The General’s Beloved Wife: Shame on You, Sweetheart

Chapter 1884: Chi Yu is angry: I am timid and have to do it,

  He was a little annoyed and said: "Look at you, you are timid and have to do it, so please come here to make trouble with me!"

  Chi Yu was probably upset because of the undercover investigation inside, and seeing that Rong Yao's face was so bad, the irritable factor in his bones was triggered again.

  Rong Yao bit her lower lip, which is obviously wrong.

   She lowered her eyebrows and didn't say a word. Chi Yu looked at her like this, even if there was a fire, she couldn't make it out.


  Chi Yu led her into the car and quickly took her out of this place of right and wrong.

   On the way, he was a little out of anger, but he was able to care about her patiently.

  He touched her face as usual, and asked warmly, "Is it scared, huh?"

  Rong Yao is not simply being frightened.

  After all, she is not a few years old anymore, and she has done psychological construction so that she will not be frightened.

  The reason why her face is so bad is because there are too many and too complicated things in her heart.

  Her intuition told her that Chi Yu never doubted her from beginning to end.

  He has a kind of self-confidence, it seems that even if he suspects that his confidant Xu Kai has rebelled, he will not doubt the woman next to him.

  Maybe because she grew up watching him personally.

  She grew up to twenty years old under his nose. He really couldn't see that she was so capable as an undercover agent.

  Rong Yao mustered up the courage to treat himself as a crowd eating melons.

   asked him with a withdrawal mentality and tone, "Uncle, how do you see that woman...she is pregnant?"

  Chi Yu was taken aback for a moment, and obviously did not expect that she would ask this question.

  He wanted to say that he had seen more women than he had eaten, and he could tell at a glance whether he was pregnant or not.

  But I took it back before I could say it.

  This is too bad to say, and this hypocritical girl in his family certainly doesn't like to listen to it.

   So he changed his rhetoric and said seriously: “I checked it out when investigating her. The other undercover agent was not her boyfriend, but her life style is quite messy, and I don’t know which man’s wild species is pregnant.

  Rong Yao's eyes were a little bit of compassion, she whispered: "She is pregnant...You may really kill her if you send her to that kind of place."

  Chi Yu's face was a little heavy, but he didn't get angry.

  He rubbed Rong Yao’s hair, and patiently asked, “Do you know the purpose of that woman undercover?”

  Rong Yao shook her head.

   "She wants to help some people who have conflicting interests with me do things, the purpose is to take everything I have, even my life, do you think I can spare such a woman with a tiger and wolf heart?"

  Rong Yao seemed to think about it seriously and hesitated a little, but in the end she shook her head.

  She carefully wrapped her arms around his waist.

  Hugging his waist and abdomen, pressing his side face against his chest.

  "Uncle, can you do less dangerous things in the future? I really don't want you to take risks. You are in your thirties. Can we not live the lives of ordinary people?"

  What she said is in line with her current identity.

  Calling Chi Yu really couldn't be annoyed.

  He has a gentle voice: "How can I do anything dangerous, don't think about it, be good."

  The girl frowned and said in a low voice: "Illegal and disorderly affairs, it is very risky. Who knows when something will happen?

  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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