The General’s Beloved Wife: Shame on You, Sweetheart

Chapter 1820: He was breathing heavily by her, and the two of them were one

  She had a pair of eyes bumped by the deer, and she looked really frightened.

  Hearing Shen Xiang's name, Chi Yu's face was obviously darkened, and he immediately asked, "What are you guys doing to mention her?"

  Rong Yao shook her head helplessly, her eyes were full of fear, as if she had lost half of her soul in fright.

  Chi Yu did a good job of restraining his emotions, perhaps because it was in front of Shen Rongchen.

  He rubbed the girl’s head, and there was a hint of persuasion in his tone——

   "Hey, stop thinking about it, Shen Xiang won't be able to take care of you, naturally someone will take care of her, she can't hurt you any more now."

  Rong Yao lowered her eyes slightly, as if it took a long time to relax.

   Realizing her gaffe, she apologized embarrassingly: "Shen, Chief Shen... Sorry, it's me being rude."

  Shen Rongchen's eyes are deep, his eyes are like an abyss, so that people can't see the slightest emotion, and they can't even guess whether he is unhappy at this moment.

  This man’s city mansion is terrifying-this is the only impression Rong Yao has left on him at the moment.

  Shen Rongchen looked at her flatly, silently.

  After a while, he said indifferently, “It’s okay, Tao Zhi mentioned something unpleasant to you in front of you. It is not surprising that you are affected. I apologize to Miss Rong on her behalf.”

  Such a polite and flawless response made Rong Yao unable to say anything else.

  The man slowly got up and fastened the button in the middle of his waist.

  Rong Yao is not sure if she is too sensitive.

  I just felt that before Shen Rongchen got up and left the box, he seemed to stare at her for a few more times.


  The negotiation between the two men on cooperation matters was forced to stop because of Rong Yao's intrusion.

  At this moment, the time has not yet reached the auction. Shen Rongchen did not go downstairs after leaving the private room. Instead, the bodyguard opened the way and escorted him to another floor.

  The second floor is a private room, and the third floor is a bedroom.

  Shen Rongchen walked straight into the deepest and most concealed bedroom and pushed the door in.

  As soon as he closed the door, he was wrapped around his neck by a pair of snake-like lotus arms.

  Cheng Taozhi hung all the weight of his upper body on him, and the two squads squeezed in front of him.

  Shen Rongchen's eyes flashed a little bit of petting.

  He squeezed the woman's face with his long fingers.

   His voice was still low and serious: "I heard that you scared Rong Yao? You scared her to the bottom? I'm curious, how did you bully people."

  Cheng Taozhi laughed heartily, her eyebrows and her eyebrows were like blooming peach blossoms, charming and moving.

   "Where did I scare her, but just a few words about your cousin, her acting is so flamboyant, she just broke in to listen to the content of your conversation with Chi Yu, but I don't know how much she heard."

  Shen Rongchen curled his eyebrows, "Are you sure? Did you test out that she was from the police?"

  Cheng Taozhi somehow, hung on him as light as a swallow, two thin legs in high heels wrapped around his waist——

  She pressed her red lips together, “That’s not the case, I’m just skeptical at the moment, but... tonight is a good opportunity, if you agree, I will continue to test her for a while.”

  Shen Rongchen has a basic understanding of her methods, and it is not difficult to guess what kind of plan she has in mind.

  He was noncommittal, but he was entangled in the woman's breathing, which was obviously heavy.

  The two rolled off the bed together.

  [3 more, there will be more later]

  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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