The General’s Beloved Wife: Shame on You, Sweetheart

Chapter 1652: Scum: You tortured your wife, me

"So, when you agreed to marry her, you were planning to retaliate against her? You gave her hope and made her feel like the happiest woman in the world, but you used me to ruin her wedding night, which was only once in her life. , And then let me live with you. Every night after she fell asleep, she went to the attic to do with me, and deliberately let her bump into you and me countless times... You did it on purpose, just to torture her, it turned out to be like this ..."

  Rong Yao knew early in the morning that Chi Yu did not have much affection for Shen Xiang.

  But I can’t understand the whole thing.

  Now she finally sees it all through.

  Chi Yu is a cruel **** from beginning to end!

  He was not only very cruel to her.

  The same is true for Shen Xiang...

  Even the way to torture people is the same...


  Through the glass.

  Rong Yao clearly saw how the group of homeless people treated Shen Xiang...

  She reached out and rubbed her temples.

   Suddenly felt a headache and splitting.

  Time seems to shuttle back a few months ago...

  Return to that shameful night.

  At this moment, she is finally convinced...

  She will never forget.

  Never forget what happened that night...

  Even if she stays with Chi Yu, she can finally get revenge.

  Even if he can really send Chi Yu to prison in the end.

  Those things he did to her...

   can never be erased.

  As long as she lives, she will always be a humiliating and dirty existence.

  This is a fact that can never be changed.


  Chi Yu's face was stern, probably because he also realized that he was talking too much.

  He took a deep breath and pinched her chin with his long fingers.

   "It's not too late to understand. Shen Xiang has done too many things she shouldn't do. This is what she deserves."

  Rong Yao's face was pale, and she could see that her mood was very bad.

She shook her head and said in a low voice: "She did something excessive, can solve it in other ways. She is the daughter of Governor Shen. She grew up in the environment of Zhongxing Pengyue since she was a child. What got up was that you didn't give her the care she deserves that made her change and turned her into an extreme look. Isn't you forcing her to die if you treat her like this..."

  Chi Yu squinted her eyes, the fingers pinching her chin became a little heavier.

   "How can death be so cheap, the price she has to pay for someone who moves me is far more terrible than death."

   "..." Rong Yao's lips trembled.

  She looked at Chi Yu's cruel and murderous face, knowing that she could not stop him today.

   But watching a woman suffer this humiliation in front of her...

  Rong Yao feels that this is beyond the bottom line that she can bear.

She bit her lip and whispered: "Then it's up to you. You have to torture your wife. What does it have to do with me? I don't want to watch it here. If I want to watch a horror ethical movie, I can watch it online at any time. I’ll go first, OK, I’m different from you, and I’m not interested in watching this kind of live broadcast."

  Chi Yu squinted his eyes, coldly: "I said it was prepared for you. How can I let you go if you don't finish it?"

  Rong Yao was caught off guard to see the extremely exciting scene on the other side, she couldn't help closing her eyes, turned her head and rushed to the door.

  She opened the box door, but was stopped by two black bodyguards outside.

  Chi Yu smiled lightly and said, "Are things ready?"

   "Yes, boss, it's ready."

  Chi Yu took the glass bottle handed forward by the bodyguard.

   Then he opened the lid and reached out and handed it to Rong Yao.

  Rong Yao has smelled a very pungent smell from a long distance.

  She shook her head subconsciously, "What is this...Chi Yu, don't go crazy, okay!"

  【One more, vote for a monthly pass~】

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