... and then it's the next level. "

"The reason for homosexuality should never appear before the power in any way ... but why is it the reverse when you come here? You give me a reason? Or let me guess it myself ..."

"What's the difference between the two one after the other? The biggest difference should of course be ..." Du Guhong's speculation on the first impression was interrupted by Huang Rong before he finished speaking. "Don't talk anymore!"

The girl shuddered with tears in her face: "What's the use even if you know it? Since you are so clever, you should understand the ability of the Secret Service Group A. What can you do? Can you rescue me in reality?"

"Do n’t look at it here is just a game. If you let them know that you have abilities, they can also find your place in reality through the game. You do n’t even need to apply for permission from the Sixth Night Company. The guy called password that you have ever seen has the ability to Even the quantum barrier cannot stop him from cracking the network password. "

"Is there any other way? Or ... you also join the dirty, perverted, abusive Secret Service A group? That is useless and not to mention how many opportunities you have to join. The woman with a narrow mind must be reported in the Secret Service A group. Zhang Yangba is not relying on her ability at all ~ ~ Can you have a five-star admiral? "

"If not ... then even if you are strong, you can only listen to her!"

After saying so much in a breath, Huang Rong seemed to finally let out the depressed voice in his heart and gradually lowered: "Although she dominated me, I was finally good to me and even saved my life. I am not forced to be with her. It ’s already the best luck for someone who has the potential for power but ca n’t excite it anyway. ”

"... Forget me, it's just a game, you just think of it as a dream. When you wake up, you don't have to worry about what you see in your dream."

"How can I not care! Where did you tell me that I must have a way to rescue you ..."

"No need to be so troublesome!" Du Guhong grabbed Huang Rong's shoulder and was about to persuade a burst of female voice from the air. The water witch came from the air and didn't know how long it was. The wall root finally couldn't help jumping out and slowly drifting towards the two standing The roof "Look at the fact that you have not forgotten my kindness. I will give you a chance. As long as he wins me, I will fulfill you."

Water Rose pointed at Du Guhong to Huang Rong.

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