The General’s Beloved Wife: Shame on You, Sweetheart

Chapter 1691: If the guests don’t choose you, uncle cleaning

  Su Tian bit her lower lip gradually...

  Her sensitive tongue tasted a little blood.

  She finally couldn't help crying.

  Big hot teardrops fell on Bae Jun’s big hand that was ravaging her body severely.

  The motion on his hand was so hot.

  Bae Jun doesn’t know what he’s thinking.

  The mood is a bit complicated.

  He is always cruel to people.

  Enemies, kill them.

  The enemy-related accomplices were also killed.

  Submissive prisoners of war, reward the people below after getting tired of playing.

  Disobedient prisoners of war, tortured to death.

  He tortured many people.

  Even the little beauty named Jiang, whose heart that had been frozen for many years had beaten several times, had been played, tortured, and threatened by him, but she was not strong enough.

  But when torturing Su Tian, ​​he felt that he was more serious than ever.

  It seemed as if he had invested in some emotion that shouldn't be invested, Su Tian's pain and despair made him feel very clearly.

  He didn't understand what was going on.

  But it doesn’t matter if you don’t understand, Su Tian is damned anyway.

  The more pitiful she is, the more excited he is.


  Bae Joon stroked her swollen cheeks with distress.

   "It's such a pitiful little boy. A nice little face makes me swollen, and it will get higher and higher, like a stupid pig."

   "Tian'er, do you think I'm particularly bad, hate me so much, you want to kill me?"

  Su Tian knew that he could only bear it.

  Man is a knife and I am a fish.

  Speaking any upbeat words at this time, although you can vent your emotions for a short time, the consequences are disastrous and will not be cost-effective at all.

  She is not the kind of person who can talk and irritate Bae Jun.

  In this respect, she is considered a smart and sensible woman.

  She bit her lip, and for a long time she forced herself to speak:

"No, my father did what I was sorry for Mr. Pei, and it caused you a great and irreversible loss. My father was at fault. It is also a tradition to pay the debts of the father and the daughter. I do not hate you, nor do I have the right to hate you. ."

   "But... if you can leave me with the last bit of dignity as a woman while reporting a relapse, I will be grateful to you."

  Su Tian speaks so intelligently and tactfully.

   Bae Joon tugged at the corners of his lips and smirked: "You know what, I don't like smart women the least."

   "Your crooked mind is useless to me, but it is also useful for long-term female support girls. You should save a little bit when you are waiting for other men to act like a coquettish."

  Su Tian was not surprised by his reaction.

  It should have been thought of long ago.

  Bae Jun is not a good man and a believer.

  She is not disappointed, anyway, she has been completely desperate.


Pei Jun stared at her completely exposed chest and smiled ambiguously, "Tian'er, when you were grooming and changing clothes just now, I made a super arrangement for you to accompany guests at the feast for the first time. You are not I’m afraid that I’m hurting my whole body and no one wants to go to you. I will arrange seven or eight big bosses to be placed in different boxes, and then you will knock on the door of each box, and line up one by one to seduce, as long as these seven If one of the eight people wants you, you can escape, at least I will keep you alive."

  He looked at Su Tian's small face that was gradually pale due to shock.

  嗤 laughed out: "But if none of you are willing to touch you, it doesn’t matter. I asked you just now. The uncle in charge of cleaning the toilet is willing to make it difficult for you."

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