The General’s Beloved Wife: Shame on You, Sweetheart

Chapter 1648: Scumbag: Chi Yu, after all, you are still...

  Rong Yao looked up at him in surprise.

  He is extremely restless.

  She couldn't understand why Chi Yu had to defend her in front of Shen Xiang for a while.

  This can only aggravate Shen Xiang’s negative emotions and her hatred towards herself.

  For women, the most powerful and terrifying weapon is jealousy.

  Shen Xiang has always been jealous of her.

  Although Rong Yao feels that she is extremely miserable, she really can’t think of what he can be jealous of for a proud man like Shen Xiang...

  Sometimes, a person’s character determines his destiny.

  When Shen Xiang was born, he held countless great trump cards in his hand.

  But she wasted her best trump card every time for a man to be the only one, and finally played a good hand of cards to a stale...


  Shen Xiang's face was pale, and she gradually became uneasy in front of Chi Yu.

Her lips trembled, and she finally couldn't help saying, "Chi Yu, after all, you are the only one who is right in my heart. When I first met you, I felt that you were not right, and you were gentle to me on the surface." , Praise me, pursue me, but there is no place in my heart at all. You are an extremely selfish person, and your only feelings are given to you this blood niece. You ruined all your future, all because She...Chi Yu, do you think it's worth it? She is not worthy of you at all. Even the Gong family treats her like a mess. If you just play with her as a plaything, I don't think it hurts, but you You have feelings for her, you are confused."

  Chi Yu is a man who can only listen to good things.

  Shen Xiang didn't give him face, and he didn't mean to save face with Shen Xiang.

  He still embraces Rong Yao's thin waist.

  Even if she struggled faintly, trying to avoid.

   is still firmly in his arms.


He seemed to smile, "Shen Xiang, there is such a big incident in the Shen family. It is unclear whether your father and brother will survive a life. At this time, you are still in the mood to take care of my personal affairs. You are really calm." "

  Shen Xiangjing reminded him that he had to withdraw from his emotions.

   looked down at the phone.

  Someone kept sending her the latest news.

  The content is telling her that she must ask for help as soon as possible, and the Independent Commission Against Corruption does not even allow Governor Shen to be released on bail.

  Everyone looks confident. Although they have not yet gone to the public prosecution court, the conviction of Governor Shen seems to be known to everyone.

  This is a conspiracy.

   is a planned conspiracy.

  Shen Xiang looked at Chi Yu’s cold and handsome profile, and can only hope that this matter has nothing to do with him...

  Chi Yu shouldn't be so unfeeling.

   It's a couple at any rate.

  The Shen family also made a lot of efforts to support Mu Qian’s superiors.

  Dad only has a baby girl like her.

  As long as it is for her good.

  Dad has always spared no effort...


  Shen Xiang put aside personal grievances for the time being.

She carefully stood beside Chi Yu and said in a low voice, "Ayu, you want a divorce, and I can understand it. I have signed the agreement according to your requirements. Can you extend a helping hand and pull our Shen family? With the status of the Shen family, in the future, the Shen family will regain its vitality, and it will be profitable and harmless to you. We are allies, even if we can't be husbands and wives, we are friends... right?"

  【Three shifts. . . . . . Voting a monthly pass! ! ! 】

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