The General’s Beloved Wife: Shame on You, Sweetheart

Chapter 1625: Not only do you have a good temper, but you also have good physical strength

  Mianmian doesn’t even care about her body aches...

  The waist is more like being knocked apart.

  She just thought that she had to clean it up quickly.


  She is not in a safe period now, she may really become pregnant.

  She felt terrible when she thought of this possibility.

  She can’t get pregnant anyway...


  She struggled and tried to push Zhan Muqian away and got up.

  Zhan Mu Qian opened his arms and hugged her tightly, shackling her to his chest.

  He hugged her and lay on his side.

  Mianmian's complexion is not good, her lips are trembling, she is obviously very angry.

  She twisted her body and fought hard, bit her lip, and said one by one: "Lose me, it's dirty, you know, I'm going to take a bath, you loose me!"

  Mianmian’s tone of every word and sentence is full of resentment and disgust.

   Ke Zhan Mu Qian ignored everything, just like this, holding her tightly, without any trace of letting go.

Mianmian was anxious and angry, "What the **** do you want? What do you really think it can change by conceiving me? You are also the president of a country, so when you deal with problems, are you so extreme? I said I would go, and maybe never Will come back, what do you mean by planning like this? You are going to let Jiang Miaoyu give you a baby? How do you explain, in Jiang Miaoyu's mind, you are her second uncle! You are going to say to Miaoyu, you don’t Be careful if you drink too much, do you force her?"

  Zhan Mu Qian squinted his eyes, smiling but not smiling.

The tone of    is also leisurely and contented.

"How to explain is between me and Miaoyu. You probably don’t know how much Miaoyu relies on me. She fell in love with me, but it’s just a simple matter. If you want to go, let’s go. I will get along with Miaoyu. Together..."

  Zhan Mu Qian has a charming face.

  The whole body reveals the beast valley owe that has not yet been scattered...

  He seems to be provoking her.

tell her.

  Even if she is gone.

  He can do well too.

  After all, he still has a wonderful fish.

  Like a piece of white paper, a wonderful fish.

   has no defense against him.

   will not hate him...

   will not hate him...

   will not retaliate against him...

  At best, it is a little childish and likes to fool around.

  These are all harmless.

  Anyway, it is Jiang Mianmian's body.

  She is inseparable.

   will always live in the prison he personally cast.


  Mianmian struggled for a long time, and he was already too weak to toss.

  At this moment, it is even more tired that the bones of the whole body will fall apart at any time.

  She opened her mouth to bite the flesh of his shoulder.

   screamed vaguely: "Zhan Muqian, don't get sick, let me go and let me take a bath."

  Zhan Muqian was bitten to pieces by her.

  There is no doubt that traces of blood ooze out...

  But he didn't even frown his brow.

   Qingjun's face is faint.

   But when the cotton bite sore, and consciously let go.

  Mianmian's body was stiff, and she tensed her body and dared not move.

  She can only kick her calves in a panic.

  "Zhan Muqian, you..."

  He smiles wickedly, and his hands are heavy and cruel.

"I haven’t seen you for several months. Not only do you have a better temper, but also your physical strength seems to be getting better and better. Do you think you have done too little? Why don't you try a few more times? Try it with interest."

  Mianmian screamed dumbly.

  She didn’t know what Zhan Muqian wanted to do.

  But she knew she would die.

  If this goes on, Zhan Muqian will be played alive.

  【2 more, there will be more later】. . . . . . .

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