The General’s Beloved Wife: Shame on You, Sweetheart

Chapter 1870: She dared not look at his eyes, she always felt that he

"But here... it's always a public place. I'm afraid that there will be servants going downstairs. I'm really afraid, Mu Qian, I don't want others to see me like this. Please, give your wife a little dignity, OK? ..."

  Jiang Xi thought that his attitude was very soft and weak.

  Men generally don't like their wives to show strong feelings, and they will feel oppressive.

  The more powerful a man is, the more he is obsessed with gentle and weak women.

  Any way to act like a baby is fine, but you can't be too strong.

  So Jiang Xi just begged him to put himself in a weak position.

  But Zhan Muqian's eyes became cold because of this.

   just after she had just said that pleading.

  His expression suddenly became cold.

  He paused for a few seconds.

  Then pinch her chin with long fingers.

   asked in a cold tone, "Do you think I am not enough to give you dignity?"

   Jiang Xi's lips trembled slightly, not knowing how to answer.

  Zhan Muqian looked at her beautiful body against the water blue fringe.

  Use the other hand to rub and rub at will.

   Jiang Xi's face is getting redder, and his body's reaction is getting more and more ashamed...

  She bit her lip and forbeared her.

However, Zhan Muqian asked in a colder and heavier tone: "In your eyes, doing things that should be done between husband and wife with your own husband is humiliating you, does it not give you dignity, or is it in your heart? I have never liked me touching you, eh?"

  Jiang Xi was frightened by his harsh tone.

  She clenched her lip, not daring to talk nonsense.

The color in Zhan Muqian's eyes was really cold and cold.

  Jiang Xi has never seen him like this.

  This is the first time.

  She and this man are not very close after all.

  He was irritated last time, because she went to find Bae Joon without permission, and then dropped an earring.

  But that time, he was obviously only suspicious and dissatisfied, and there was not a feeling that the top of his head was dyed.

  And this time...

  Jiang Xi didn't know that he was guessing only by feeling.

  Or what evidence is there...

  If Bae Jun doesn’t do some demolition.

  Or the person Zhan Muqian arranged next to Pei Jun revealed...

  Then she will probably die miserably.

  The more she thought.

  The more afraid.

  She is not only afraid, but also under great pressure.

  Her life not only represents herself, but also represents Mianmian.

  If she died.

  The cotton is gone.

  Her life was created by Mianmian.

  Her existence is also revenge for Mianmian.

  Do all the things for Mianmian that she wants to do but can’t bear or is not good at doing.

  How can she die without doing anything?

   Jiang Xi thought of this, his heart softened.

  The body does not appear to be that stiff.

  She calmed down her tone, and tried her best to use a very gentle tone: "No, Mu Qian, I don’t mean that, don’t get me wrong, I’m just...I’m just a little shy, I’m not used to it..."

  Zhan Mu Qian's eyes are still cold.

  No temperature at all.

  But his face is okay.

   Can't see the anger, the mood is unclear.

  He reached out and touched her, spreading her legs a little bit further.

   then arrogantly——

   Jiang Xi could no longer resist.

  She is possessed by Zhan Muqian.

  The body is like being taken away from all kinds of nerves.

  Any actions and reactions are no longer in my control.

  She can only rejoice with him.

   is like a small boat, wrapped in the sea, bumping up and down in the sea.

  Jiang Xi dare not look at him.

   can only endure silently with closed eyes.

  Because Zhan Muqian's eyes are particularly fierce tonight.

  She looked at his eyes, always feeling that he would abuse herself.

  But close your eyes.

  I can feel his tenderness and compassion...

  【2 more, vote】

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