The General’s Beloved Wife: Shame on You, Sweetheart

Chapter 1204: Finale: Mu Qian, reunion on New Year's Eve, you

  Mianmian rushed into the bathroom before closing the door, so he retched on the edge of the counter.

  But most of the things she had eaten had already been digested, and she vomited only a little acid after vomiting for a long time.

  Aunt Qiao hurried to catch up, reaching out and patting Mianmian's back to help her smoothly.

  I couldn't help but worry while filming.

"Where is the wife uncomfortable? Is it a stomachache? You can't delay it if you have a stomach problem. Or ask a doctor to see. The wife is usually not greasy and spicy, and she has eaten very lightly recently. What's wrong? "

  Aunt Qiao carefully recalled her diet.

  The kitchen is still very well-regulated, and the nutrition is also very balanced. The wife seems to have no stomach problems. Is it because she has been in a bad mood recently, so she also has a problem?

  Aunt Qiao has heard that if you are depressed for a long time, you will suffer from stomach problems.

  Mianmian shook his head, “It’s okay, my stomach is okay, I just don’t know what’s wrong, it’s a bit nauseous, maybe it’s because Gao Chief drove a bit too hard just now, and I was motion sick.”

  Aunt Qiao was relieved when she said this.

  I can think about it again, she seems to have seen her wife feel sick more than once recently.


Aunt Qiao had two births by herself, one son and one daughter. The son is still in college. The daughter was married last year and she was pregnant a while ago. It was the time of sickness... Fortunately, her daughter was taken care of by her mother-in-law, and she was able to continue to serve in the presidential palace value.

  Aunt Qiao’s brain was hot, and suddenly she felt that the nausea and retching of his wife did not look like motion sickness or gastrointestinal problems.

   is exactly the same as her daughter's face.

   Aunt Qiao is in a big heart.

  But my wife just got ligated...


  Aunt Qiao is smart, plus she has been with Mianmian for a long time.

  Mianmian is a very clever little girl, and she also has a lot of crooked brains.

  Is it possible that she deliberately made the big movement of ligation to conceal the fact that she was pregnant? The ligation was just a blinding method?

  Aunt Qiao doesn’t know if she has too much brain supplement, but the guess is that the more I look at it, the more I feel like it!

  If the wife is really pregnant, it will be a great event.

  But now she has a relationship with her husband...the happy event is also a big trouble.

  Aunt Qiao decided to observe it in secret, not daring to arbitrarily dismantle it.

  If the wife is not pregnant, this is an oolong.

  If the wife is really will be a great opportunity for her and her husband to turn their fights into jade silk.

  Mianmian finally slowed down, she saw Aunt Qiao’s scrutinizing gaze in the mirror.

  Her heart is shaking, but don't be exposed.

  She quickly stretched out her hand and rubbed her eyebrows, and walked out, "Auntie Qiao, I should be really motion sick, so uncomfortable, I'm going to lie down for a while, you call me when I have dinner..."


  Zhan Mu Qian went back to the Zhan’s old house alone to have a reunion dinner.

  The dinner is over at nine o'clock.

The Zhan family did not see Jiang Mianmian, and no one took the initiative to ask.

   Jiang Xun has collapsed, and it is not surprising that Jiang Mianmian has fallen out of favor.

  Especially Zhan Muyan and Zhan Qiyou, each had a ghost in their hearts.

  It was the old chief who finally spoke, “Mu Qian, where is your wife, and you are reunited on New Year’s Eve, why didn’t she come back with you?”

  Zhan Muyan's eyes were bright, looking forward to hearing Zhan Muqian say that he had broken up with Jiang Mianmian.

   Ke Zhan Mu Qian coughed slightly and said in a flat tone, "Her father is sick, especially on such days. She is in a bad mood and wants to spend time with her father. I will leave her alone."

  【Monthly pass plus change, 7~】

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