The General’s Beloved Wife: Shame on You, Sweetheart

Chapter 1604: Let’s go to the feast tomorrow and get mixed up, don’t give

But Jun Bae watched her in his spare time: "Although I am very dissatisfied with your service, I have always been generous to women and I will not treat you badly. I heard that your brother Su Qi has a good physics performance. The school professor suggested He participates in physics special training, the interest class fee is not low, Su Qi loves you, so I never mentioned it to you."

  Su Tian heard what he said was actually at a loss.

  She opened her small mouth and asked blankly, "What...what hobby class?"

   Bae Jun seemed to smile, and squeezed the girl's chin sideways.

"It seems that you really don't know. Your brother Su Qi is a very good kid. He has taken an IQ test at school and has an IQ of 150. He is a genius in physics. The school wants to focus on cultivating him, but he is just a genius. I also costs money to cultivate a tuft of spicy chicken in this world, let alone a genius."

  Su Tian understood what he was describing.

  In fact, she has long known that her younger brother Xiaoqi is very smart, has a higher IQ than average children, and has very good grades.

  However, Su Qi never mentioned the matter of the Physics Specialty Class.


   Xiao Qi has always been aware of the situation at home.

  He is so sensible...

  Of course, it will not make a request for more money.

  Even her sister has always known that Xiao Qi is gifted with physics.


  Su Tian understood what Pei Jun said, but he still didn’t understand Pei Jun’s attitude.

   Pei Jun did not sell for too long.

He quickly smiled and said: "Actually... Chief Su is a blessed one. Having a son with a high IQ is a little genius. You have a daughter. Although you don’t have any great skills, this face looks so good. It's fine, that's the kind... it will be hard for a man to look at it more."

  Su Tian gradually realized that he was not trying to give himself any advice, but to seize every opportunity to humiliate her.

   makes her even more embarrassed.

  Her cheeks are flushed, and she can only lower her head.

  Bae Jun smiled and squeezed her delicate and beautiful face.

"It's a pity that you are really stupid. You can make a lot of money from selling meat, but it seems like a fool who sells alcohol in a nightclub all day long. How much money can you make from selling alcohol? Earn a few thousand yuan in commission, Su Tian, ​​don’t say I’m stingy with you. Now that you met me, I also think you are really pitiful. Why don’t I call the shots and help you change your job. You’re in this new job. If you can do it well, I'm sure you will enjoy it in the future, huh?"

  Su Tian has already realized that he can't say anything good at all.

  Not really kind to help her change a good job.

  But still have to be meek and sensible.

   asked respectfully: "I wonder what job Mr. Pei is going to help me with?"

  Bae Jun squeezed her face, the more he squeezed, the more comfortable he felt, and the mood seemed to be really wonderful.

  "Actually, I just returned to China recently. I happened to invest in an evening show two days ago, called "Feast". It is a good place for a beautiful girl like you to make money. From tomorrow, you can go to the feast to work."

  Su Tian's face turned pale when she heard the word "Feast" from his mouth.

  Bae Jun looked at her with a visibly panic and horrified expression.

   smiled and empathetic, "Don't worry, you are the person I introduced. No one will bully you. Be so mixed up, don't shame me, huh?"

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