The General’s Beloved Wife: Shame on You, Sweetheart

Chapter 1677: Should I thank uncle for not being with me

  A bit of surprise appeared on Chi Yu’s face. He twisted his eyebrows and asked in a deep voice, "Did you still dream of her?"

  Rong Yao was finally willing to raise his eyes and open his eyes to look at him.

   His eyes were still faint, and the corners of his lips gradually became a little ironic.

   "Yeah, I dreamed of her, is it weird?"

  Chi Yu stern, his eyes solemn.

  Rongyao is full of irony between the lines.

"Although Shen Xiang treated me harshly, she was regarded as my little aunt and lived with me for a period of time. She was brutalized by a group of men in front of me, and she was also disfigured and disfigured in front of me. It was like the person beside me. I took part in a horror film with a heavy taste and abnormality, and it was filmed in front of me. Is it strange that I have nightmares? Normal people will feel deep memory when they see this kind of scene."

  Rong Yao actually disliked explaining or reasoning with him.

  She had already seen through Chi Yu in her heart.

  Such a cruel and inhumane man, whenever she reasoned with him, she was wasting her tongue.

  Chi Yu frowned, and Jun's face gradually showed a little impatience.

"Rong Yao, are you taunting me? The taste is abnormal and horrible? I want to scold me, why bother? I found that you are really a bit cheap in your bones. What Shen Xiang has done to you, she beat you You are so hurt that you forget when you eat dirty things, don’t you? Didn’t I do those things to help you out of breath, your surgery is done on the face, no one has touched your mind, don’t tell you Did the air get in during brain surgery?"

  Rong Yao was in no mood or energy to argue with him, she turned her face away and did not look at him.

  'S voice is also very low and authentic: "No matter, I don't want to fight with you. If you don't tell me how Shen Xiang is now, I will be able to know in the end."

  Chi prevent the fire in the stomach.

  He also couldn't figure out why this little woman always irritated him with just a few words.

   In short, she repeatedly mentioned Shen Xiang and still went to see her, all of which made him full of irritable emotions.

  He reached out and pinched Rong Yao's shoulder.

   Shen said: "I forbid you to meet her, and I do not allow you to contact everyone in the Shen family."

  The end of the Shen family is the result of Shen Xiang's own death.

  If it weren’t for her to do too much, she might even be so heartened that she tried to manipulate his life.

  He is not going to be ruthless.

  He just dealt with Shen Xiang's father and cousin.

  He is not interested in moving other people in the family for the time being.

  In other words, he was far from the point where he could cut the grass and roots of the Shen family.

  They must have resentment towards Rong Yao.

  She didn’t dare to do anything on weekdays. She rushed to see the people of Shen’s family, and she would naturally be regarded as a provocation. Wasn’t she sent to the door to find death?

  Rong Yao's eyebrows drooped.

Suddenly he said coldly: "When you dealt with Shen Xiang, didn't you feel any softness? I never asked you to vent my anger? Just because she forced you to marry, it's not enough for you to humiliate her and treat her coldly. You have to ruin it. Her whole life, anyhow...she married you anyway, and she was sincere to you, and slept with you! Didn't you feel any softheartedness when you murdered your wife?"

  Rong Yao smiled to herself just after saying this.

She muttered to herself in a low voice, "Look at me again, why I'm so stupid. I'm still your niece anyway, close relatives, it's fine when you send me to them to take turns. My heart is soft...Should I thank Uncle you for not getting sour on my face?"

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