The General’s Beloved Wife: Shame on You, Sweetheart

Chapter 1900: If you really want to heal me, you won't finish me

  Chi Yu originally wanted her to reflect on herself all night.

  But he quickly felt hungry.

   Soon he thought that Rong Yao should have not eaten a meal tonight, and he should be as hungry as him at this time.

  He was angry at his almost exaggerated softheartedness.

   But she couldn't restrain her footsteps at all.

  Hurrying downstairs and returning to the room.

  He pushed open the door of the master bedroom and walked in.

  But saw that Rong Yao didn't listen to him at all, knelt down to reflect.

  Instead, sitting on the sofa like a fool.

  He suddenly felt that his masculine dignity was frustrated.

  He stepped forward, curled his fingers and knocked on her forehead.

  Rong Yao was knocked back to her senses, her eyes still a little dull.

  Chi Yu curled his eyebrows, said in a bad tone, and asked: "This is your attitude of self-reflection? Rong Yao, it seems that I really spoil you."

  Rong Yao's heart is a mess.

  She didn’t know how she got pregnant.

  She hid this extreme secret in her heart, and she was going crazy in just half an hour!

  Where can she hide...

  It was a life secretly conceived in her lower abdomen.

  She still remembers how her daughter left her.

  But such a tragedy happened again immediately.

  She hasn’t decided whether to give birth to the baby.

   didn't even decide whether to tell Chi Yu about her pregnancy.

  She could not predict Chi Yu’s reaction to this.


  Fortunately, the identification result that she and Chi Yu are not related has already appeared.

  If the child is healthy, she can give birth to the child.

  After yelling at her a few words, Chi Yu realized that her eyes were dizzy and she didn't pay attention to her appearance at all.

  He has a neglected irritation that rises in his stomach.

  He was about to reprimand her.

But I heard Rong Yao’s clear and loud voice: "Yu Ruan, I have saved her, not only saved her life, but also saved a fetus just three months old. Saving a life is better than making a seventh level. Futu, Chi Yu, I can be regarded as doing good deeds for you to accumulate virtue. You are used to doing evil, if you get retribution, have you thought about the consequences?"

  Chi Yu was even more bewildered by her sudden meal.

  I'm afraid this woman is not really tired of her life.

  It’s nothing more than making a big mistake, he has already opened the Internet, and she even dared to provoke.

   So he curled up his fingers and poked her forehead in annoyance.

   "Rong Yao, Rong Yao, do you think I can't cure you?"

  Rong Yao looked at him frankly, but only she herself knew what her confidence was at this moment.

   She frankly said: "If you really want to cure me, you won't bring me back from that place intact."

  Chi Yu was surprised by her suddenly.

  I don't understand why the girl who was crying miserably in the car just now came back to the bedroom and ate her guts.

"You really won't be afraid, right, Rong Yao, let me tell you, don't think that you are really lawless if you are accustomed to you now by relying on me. I warn you, if you dare to give this thing today I have the next time, I'm sure to interrupt your dog leg!"

  Rong Yao looked at him and let out a slow "Oh".

  In particular, it does not give face.

  Chi Yu became speechless for a while, staring at him for a while without saying the second sentence.

  Rongyao's mind was dumb. It took a long time for her to realize that she actually dared to treat him so badly.

  She bit her lower lip and reached out and pulled the hem of his shirt.

  【2 more, see you at noon in the next chapter. vote. 】

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