The General’s Beloved Wife: Shame on You, Sweetheart

Chapter 1634: Why are you crying? Did your second uncle hurt you?

  Miaoyu raised her foot and kicked it without even thinking about it.

   Such a kick actually opened up most of the hem of his nightdress--

  She exclaimed, but she has not had time to retract her legs...

  The man's calf was firmly gripped into the palm of his hand.

  Zhan Mu Qian clearly pinched her leg with domineering force.

  Jun's face is covered with a gentle smile, and his tone is gentle as water.

  "Miaomiao, don’t move, let me check it first. After all, last was a bit intense, and it’s irritated if it hurts. Are you afraid, huh?"

  Miaoyu stared in surprise.

  How dare she want to get inflammation...

  That kind of place...

  Can I still want it if I get inflammation? !

  The most hateful thing is why this man laughs so happily when she is so embarrassed? !

  The more Miaoyu thinks about it, the more it feels wrong...

  Such a terrible accident, why did she feel that Zhan Muqian was just talking about regrets.

  Always feel the breath between his eyebrows and the whole body...

  I'm secretly happy at all!

  Miaoyu's heart was up and down, and his two calves were separated tightly by him again——

   She cried, "Check a ghost, I think you are fundamentally uneasy and kind..."

  Zhan Mu Qian just washed his hands and made sure that he was absolutely safe.

  He sighed, "Miaomiao, relax."

  Miaoyu is in a very bad mood now.

  Relax a ghost.

  Inexplicably lost-body, and now open himself to his second uncle...

  This is what makes her relax a ball!

  She wanted to cry but was not in the mood to cry anymore.

  Zhan Muqian gave her medicine for a long time.

   Although Miaoyu likes to fight with her hands on weekdays and often hurts herself, she doesn’t seem to cherish herself as much as other girls. She doesn’t care about a little skin trauma at all.

  But this time is different...

  The place she hurt this time...

It is really……

  Too embarrassing!

  And it hurts.

  The most vulnerable girl is this...

  She bit her lip, half-deadly uncomfortable, but she did not dare to move.

   is like a badly injured and helpless little beast.

   can only let Zhan Muqian play around.

  Waiting for Zhan Muqian to put away the ointment and help her put down the skirt of her nightdress.

  Miaoyu said angrily, "Where are my pants?!"

Zhan Muqian smiled secretly and calmly said, "Hey, you are injured. It is better not to wear it first. It will hurt if you encounter it. Anyway, you wear this skirt to cover... and no one sees it in your own room. ."

  Miaoyu was so confused by him that he didn't know what to say, and was speechless for a while.

  Zhan Mu Qian got up and went to the bathroom to wash his hands.

  When he walked back, the **** the bed was so angry that her small face was puffed up.

  Zhan Mu Qian was about to coax her.

  Miaoyu cried out with a "wow".

  She cried like a child bullied by an adult and unable to fight back.

   Very wronged...

  Zhan Muqian was scared by her like this.

   almost panicked and hugged her.

  Patting her back comfortably with a big hand.

   coaxed: "Miaomiao, why cry, stop crying, okay, is it your second uncle... it makes you hurt?"

   Blushing, Miaoyu stretched out his hand and pinched him.

   pinched **** the skin of his arm.

  Without any softness.

  Zhan Mu Qian didn't evade, and he suffered abruptly.

   still hugging her, with a deep and gentle voice, "Stop crying, it will hurt the first time, but not the next time. Believe me, it will be very comfortable next time..."

  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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