The General’s Beloved Wife: Shame on You, Sweetheart

Chapter 1888: Even if I suffer all the humiliation, as long as my child

Yu Ruan’s eyes were full of tears: "I have an unrelenting request. Although I know you are not a well-trained police officer, only you can help me in this matter... Please help me out if , If I don’t have children, I’ll stop by myself, and I’ll never let myself risk saving me, but now I have a child, it’s been almost three months, I can’t stay here, even if I can hold on, child But it doesn't work..."

  Yu Ruan trembling fingers, his nails hurt Rong Yao.

  But she endured silently and couldn't bear to push the poor young mother away.

Rong Yao hesitated, but he nodded as soon as possible and agreed: "I will try my best, but I will ask Officer Cheng to discuss it. You also know that the guards outside are all late. I can't save you out of thin air, I You have to ask him for help, but you can rest assured that I will do it as soon as possible. I must do it as soon as possible. Before I think of a way, you... protect the child as much as possible."

  Yu Ruan's hand slowly released.

  Big big hot tears slowly welled up.

  She has a strong will to survive and desperately wants to survive.

  In fact, her body has been devastated to almost no willpower.

  The reason why she can still hold on to the normal dialogue with Rong Yao depends on her belief.

  Rong Yao looked at her eyes, and understood her feelings at this moment in her heart.

  Any woman has been tortured by countless men in turn.

  The will to survive will be consumed little by little.

  Even the strong woman can't hold it.

  Yu Ruan can't reach his lower abdomen with his hands.

  She looked down.

  I could see that she wanted to touch her child again.

   Her eyes were a little confused, she was in a trance, and she was talking to herself.

   "I really want to live, even if I have no dignity, even if I suffer humiliation, as long as my child can survive, I am willing to pay any price."

  "My child is only three months old, I don’t even know if it is a male or female..."

  Rong Yao is particularly sad.

  All worries and tensions were washed away by the fragility and despair on the face of the expectant mother.

  She hated Ching Yu at this moment.

  He is really cruel.

   is like an animal.

  There is no humanity.

   is almost completely annihilated of conscience and humanity.

  How can he treat a pregnant woman this way...


  Rong Yao didn't know whether he was on impulse or feverish.

  Suddenly she opened her mouth, and to encourage Yu Ruan, she tore her wound open and showed her.

  Her face is also very pale, her lips squirming lightly, saying every word.

  "Yu Ruan, you know what, I once had a child, a daughter, who was five months old. She stayed in my stomach for five months. I wanted her to be born so much, but she died later."

  Yu Ruan's expression in a trance seemed to be a little touched, and gradually came back to his senses, and the expression in his eyes was not so distracted.

Rong Yao continued to mutter to herself: "I have suffered all the things you have now. Yu Yu, yes...that is, I am still sleeping every day. He used to punish me for escaping. I threw me to countless men lun violence, he even taught me to a tutor, let that pervert teach me to do all kinds of lewd things, he humiliated me like a dog... Yu Ruan, My life is as bad as yours. I will save you. Please believe that I will try my best to save you."

  【Two updates first, ask for a monthly ticket recommendation. More on the rest of the night~]

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