The General’s Beloved Wife: Shame on You, Sweetheart

Chapter 1935: It seems dignified, but it is in the hands of the president

   Tit for tick.

  Zhan Mu Qian sent it out by himself.

  I still regret it now.

  It's a pity that there are some things, and there will never be room for change.

   Regret or not, it is all in vain.


  The atmosphere just freezes in a stalemate.

  Anyone with a discerning eye can see the weird atmosphere of this atmosphere.

   But since I can hear that I am jealous for a woman, others will just look at it as a spectator.

  I didn’t dare to show anything on the face, at most I would just go back home and steal.

  In fact, no one would have expected that the young and promising President would be jealous for women.

  It's probably because no one takes this unworthy woman by your side too seriously, so just look at it and smile.

  I only think that this woman is wearing a blue cheongsam with elegant embroidery.

  In his bones, he was dealing with the President and... a bandit leader with a heavy army in his hand.

  However, although Pei Jun’s current identity is a bit unable to make it to the table.

  But in country A, especially in Jincheng and even the eight southern provinces.

   is that no matter how high a high-ranking official is, he will be rewarded with a bit of thin face.

  Although he is not a serious person, no matter how serious the position is, no one dare to offend him.

  Even your Excellency will invite him to the banquet.

  It can be imagined how high his substantive power position is.


  Zhan Mu Qian did not know how long it took to ease his emotions.

   In the end, he laughed contemptuously.

"Mr. Pei said this deliberately, the purpose is only to provoke me and my wife. It's a pity that your abacus is wrong. My wife and I have a lot of affection, and my wife is willing to be with me, and she doesn't even care about the status. This friendship Only the two of us know how sincere and precious it is. Although my wife is indeed breathtakingly beautiful, it is inevitable to attract men, but with all due respect, Mr. Pei is such a romantic man, my wife can't even mention it. interest."

  Zhan Mu Qian didn't get angry on the stage, he seemed quite approachable.

  The humor in the words is also mostly.

  The other party is ambiguous and provocative, but he replied with courtesy.

  But by the way, Pee Joon, who is ironic and unobstructed, is a stallion-horse who is in love with a woman.

  Some guests could not help but laugh secretly.

  When Pei Jun served in the A military region, there was no such thing as a peachy scandal.

  It's just that afterwards, his preferences are undisguised and everyone knows.

  Everyone knows that Bae Jun has two major preferences.

  One is a resplendent residence that resembles a palace, and the other is a beautiful woman with good looks.

   Pei Junying has raised a lot of mistresses, and it is said that some of them are so spoiled that tens of millions of houses are sent at will.

  Some people don’t get along well, and it is said that there are not a few people who have been played alive by him.

  In short, this man’s reputation for being romantic is something most people have heard.

  So this time the President Zhan responded.

  No one would think that Pei Jun really got involved with the beauty beside you.

   will only treat himself as wishful thinking-in love.


  Bae Jun is shameless.

   is not interested in a little face.

  So how Zhan Muqian slapped him in the face, he didn't even care about it.

  He twitched the corners of his mouth and smiled very cheaply.

"Your Excellency may have overreacted. Actually, I didn't intend to ask for any treasure on this lady. I want to gamble, but it's just the jewelry on the lady's body. A small bet is happy, meaning, I look at... the lady's earlobe is on That pair of emerald green earrings are very good."

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