The Game Warrior

Vol 2 Chapter 13: Clue new machine

The tenth battle is in the ivory tower. Chapter 13 The clue new machine, but the confession agent is of course ineffective. The two met when they first met. Du Guhong is quite sure that the explosive treatment is enough to resist the two breathing toxins. As for further body fluids or keratin Can't be sure anymore.

Fortunately, burst medical treatment is also a kind of internal explosion that does not reveal the slightest flaws. There is no need to worry about being exposed.

Of course, Du Guhong can't allow these people to read his own memories, although this matter has nothing to do with him. In case the torture expert here asks him his secret, it's not easy to handle ...

Not even at all but for sure otherwise they would not be torture experts.

Involuntary inquiries about the results are hard to predict.

"Huh?" Looking at Du Guhong's back figure that disappeared around the corner, the poisonous girl's face lightly puzzled her face and seemed to have appeared that the toxin had no effect on Du Guhong.

But whether you know it or not, Du Guhong's ability to have an opinion and explode in the heart has to be concealed as to resist toxins. It seems irrelevant.

"That person's back is so familiar?" Compared with the poisonous female bubble, the sigh is completely different, but it makes the whole body of Du Guhong who heard the sigh shock: the group of people in the special a group can't be underestimated. One accidentally said I might be caught in it and I can't help myself ...


trial room.

It ’s as small and shabby as it is often played on TV, except for the people who look at each side of the light desk and chair monitor.

Two guards with guns at the door stood quietly outside the door. There were more than a dozen guards at the gate.

On the right side of the envisioned spouse opposite Du Guhong, the right side is an old acquaintance of the National Security Bureau who is in the same car all the way to the left. On the left side is a stranger.

However, according to Du Guhong's observation that strange talents are more dominant than the other three.

"Name?" "Du Guhong."

"Sex: Male."

"Age?" "Eighteen."


It's still this extremely boring opening speech. Du Guhong forced his brain to maintain a certain movement while responding honestly while thinking about the opposite side in his heart. Is this really a mind reader? How can it not feel at all?

A sound of temptation rang in his ears between doubts: "Look at my eyes!" Is the center of the powers.

Although the specific questioning process of the highest status of ordinary people on the left is clearly dominated by the abilities.

From now to now, his voice is full of unclear and unclear smells, making Qian unable to listen to it and following his words involuntarily.

Du Guhong raised his head, and he paired up with the other pair of pupils. In Du Guhong's eyes, the pupils suddenly turned into two vortices and kept spinning in front of his eyes.

This turned out to be not a mind reader but a hypnotist Du Guhong suddenly realized.

It seems that even the people in the special a group of the headquarters of the police can't easily show their abilities in front of ordinary people, and they can make tricks.

It was as if the poison girl and the bubble were standing there as if nothing had happened. It seems like a pair of ordinary sisters. Although their ordinary appearance in this place is more conspicuous and conspicuous, it is undeniable that their practice is to hide the tracks.

At this moment, it is not the mind reader but the hypnotist that is also the reason why the confession agent plus the hypnotist is also a very good interrogation combination.

In particular, hypnosis does not exist for the abilities and ordinary people. The difference between the barriers that the abilities have and the ordinary people does not is the hypnotic effect and the degree of cast, and naturally it will not reveal the identity of the abilities.

But that is all ...

In the miraculous gaze of the power man, Du Guhong easily deflected his head to free his gaze from the whirlpool and laughed dumbly: "Sorry hypnosis is not useful to me."

"Since you are a hypnotist, you should know that the frequency of getting the target into state guidance is very important. The frequency of different people is also slightly different. But I am different from ordinary people in both reaction and nerve ..." Later, Du Guhong simply looked at the difference. The eyes of the capable person opened, "So save it."

The basic truth of Du Guhong's theory is not true. He knows that his brain is very special, but he does not have the confidence to resist hypnosis. The so-called reactions and nerves are different from ordinary people. In fact, it is just the extension of the ability of the senses.

Everyone knows that frequency and time directly correspond to the lapse of time. The frequency of any changes will be slower. Hypnosis will naturally lose its effect.

"Are you lying?" The person in another room who was responsible for observing the physical signal of Du Guhong whispered.

The other stared at the screen and shook his head: "I don't know ... no changes ..."

"Then it's gone?"

"But his physical characteristics have not changed since he entered the door. As usual, no matter who is more or less different at the beginning of the interrogation ... but he didn't ..."

While the monitor was full of doubts, Du Guhong shook his head and concluded: "... for someone who is more powerful, come on."

"You ..." The hypnotist was very depressed, but he didn't deal with the facts. His hypnotism had little effect on Du Guhong.

In desperation, he turned his head to look at the stranger on the left and got a slight collar signal, so he had to get up and go out to ask him if he had a replacement.

Facing the remaining two in the house, Du Guhong continued: "Actually, since you caught me, you should have carefully checked my information to know that I have logical autism."

"Then you should know that revenge is meaningless for people like me. I don't have the motivation to commit crimes first."

"Secondly, I don't have the ability to commit crimes ... I honestly admire what the other party did too much for their means. You don't engage in technology so you won't understand my respect for this person or this organization."

"When the quantum system is running, the data flow at each port of the quantum system is like the original mechanical propeller rotating at an astonishing height. The legal quantum network interface is not in direct contact with this layer of data flow but through the hardware. The transformation filters out that a certain characteristic signal in the data stream can only be read but cannot be changed at all. "

"If you want to break through this layer of protection, you must have equal power to hold all the signals on the propeller to achieve the purpose of reducing it and then take the opportunity to enter. In fact, don't say that the only way to reduce the attack is to have it already. It ’s incredible. "

"The attack on the high-power light brain system of the quantum system is like if you take a straw in your hand and you need to manually traverse it through the gap between the propellers ... that is simply impossible! Even if you can take a lot of straw in your hands, At the same time reaching in may cause a lot of friction on the blade ... "

"But do n’t forget that the load of the ordinary network is limited to a node that can only accommodate a hundred or so. If you want to stuff tens of thousands of wheat straws on the same propeller at the same time, it is necessary After diverting through different channels but this way ... the problem of synchronization cannot be solved. "

"Compared with the quantum system, the attack of the high-level system will completely lose its effect even if it is only o.1 microseconds before and after. So ..." Du Guhong spread his hands and showed some helplessness. This is his experience of supplementing during this time. Too.

With Du Guhong's easy-to-understand explanation, the two of them nodded quite seriously: "Our experts here have also explained these problems but not as easy-to-understand as you said. Then if you stand by us Where would you investigate this case from the angle? "

"Although it is not a peer-to-peer force offensive, if it cannot reach a certain level, the quantum network is simply unbreakable. So it is obvious that someone has opened a new technology whose computing power is at least close to the ancient quantum machine. Important. If it is, I will definitely choose a new project whose results are comparable to quantum machines in the subject of the underground research room of the Royal University. "

"And the volume of this kind of achievement must not be so small. It was only half a day since last night until now. Even if they complete the work and immediately transfer such a large amount of goods to be shipped out of the school door, there must be many clues ~ ~ The wastes in the analysis room! "The left man was angry and took the case and asked again," What would the project look like? "

Du Guhong laughed: "I don't know. If I knew that I should stay in the emperor's underground research institute instead of the first grade genius class."

This thing can't delay the left person to lift his foot and want to go out of the door of the interrogation room, but suddenly opened a person and walked in. To be exact, a power person is probably a stronger candidate to replace the hypnotist.

"Lao Hu, go and convey this new clue." The left man hesitated and asked the National Security Bureau for humanity.

Depending on the situation, this old Hu's authority is not enough to know the abilities.

Old Hu murmured when he got out and passed by the left man: "I promised that he would not impose a sentence ..."

"The emperor's protests have been passed on early. Who can dare to be sure?" The left-hander gave Du Guhong and Lao Hu a peace of mind.

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