The General’s Beloved Wife: Shame on You, Sweetheart

Chapter 1807: He stopped abruptly, stopped and kissed her all over

  Jiang Xi was suddenly picked up by him. For a moment, his weight was unstable and his head rushed forward.

  The dangling eyes were dark in front of her, and she finally stabilized.

   She pursed her lips in anger, and kicked her calves on his shoulders, which counted as venting.

  Zhan Mu Qian strode upstairs, holding her straight into the master bedroom.

  The door of the room was kicked and closed, and the night was not too late. Every room in the Presidential Palace had excellent soundproofing, and everything was silent.


  She was lightly thrown onto the bed by a man.

  He barely stayed for a moment, leaned over and pressed her, and the kiss was pressed up.

   Jiang Xi twisted his waist and rolled sideways abruptly, avoiding it.

She stuck her waist in angrily and said: "Didn't you doubt me? You don't trust me at all...Zhan Muqian, don't you feel tired if you do this? I understand that you have to be more suspicious when you are in a high position, but I am the only one of you. Your wife, even your own wife is not worthy of your trust?"

  The man's face was dark and heavy, and dark clouds covered it.

  Jiang Xi feels that although his IQ and EQ are a lot higher than Mianmian, he is still not enough in the face of this scheming jade-faced fox.

  Especially when he was silent and silent, it was really difficult for her to judge the thoughts in his mind at the moment.

  She can only bet.

   Take a sigh of gambling, gambling against Mu Qian's favor and indulgence to Mianmian.

  She bit her lip and complained in a straightforward manner: "If you don't want to talk, let's go out. I will sleep alone tonight. You also need someone to calm down."

  Zhan Mu Qian didn't say a word for a long time.

  He looked as though he was sitting calmly on the edge of the bed, but there seemed to be a faint light of fire in his eyes.

Before Jiang Xi looked at him.

  He suddenly reached out and grabbed her two slender ankles.

  Drag her in front of her, leaning down and pressing down——

  His tall and stalwart body crawls on top of her.

   Grasp her two wrists with one hand and press them against her head.

  Untie his belt with the other hand.

   Jiang Xi appeared for the first time.

  For Jiang Xi, this situation is the first experience for a while.

  She has never made friends with Zhan Muqian.

  This may be the first time.

  She was a little flustered, but forced to calm down.

   "Zhan Muqian, don't make trouble!"

  She screamed, but the man had already pulled off the belt around his waist and threw it aside.

  The man’s eyes were stained with **** ochre.

  Jiang Xi was uncontrollable in a panic, forgot to resist, and left it at his mercy.

  She was stiff, but she clearly felt the man separate her legs and tore off her shameful cloth.

  There was almost no foreplay and directly invaded her.

   Jiang Xi opened his mouth in shock, and the pain of being split stimulated his nerves.

  Tears flashed with grievances in her eyes.

  "It hurts! You go hurts!"


  The girl's slap-sized face turned pale in an instant.

  She was nervous and at a loss.

   Jiang Xi has all the memories of Mianmian.

  Pleasant, unpleasant.

  Happiness and beauty, and painful ones.

  She even knew that she was a part of Mianmian, and she knew exactly what she had done.

  But at this moment, it was the first time that she experienced firsthand-what Mianmian had experienced before.

   Husband’s unrelenting rude humiliation is indeed the best weapon to make a woman unhappy.

   Jiang Xi bit her lip, she felt that Zhan Muqian would continue to proceed arrogantly like this.

   Continue to vent on her.

  However, he stopped all his actions, stopped to give her time to adjust, and even bent down to kiss her lips.

  Kiss all over her body.

  【Second change, ask for monthly pass~】

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