The General’s Beloved Wife: Shame on You, Sweetheart

Chapter 1219: Finale: Husband, kiss me again

  Mianmian’s eyes were filled with confusion.

  She blinked, her eyes gradually falling on the solid muscles of his chest...

  She didn’t know what was wrong with herself, except for heat, she wanted to hug him, nudge him, and get close to him...

  Since Jiang Xun stepped down, various contradictions have occurred between them, and each contradiction is irreconcilable and difficult to resolve.

  But at this moment, she didn’t care about the mess, she just wanted to be with him...

  She completely forgot.

  Those unhappy and unpleasant things are all left behind.

  The only thing she can do is to follow her instinct...

  She can only do what makes herself happy.

  Other than that, nothing can be done.

  She plunged into his arms like a flexible cat.

  It was too uncomfortable to feel soft and sweaty, and she couldn't speak normally as usual.

  She was particularly weak, humming like a milk cat.

   "I, I don't know, I just want to hug you, husband, if you kiss me again, how comfortable, kiss me..."

  Zhan Mu Qian's deep and gloomy eyes twinkled with light.

  She looks so well-behaved, lovable, and docile.

   is exactly what he likes most.

  If all this came from her good.

  Zhan Muqian has never experienced such a painful life.

  He can't be in panic all day long. He lives in panic every day.

  He knew he was going to be unable to catch her.

   is like water that is about to drain.

  The fine sand about to be blown away by the wind.

  He can’t hold it, he can’t hold it...

   And the biggest contradiction between them is Jiang Xun.

   But he is omnipotent.

  Neither can Jiang Xun recover instantly from a vegetative person lying in a hospital bed unable to move.

  According to the results of expert consultation.

   Jiang Xun may not wake up.

  He will always sleep, sleep until he grows old, until death.

  Mianmian accused him of this more than once.

  God knew this was the nightmare that made him the most painful.

  He did not expect Jiang Xun to have a cerebral hemorrhage.

  Before the event proceeded, he thought about the worst result, it was nothing more than Mianmian and him stunned and clamoring to leave him.

  But he thought about giving Jiang Xun a proper treatment, saving him from jail, and letting him spend his old age as much as possible.

   However, no matter what the strategizing man, Jiang Xun would not have expected to fall. He was depressed and could not wake up anymore.

  He actually understood from that moment.

  He is finished with Mianmian.

  His violent little wife...will never forgive him again...


  Mianmian seems to have a fever.

   threw in his arms, hanging around his neck like a little koala.

  Milk acted like a baby.

  She is really hot.

  Zhan Muqian touched her little face distressedly.

   kissed her forehead, "I just want to kiss, baby, don't you know what you want?"

  Mianmian blushed, and even his eyes were red.

  She followed the man's evil gaze downward.

  Looking at the tight part under his belt, he vaguely understood what he wanted.

  But this is too embarrassing.

  She bit her white finger and said vaguely, "I want...I want my husband..."

  Zhan Muqian supported her ass, "What do you want from your husband, say it, what do you want?"

  【2 more. I was relatively negligent in writing about Zhan Muqian’s psychological changes. It seems that many people don’t understand why he changed. This chapter should make his thoughts very clear~]

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