The General’s Beloved Wife: Shame on You, Sweetheart

Chapter 1497: The brain makes up for the second uncle's hand injury and delay

When Miaoyu walked back to the resting area above the stadium, Song Yanzhi and Song Yunhua sat there with snacks.

  She sat down and drank the juice in silence for a while.

  Afterwards, I realized that I was drinking freshly squeezed unsweetened kiwi juice.

   Too sour.

  She has a pained expression on her face.

  Small expressions are very rich.

  Compared to Jiang Mianmian, Song Yanzhi likes the role of Jiang Miaoyu more.

  Miaoyu is very lively and heartless, regardless of everything, very cute.

  He chuckled and asked, “What’s the matter, why does Miaoyu’s small classmate have a bitter and enmity expression on his face?”

  Miaoyu disgustedly pushed the singular juice that he had drunk half a cup away from him.

Then he rolled his eyes and inquired curiously, "Big Brother Song, Yunhua said... the beautiful sister named Ruan just now liked my second uncle, and I also checked on the Internet just now. There are a lot of gossips about them. Although I didn’t name her and said that the target of her scandal was my second uncle, there is no doubt that between the lines, that is, specifically my second uncle, but just now I wanted to help match them up, so I told the queen sister of Ruan, but She seemed very scared, and ran away in a hurry, so I didn't even finish talking."

Song Yanzhi was also dumbfounded, so he could only cough lightly, and reluctantly explained: "Well...Although she and I are also old friends, but I think, since she declined, maybe she liked your second uncle before, but found out later. Your second uncle is totally boring to her, or your second uncle has directly rejected her, making her very shocked and does not plan to hang on a tree. After all, with her superstar aura, it should not be difficult to find true love, maybe it is Give up."

  Miaoyu frowned, lowered her head slightly and thought for a long time.

  Is that true?

   Ruan Qingtong gave up liking the second uncle?

  But the second uncle is the president, and he has just taken office for half a year. The longest term of office can be two consecutive terms, a full ten-year period.

  Furthermore, with the foundation and status of the second uncle in country A, even if he ceases to be president after his normal resignation, he is still a very important person.

  In terms of conditions, how could Ruan Qingtong find a better substitute than his second uncle.

  She thinks hard.

  If Ruan Qingtong was hit very badly, it must have been rejected by the second uncle hurtingly.

   But in the impression, the second uncle is not close to women, and there is not even a scandal object around him.

  There is no rejection from the rival, generally speaking, it shouldn’t hurt a woman, right? !

Miaoyu thought for a while, and suddenly realized it, and opened his mouth slightly to Song Yanzhi: "Oh my God, Brother Song, in fact my second uncle likes men, he already has a man he admires, so he rejected the queen sister. , It turned out to be like this, then it's not surprising..."

Yes it is.

  This explanation completely makes sense.

  After all, after she had just finished speaking, Ruan Qingtong's face was like a ghost.

  It must be the second uncle’s love for men that once hit her badly, so she is reacting like this now.

  Miaoyu filters the male friends who have the closest relationship with her second uncle.

  Except for Song Yanzhi, besides his adjutant high chief, the only thing left is that of Ching Yu...

  Chi Yu used to be Zhan Muqian's right-hand man, but he cut his robes and broke his justice not long ago and broke completely.

   There are even rumors that it was Zhan Muqian who was furious and shot him seriously.

  Just a few minutes.

  Miaoyu has already made up for the shocking and weeping drama of body and mind and abuse...

  【Add more, 7. Babies who have monthly tickets vote for it, and we will continue to add more tomorrow~]

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