The General’s Beloved Wife: Shame on You, Sweetheart

Chapter 1931: Madam is not afraid of your frustration at the gaming table.

   doesn't seem to be an ordinary lover, and is allowed to call her name directly. I want to come to the role of at least half of the palace.

  Zhan Mu Qian looked at Mei Ren'er with gentle eyes.

  It seems that Bae Jun did not anger her because of his deliberately ambiguous and enticing eyes.

  He said warmly: "Okay, eat slowly, chew slowly, don't support your stomach, rest when you are tired, don't need to accompany me."

  Jiang Xi nodded gently and kindly.

   was about to leave. He got up and left his seat.

But Jun Bae suddenly laughed, his voice raised a little bit: "Why, the hostess in the presidential palace seems to have some prejudice against Pei. Just now I saw this lady and the distinguished guests are the winners and guests. Huan, how come I just got on the gaming table with your Excellency right now, so I have to find an excuse to stop people from flashing."

  The curvature of the corners of his lips is really maddeningly cheap.

   "I'm curious about what Pei did that offends his wife? Or perhaps your Excellency said something bad about Pei to his wife on weekdays, huh?"

   Jiang Xi's face was a little embarrassed.

   But the embarrassment is not unusual in this situation.

  After all, in her capacity, it is normal to be ridiculed by a man in front of your Excellency.

  But in front of so many heavyweight guests, she neither wanted to ruin the good image she had worked so hard to build, nor did she want to compromise and make Zhan Muqian more suspicious.

  Destroying her image is harmful to her future plans.

  And it would be even more harmful and unprofitable if it was to play with Pei Jun and destroy Zhan Muqian's trust in her.

  She just wants to save herself.

So Jiang Xi smiled, gently and politely pulling away from the tunnel: "Mr. Pei, where is this, the visitor is a guest, tonight is the President's banquet, every guest is the same in my heart and worthy of respect. I just drank some appetizing sweet wine just now. I feel really hungry right now, and I don't understand the things at the gaming table at all, so I just want to eat something. I hope Mr. Pei will not be offended. "

   Seeing that she didn't give himself face so much, Pei Jun put aside the relationship in front of everyone.

  The jealousy that shouldn't be in my heart rushes out.

Pei Jun relentlessly said: "In this case, Madam wants to leave the table. I have no reason to stop it. It's just that... My bet is somewhat inseparable from Madam. If Madam leaves like this, then I'm not afraid that you will be frustrated at the gaming table for a while, will you lose to me?"

  Jiang Xi's face changed abruptly when he heard this.

  Zhan Muqian's face also darkened a bit. Although he was not angry yet, the waves in his eyes could not stop.

  Su Tian tremblingly observed the faces of several big brothers, and for a while, he couldn't understand what kind of humble position he was in.

  There is no place for her to speak here. Pei Jun is obviously here for Jiang Xi.

  She shouldn’t be here at all.

  The two most supreme men compete for the same beautiful woman, but what is she?

  Su Tian's face was very embarrassed.

  The faces of the spectators around are more complicated.

   Jiang Xi bluntly said angrily: "Does Mr. Pei always like to make such vulgar jokes?!"

  Zhan Muqian, who kept squinting his eyes without speaking, suddenly opened his arms and hugged her shoulders.

  At the same time, his long fingers tapped on the table top notably.

   He squinted his eyes, and there was a certain dangerous cold light in his eyes. Although silent, it was better than the stormy sea.

   "Mr. Pei has such a big bet, what bargaining chips are you going to put in, is your item a winner?!"

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