The General’s Beloved Wife: Shame on You, Sweetheart

Chapter 1893: Road upload: Black Yama Chi Yu was played by a woman

  There are not only Xu Kai, but also many lower-level horses.

  Includes several bodyguards who have been guarding here since yesterday.

  At this time, all eyes are looking here.

  This joke is a big deal.

  Lady's favorite woman openly rebelled.

  I am afraid it is really going to make a big joke.

  Anyone in the circle who knows Chi Yu’s reputation knows that he is a man who plays with women and is never moved by the flowers.

  Even Shen Xiang, who offended him, had a miserable end.

  Even the entire Shen family was lost.

  Chi Yu is not a man who will be addicted to female sex, he always values ​​money and power.

  As for petting women, most of them are deliberately spoiled to outsiders because of the needs of the current situation.

  It's just...for so many years, I have never heard of being betrayed by a woman.

Many people have seen how cruel Chi Yu is.

  Even if you haven't seen it before, you should have heard the rumor.

  How courage should a woman be to openly break ground on Tai Sui?

  But this Miss Rong did just that.


The people below    were all silent, suppressing their breathing as much as possible.

  Chi Yu did not let go.

  The strength of the hand pinching her shoulder was not knowing whether it was intentional or unintentional, and it became a little heavier.

  Rong Yao even felt that his bones could be crushed by him at any time.

  She was in terrible pain, and the circles under her eyes were naturally a little red.

  She stared at him with big eyes, "Miss Yu is pregnant, three months old, she is a mother-to-be, I really... can't help but leave her alone, and I... I also had children."

  Chi Yu is in anger at the moment, it's good not to kill.

  How could he hear her remarks.

  Xu Kai was also full of suspicion.

  Ms. Rong usually doesn't care about outside affairs, she is like a woman raised in a deep boudoir, and she and Yu Ruan should have no intersection in the past. How could she have to risk her death to save her when she got married?

   Xu Kai has been mixing this way for a long time, and it is impossible not to be suspicious in his heart.

  Anyone can betray Chi Shao, even the woman next to Chi Shao’s pillow.

  Xu Kai's face became serious, his eyes kept observing Rong Yao secretly, but he was silent for the time being.


  Chi Yu's head buzzed with anger.

  He never expected Rong Yao to do such a thing.

   didn't know how to post her.

  If you don’t do anything, it’s not going to work if it hasn’t happened.

   spread out will make people add more energy and vinegar to infinitely magnify.

  I'm afraid that it will be passed on the road tomorrow: Hei Yan Luo Chi Yu was played by a woman in the palm of his arm, and the undercover agent was released indifferent.

  Chi Yu's face was pale, his face was stern.

  The fierce words jump out one by one.

The   words are all gritted teeth.

  "This is not a reasonable explanation. Is there any other reason to do it, Rong Yao, I will give you one more chance at last."

  Rong Yao froze and shook her head slowly.

  Chi Yu released her shoulders and took a deep breath.

  Naturally, Xu Kai and others couldn't see it, and their expressions were very complicated.

  Xu Kai can be considered to be more able to speculate about the thoughts of late Yu.

  He felt that if he wanted to let go, he would not hesitate in a stalemate here.

  The reason for this confrontation is that he is too late to get off the stage, so that everyone below can't let the people below feel that he indulges his women's behavior.

  Xu Kai gave a light cough: "Miss Rong, you let go of the undercover without authorization, why should you give me an acceptable explanation, otherwise..."

   Before he could say anything, Chi Yu suddenly stretched out his hand and pulled the front of Rong Yao's shirt.

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