The General’s Beloved Wife: Shame on You, Sweetheart

Chapter 1830: She encircled his waist: Uncle, I am very

She bit her lip and asked in a low voice, "Uncle, what are you and Shen Rongchen...what are you doing? How do I feel that what you are doing seems to be dangerous...I, I'm worried about you, don't take risks, okay... "

  As soon as her voice fell, the eyes looking at Chi Yu were already full of worry.

  She whispered again: "No matter what you are doing, don't do dangerous things, okay..."

  Chi Yu's face changed a little.

  His face froze slightly, and the emotions in his eyes were very unstable.

  In my impression, this is probably the first time Rong Yao has spoken in this worried and worried tone.

  She seemed to persuade him, persuading him to stay away from the noise.

  Chi Yu was only silent for a moment, and quickly reached out and rubbed her hair, and said in a very relaxed tone: "It's just a business matter, it's not a big deal, don't think about it."

  Rong Yao’s eyes are big and clear.

  In Chi Yu's eyes, she was just a child who hadn't grown up yet, stupid, and didn't understand many things.

  But at this moment, Rong Yao's eyes are calm. She is not like a naive child at all, but like a mature and well-versed wife.

Her soft hand rested lightly on Chi Yu's arm, and she stubbornly retorted, "We have known each other for so many years, and I don't know you even the basics. If it's just an ordinary business, why should you meet Shen Rongchen? On the one hand, he knows the relationship between him and Shen Xiang. Even if he is not mean, even if you are good, how can he easily cooperate with you. I am afraid that you have given him great benefits, but he still picks and chooses. I can't trouble you."

  Chi Yu's reaction to her now can be regarded as unexpected.

  He never thought that one day the little girl next to him would really grow up.

   Then, like a gentle wife, repeatedly reminded him in his ear.

  He frowned slightly, “Cheng Taozhi really scared you when he mentioned Shen Xiang, but you broke into the private room and really wanted to hear what Shen Rongchen and I were talking about.”

  Rong Yao had already guessed that he would see through.

  At this time, the more she concealed it, the more abnormal it became.

   And Chi Yu never thought that she was already a **** in the careful deployment of the police at this moment.

  Since he can't think of this level, no matter how she explains it, as long as it makes sense, the problem is not big.

   So she bit her lip and nodded calmly.

"Yes, I just want to know what you are going to do to violate the law and discipline. I didn't know who Shen Rongchen was. When I was chatting with Cheng Taozhi when she said that Shen Rongchen was Shen Xiang's cousin, I just remembered. This person. Although I know little, I also know that Shen Rongchen is called the prince in secret. Although he is now entrenched in Jincheng, his foundation is in the capital. At his level, I will contact you again to ask him Doing things...Naturally is not a simple business, am I right?"

  Rong Yao's tone is serious, even a little too alert.

  Chi Yu's face was stern, unhappy, and restrained and said: "Well, outside affairs are not for women to take care of. You don't like such social occasions, and I will not take you there again in the future."

  He was a little irritable and stretched out his hand to loosen his neckline.

  He got up to go upstairs.

  Rong Yao, the moment he just got up, jumped on and encircled his waist.

  She half-kneeled on the sofa, encircling his strong waist.

   "Uncle, I am scared."

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