The General’s Beloved Wife: Shame on You, Sweetheart

Chapter 1664: Miao Miao, let the second uncle take a good look at you,

  Miaoyu gets a chill...

   After she realized what had happened, she exclaimed: "Zhan Muqian, you..."

  Zhan Mu Qian is smiling but not smiling.

  Holding her big hand, gradually exerting force calmly--

  Miaoyu's face turned red.

  She frowned and couldn't help scolding him in her heart.

  I'm also a president anyway, how can I look so impatient in front of this kind of thing.

   hasn't entered the room yet, he secretly reached down and tore off her panties!

  They are still in the corridors, except for private rooms in the Presidential Palace...There are full-angle cameras installed everywhere, so that the people on duty in the monitoring room will see this scene.

  He is really shameless...


  Finally entered the door of the master bedroom, and heard the sound of the door closing, Miaoyu finally breathed a sigh of relief.

  She bit the man's lip with her mouth open, and kissed him without any skill.

  Zhan Muqian was obviously not satisfied with her kissing skills, and there was no feeling of rapid heartbeat.

  For fear that she would twist her waist, he was cautiously pressing her onto the bed.

  The bed in the master bedroom is very large and soft, obviously a double bed.

  It's just that the dark gray color looks a bit solemn, which makes Miaoyu's state not as relaxed as in his own house.

  Miaoyu could not hide the shy response that a girl should have.

  Zhan Mu Qian saw it in his eyes, and smiled black.

  He stretched out his hand and squeezed the girl's chin, his voice blurred and gentle: "Goodbye, my second uncle teaches you how to kiss."

  He leaned over and kissed her as soon as he finished his voice. He was lingering, and he indeed acted as a patient and good teacher. He tempted her and gradually deepened...

  But when the kiss ended, Miaoyu was still gasping for breath, but soon felt something was wrong.

  She lowered her head subconsciously, and found that her skirt had been lifted up to the waist, two white legs and...

   was exposed to his sight.

  Miaoyu's cheeks blushed, and she said in a desperate manner: "You...really a rogue!"

  Zhan Mu Qian pressed her two small hands on top of her head, not allowing her to struggle.

  Hot gaze is like burning a flame, and she lowers her gaze carefully and admires her body.

  Miaoyu was staring uncomfortably by him, twisting her waist and struggling, "Will you let go, it makes me very uncomfortable!"

  Miaoyu likes to take the initiative, and likes to actively and powerfully control everything he can control.

  Including men.

  The feeling of being pressed by him and having no choice made her very uncomfortable.

  She tried every means to gain the dominance for herself.

  Although this field is really unfamiliar to her...

  But she still wants to dominate all of this.

  Zhan Mu Qian thoughtfully let go of her two small arms, but did not let her go easily.

  Rather, it circled her waist and stretched her thigh...

  Miaoyu was too ashamed to hold on, she shrieked to stop: "Don't, don't look at me, you close your eyes, don't look at me..."

  Zhan Muqian kissed her nervous and sweaty nose.

   "Miao Miao, let your second uncle take a good look at you. I was too anxious last time and didn’t see clearly..."

  Miaoyu certainly does not want to be watched by him.

  But with so much strength, he held her calf and pushed it up against her shoulder.

  The breathtaking scenery is clear at a glance...


  Zhan Muqian was really shy and couldn't adapt to seeing her.

   then lowered her posture and slowly kissed her, kissing every inch of her body's skin, making her gradually relax, and her self-protection consciousness gradually blurred.

  【2 more. 】

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