The General’s Beloved Wife: Shame on You, Sweetheart

Chapter 1612: Your Excellency said, Miao Miao is still young, I hope I am well

  She was surprised and resentful at first.

  I don’t know how I should react now.

  But she soon discovered that Yanqing had sent her many WeChat messages.

   explained why he didn’t contact her these days...


  After reading all the WeChat messages with patience and temper, Miaoyu read all the WeChat messages.

  The heart thumps and thumps.


  It turns out that the reason why Yanqing didn't answer her phone was really because he was under house arrest by his parents.

  All communication equipment was confiscated.

  The past few days have been completely dark days, completely cut off contact with the outside world, and no news...

  Yanqing not only explained what happened in the past few days.

   also solemnly confessed to her.

  Yanqing said that he likes her too, and likes it very much, and wants to be with her.

  Yanqing also said that he hasn't photographed and dragged, and is always cautious, for fear that something is not done well to make Miaoyu unhappy.

  Miaoyu not only accelerated her heart rate, but was even moved to tears.

  Yanqing is the person on her heart.

  She was half to death with excitement, and instantly left behind all the grievances she had suffered yesterday.

  She called Yanqing back, and Yanqing asked her to meet for dinner and told her...

  The President agreed with them!

  It turned out to be within a few hours of Miaoyu’s sound asleep.

  The honorable and honorable President of the President visited the banquet home in person.

  And met with Master Yan.

  Meet with Yanqing and talked.

  In the end, he said that he no longer opposes the relationship between the two, but the premise is that each other must make progress together, study hard and grow up, and not hold back each other.

  Yanqing met with the President for the first time, but he did not expect that he was recognized by your Excellency.

   is naturally excited.

The elders of the   Yan family didn’t even understand what happened.

   When the news broke out, the senior officer said, Your Excellency was extremely angry.

  And it is strictly forbidden to come in contact with Jiang Miaoyu again during the banquet.

  Unexpectedly, only a few days have passed...

  His President’s attitude has completely changed.

  The banquet family expressed trembling, flattered.

   But in any case, things have been so set.


  Miaoyu only remembered that she talked back to Zhan Muqian last night, and she did it several times.

  I was so angry that Zhan Mu Qian didn't want it.

  But why did he suddenly change his attitude...

  Miaoyu is completely confused about this.

   But anyway, her mood is so good that it explodes.

  Miaoyu hurriedly took a bath and changed her clothes, barely blow-dry her hair, and rushed out to find her little brother Yanqing before she even had time for her makeup.


  During dinner, Miaoyu hugged Yanqing's arm and complained for a long time.

   complained that his mother was so polite and indifferent.

   More complains about how authoritarian and domineering her second uncle is.

  She complained endlessly.

  Ke Yanqing said a lot of good things about Your Excellency.

He comforted Miaoyu and said: "Your uncle cares about you too. After all, you were brought up by your uncle. In his mind, you are as precious as his baby daughter. When a father is generally dissatisfied with his son-in-law, you are a Reasonable man, after he talked with me, he has agreed that we are together."

  Miaoyu was curious: "What the **** did my second uncle talk to you?"

  Yanqing never concealed her from her, so she repeated it again.

   "In the end, your Excellency also warned me, he said...Miao Miao is still young, so I can do it for myself."

  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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