The Gate of Extinction

Chapter 69: Road of Fury

A few minutes later, Zu Lifeng and Gouzi drove away from the night market.

Suddenly, at the door of the monitoring room, the night-time boss who had felt a bleak future saw the situation inside the house, and he was soft under his feet and sat on the ground.

On the computer screen, there is only a snowflake ...

The boss raised his arm wearing a gold watch, his body fat was shaking, and a sharp cry came out of his mouth: "Who did it? !!!"

Not far away, Xiao Liu took a deep breath, restrained his body from shaking, and said to the people around him with a heavy voice: "Call the police ... Um? The welcome was not found last night? This ... Maybe I'm afraid Asked, run away ... "

"Su Brother, the six sons will really do as you say, trying to prevent the police from knowing that Qin Moyun was also there last night?" Gouzi asked in the car with some worry.

Su Zufeng nodded: "He will, because he is afraid of death."

"Yeah ..." The dog was silent for a moment.

Maybe death is not the most terrifying thing, but such a terrible way of death is enough to destroy the "ruthlessness" of these people.

"But no matter what, he can give us too much time. At most it does not exceed 24 hours." Zuli Fengdao.

"Shall we go to Zelong now?"

"Of course not, how do you act during the day ..."


Zu Lifeng's voice did not fall, he saw a black shadow suddenly appeared in front of the car, and the dog slammed the brakes.

After a second of relief, the dog immediately reached out to pull the car door in angrily: "grass mud horse, you TM don't have long eyes or want to touch the porcelain! Do not look at who is sitting on the car, my grass ... "

Zu Lifeng was numb to his scalp at this time and shouted, "Don't open the door!"

Almost as soon as he shouted, the dark shadow raised his head sharply, and in the blink of an eye he caught the car's head, a black line burst out of his mouth and hit the windshield.

"Ah!" The dog yelled in fright.

"It's the drunk just now ..." Zu Lifeng watched it once, and vaguely remembered the woman's dress, but didn't expect that the different species actually looked like that.

This is a relatively narrow section in the middle of the alley. There are no buildings on the left and right. The dog has no car skills. He just had to stop, not go around.

"Go forward!" Shouted Zu Lifeng.

刚 As soon as he opened his mouth, he found that many figures turned over from the left and right sides of the fence, even after the car was thrown up.

"I grass we grass! These must be hers!" Shouted the dog, and stepped on the throttle suddenly.


At this time, the windshield on the front was broken, and at the same time, there was a vibration from the body, all sides were black lines for a time.

At the moment of life and death, the dog felt his potential suddenly exploded. He slammed the car and the female xenophobia lying on the hood was suddenly thrown aside. The body shuddered, apparently running over from the female xenophobic slippery leg.

But what makes the dog almost crazy is that the female xenogeneous reaction did not have any pain at all. The black lines that broke the glass were still wrapped around the wiper, and they went straight into the car.


Suddenly the dog walked, Zu Lifeng suddenly stretched out his hand, grabbed those black lines and yanked it a bit, then cut it off with his hand.

The maidservant lost this pulling force and died under the wheel without humming, and a new black line was drilled into Zu Lifeng's wrist.

"Keep driving, don't stop!" Zu Lifeng said, then turned to open his car door, and gave him a stranger hanging on his door.

I felt a spike-like sensation hitting my head, and Zu Lifeng's back flickered with red light, and the next moment a blood rushed down along with a corpse.

"Ah !!! Go die!"

The walking dog felt his head was blank, he stared at the road ahead, and he almost stepped on the throttle.

He only needs one hundred meters. After only one hundred meters, he can drive on the road.

He was in this short distance of 100 meters, but his ears were constantly filled with various muffled sounds.

Zu Lifeng had no sound when killing, and no sound of alien attacks. However, it was this silent blood that made the dog feel that his heart was almost bound to come out!

吭 When you're about to call, you yell!

The narrow pavement in front of him, the walls on both sides, seemed to be stained with blood in his eyes, pressing over him!

But despite this, the dog still knew that Zu Lifeng had the upper hand with an absolute advantage.

异 The foreign object kept running under his wheel. The dog didn't want to see it, but just looking at the blood that kept flowing from his eyes, he also knew that it must be a foreign species.

Finally, when a heterogeneous half body slammed into the hood in front of him, and then stared blankly and slipped down, the panting Zurich returned to the co-pilot position again.

Zu Lifeng closed the door, the first question was: "Where did this car come from?"

"No, I don't know ... Maybe which of the guests, I didn't think so much ..." Gouzi drove the car mechanically.

He really meant that when he drove out, he never expected to experience such an exciting scene ...

"Oh, that's fine, find a place to abandon the car." Zu Lifeng said.

When the unlucky guest saw the car, he was probably going crazy ...

"Maybe, maybe the police will tell him that he was stolen and not recovered." Zu Lifeng thought about the flesh and black lines on the deformed car, secretly.

Then he turned his head again and looked at the alley that had been left behind.

Intuition tells him ~ ~ The alien attacks are no coincidence ...

"His strength is like this ... awesome."

On the second floor of a building, a pair of eyes were staring at the "blood car" driving further and further away.

I can't help but quickly, the sight of this eye turns back to the alley again.

"Leave it, or you'll be found everywhere in a while," the eyes owner said to himself.

Not long after the figure disappeared behind this window, another figure appeared in the alley.

This is a man with blank eyes, wearing a waiter's clothes. He glanced at the corpse all over the ground, and turned his head a little doubtfully: "These ... aren't our companions ... Ningnan, there are other wisdom species? But these arms, something looks wrong ..."

Twenty minutes later, on an ordinary commercial street not too far from this street.

中 A middle-aged man was staring anxiously left and right. Suddenly, his hand was gently held from behind.

男子 The man suddenly trembled, the anxiety on his face disappeared, and many complex looks flashed in an instant.

He then turned around and looked at the petite figure behind him: "Nannan, where have you been?"

Ye Ye Nannan replied with a smile: "I have seen a friend."


"I see you. Dad, let's go, I want to wait for Brother Shen Fei to come home and tell me about Brother Li Feng ..."

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