The General’s Beloved Wife: Shame on You, Sweetheart

Chapter 1838: I don’t think you are uncomfortable, but your heart

  Chi Yu kissed her hair silently, and gently brushed away the soft strands of hair on her side with her long fingers.

  His lips lingered on her cheeks and earlobes.

  This kind of gentleness, this kind of love.

   is obviously very intimate, but it seems that he is not contaminated with love.

  If it were not for the deep-seated, for a machismo and arrogant man like Chi Yu, such a gentle act would be a surprise.

  He is indeed gentle now, and he is also cautious when talking to her, for fear that he has a bad temper and accidentally makes her feel hurt by speaking out.

  He loves her like this, and he can't wait to use thousands of loves to make up for the hurt in the past.

  It's a pity that he didn't know that this woman's hatred for him had deepened into his bones.

  I don’t want to make up, it can make up.

  Hate deep into the bone marrow, unless it is peeled off, and all the flesh is cut open to get rid of it.

  Otherwise, after all, the hatred will never end.


  He is lying on his side, his arms lightly holding her.

  Rong Yao closed her eyes, looking as if she was really asleep, without responding for a long time.

  Chi Yu glanced at the time and couldn't help but whispered to her: "Yaoyao, it's time for dinner."

  Rong Yao still did not respond, motionless.

  He couldn't help but feel suspicious. Rong Yao was in poor health and had poor sleep quality. He seldom entered deep sleep and was not sleeping well.

  What's more, she fell asleep this afternoon, how could she sleep deeper than at night?

  He stretched out his hand and stroked her face, patiently coaxing: "Hey, you have been hungry for most of the day. Get up and accompany me to eat something. If you are very sleepy, I will continue to sleep after eating, okay?"

  Rong Yao said nothing, pretending to be asleep.

  But Chi Yu soon discovered that her thick, curly eyelashes were slightly trembling.

  She was either not asleep at all, or she was already awake.

  Chi Yu did not reveal her, but waited quietly for a long time.

  Time passed by minute by minute, Rong Yao thought he had cheated it.

  She pretended to turn over in her sleep, avoiding his body, and turned to the other side to continue sleeping.

  Chi Yu’s low voice rang out in her ears: "If you are in a bad mood, you have to eat. What's the matter if you are hungry? Rong Yao, you get up first."

  Rong Yao's body was stiff, and her heart was shocked.

  She knew she couldn't hide it, so she simply gave up and continued to pretend.

   She opened her eyes, but did not turn her head back, and her tone was very flat and plain: "I'm not feeling well. If you are hungry, go to dinner first."

  Chi Yu is accustomed to being chased by women. Except for Rong Yao, women generally hold him and want to kneel and lick him.

  He doesn't like to be used to women, and he is not used to women making faces to himself.

  He was emotionally a little negative, and his voice barely restrained: "I don't think you are uncomfortable in your body, but you are uncomfortable in your heart. What's wrong? Get up first and let's talk."

  Rong Yao did not listen to him, but remained silent.

  She didn't move, she didn't say a word.

  Chi Yu and her stalemate for a long time.

  If she dared to shake his face like this in the past, he would have twisted her out of the bed and scolded her.

  But now he has been tuned by Rong Yao-and his temper has become much milder.

  He endured and endured, leaned down and hugged her, gently coaxing: "Hao Yaoyao, how did I provoke you? For what, do you give me a hint?"

  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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