The Gate of Extinction

Chapter 7: Killing and observation

The sight of Zu Lifeng's decisive killing of Cheng Peng and his unquestionable tone made the words he spoke sound more commanding to others.

As soon as his voice fell, the remaining boys immediately forbeared nausea and fear, and pulled Cheng Peng's body to his side.

The former frightened boy, although he also stretched out his hand, took a step slower.

He couldn't help but glance at Zu Lifeng and found that Zu Lifeng hadn't noticed, then he was relieved.

But thinking of the swearing when Zu Lifeng rescued him, and the fierce attack on Cheng Peng after Zu Lifeng ... the boy hit a cold slap, grasped the piece of iron in his hand, his face was pale and slow Slowly become a little iron-blue ...

"Everyone listen, no matter what happens, they must be close to the hull. Don't move, no matter what, do you understand?" After Zu Lifeng ordered, he looked at Cheng Peng floating in front of him with little confidence One glance, "Hope this corpse can trick them ..."

"Have cheated? What cheated?" A student suddenly burst into his heart and asked, looking at the black sloppy water, he suddenly had a bad feeling ...

For a moment, everyone felt that time had become extremely long ...

"Zu Lifeng, you said, can we still go back alive?" Jiang Yushi was next to Zu Lifeng, she was wearing a thin dress, at this time under the action of the cold sea water and fear The ground shuddered. The thin white shirt became translucent when wet, clinging to her large-scale Xiufeng, and outlined her stubborn but rarely exposed figure completely.

However, in the face of such a wonderful scenery, Zu Lifeng had no intention to appreciate at this time. He turned to look at her, suddenly reached out his hand, wiped out some water drops hanging on her face, and then stuck her on The wet hair on the cheek reached behind the ear, then nodded firmly, and said, "Yes, we can go back alive!"

Minjiang Yushi glanced at him, her eye circles gradually turned red ... Then she nodded heavily: "Well! Then if you go back, tell me your little secret!"

"While looting, you want to be beautiful." Zu Lifeng stayed a little, then said angrily.

Minjiang Yushi froze, and then was laughed: "What, you see me that way?"

Cheng Xiaomei, who was aside, seemed to want to laugh, but as soon as she moved the corner of her mouth, tears rolled down again.

Oh my god, she's just an ordinary female college student, why did she encounter this kind of thing ...


A loud sound of water suddenly interrupted her thoughts.

With raindrops pouring down like a torrential rain, several students suddenly had their pupils shrunk and their faces were as pale as earth!

Zu Lifeng also felt like his heart was pinched ...

"Fuck, what the **** is this ?!"

In the foreseeing picture, he felt the danger under water.

But I never thought it would be like this!

Looking at the huge creature that appeared in front of him, Zu Lifeng instantly understood the meaning of that sentence.

"Assimilation material, heterogeneous evolution ..."

The "glue" that replaces his actions and thoughts in Wu Chengpeng's body is "heterogeneous."

They enter the body of the "material" and replace it.

From the perspective of "absorption" and "evolution", this behavior of occupying the material body is a heterogeneous way of survival.

Coupled with their previous learning abilities, Zu Lifeng believes that replacing “material” and constantly changing “material” will promote heterogeneous evolution.

As a graduate student of the Academy of Biological Sciences, Zu Lifeng has never heard of the existence of this creature on the earth ...

“And" material "does not mean just humans.

The word also includes other creatures ...

"We are not the only ones breaking into this area ..." Zurich murmured.


The tourists on the sea screamed loudly.

巨大 Successive two huge "xenogenes" suddenly appeared from the bottom of the sea, one of which happened to be in the densest crowd!

"Is this ... an octopus?" A man read a sentence stupidly, and the whole person was rolled up and thrown into the air by a tentacle, and it was instantly torn to pieces!

The flesh and blood was scattered, and the octopus was slammed into the crowd.

A few people were immediately drenched with blood, looking at the stump floating in front of them, a girl's movement stopped suddenly, and the whole person froze there.

The strong stimulation made her have lost the courage to resist ...

It wasn't just her, but the rest were in despair and negativity in the screaming. Almost without struggling, she was torn by the tentacles of the octopus.

"Human biological species ... will be affected by similar encounters ..." On the cruise deck, the girl stared curiously at everything that happened on the sea, and whispered.

The rest of the aliens also watched quietly, and the scene formed a sharp and strange contrast with the sea.

"Ah ..." Zu Lifeng and others were still far away from the crowd, but the blood stained with red seawater was still scattered nearby, and the residual limbs were scattered everywhere in an instant. Half of the human body was even thrown near them. Jiang Yushi bit her lower lip whitishly, and then covered her mouth before Cheng Xiaomei's cry.

"It's okay ... it's okay ..." She turned her head and whispered in Cheng Xiaomei's ear, both to her and to herself.

Another octopus is alien to them, only about ten meters ...

The bodies of several college students were almost completely rigid, and Zu Lifeng felt his heart beating.

This is simply a sense of life-level fear!

He stared at the octopus alien closely, forcing himself to observe it.

In terms of size ~ ~ This octopus alien is too huge ...

之一 One of the largest predators in the deep ocean, the king squid is no more than 20 meters in length.

But this octopus xenopus has reached an astonishing thirty meters or so ... This is the comparison of Zu Lifeng through the length of the cruise.

He suddenly thought of the violent shaking of the tanker ... if these two octopus aliens dragged the cruise ship in, it would be entirely possible!

Just why I lost the signal, and the feeling of friction ...

An island that should not appear on the route, strange seas, non-existent creatures on the earth ... All these add up, and suddenly Zurich has a feeling.

Here, maybe it's not the sea on earth at all.

He foreseen that "the door is open", and when the cruise ship was squeezed, he might be passing through the "door".

"Anyway, live ..." Zu Lifeng said silently.

At the same time, he thought of the black line that entered his body ... Since the alien species will invade the body of other creatures, why is he okay? Or did he say that the alien in Cheng Peng's body had been killed by himself, and that he had absorbed it?


That octopus xenogeneously tore up several tourists, it suddenly stopped for a moment, and then suddenly turned around!

He stared at the two giant wheel-like eyes on the ugly head, and suddenly looked at them ...

Su Zufeng's head suddenly stopped thinking.

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