The General’s Beloved Wife: Shame on You, Sweetheart

Chapter 1948: He kissed her **** her lips: demon

  He is naturally not very happy.

  Jiang Xi was afraid of him being angry.

   is even more afraid that he will be jealous for a while and what trouble will be caused at this moment.

  She hurriedly raised her hand to circle his neck.

  "Junjun...It will not take three or five years to solve the battle of Muqian. Soon, with your and my strength, maybe not even a year, we are so young, you still have a lifetime to be cool..."

  Bae Jun's expression changed.

  The body is getting hotter.

   Such an intimate and funny nickname.

  The heart-wrenching shame on her cheek...

  Bae Jun couldn't help but press her waist, leaned over and kissed her **** the lips.

   "Goblin, shut up, go on... I'm afraid I have the urge to shoot..."

   Jiang Xi blushed and pushed him gently.


  For a while, Pei Jun gave a light cough.

   "Go out, lest Zhan Muqian waits for you to come up and arrest people in a hurry."

   Jiang Xi hurriedly adjusted her makeup and dress in the makeup mirror.

   Then he hurried out.

   Pei Jun insisted to ask her and Zhan Muqian's master bedroom.

  She refused to say, Pei Jun wanted to make a fuss again.

  Jiang Xi is really playing with him.

  In the end, he had to compromise, and then Bae Joon had to live opposite the master bedroom of the two.

  There are indeed several side sleepers on the opposite side. Usually this design is designed for the infants and toddlers after the couple has given birth, which is the children that cannot be taken care of by the mother.

  No one has ever lived, and there is no arrangement.

  After all, it is impossible to arrange overnight guests to live on this floor.

  But Pei Jun insisted on staying, Jiang Xi refused to agree, so he said that he would personally ask Zhan Muqian for it.

  I don’t believe it’s just a guest room, you can be stingy.

  Jiang Xi didn't dare to delay any more time, but he was afraid that Zhan Muqian was already suspicious.

   And if it drags on, I am afraid that the high chief will also rush to intervene.

  She persuaded the housekeeper to arrange Pei Jun and Su Tian to move in.


  Jiang Xi quickly returned to the banquet hall and came to Zhan Muqian casually.

   took his arm and continued to greet all the distinguished guests.

  Until eleven o’clock in the evening, it’s almost time to leave.

  Most of the guests who came from other places stayed here, and the guests were arranged to check in one after another.

  Some guests live in the main building, and more live in the annex buildings next to them.

  The guest of honor had a great time and finally ended.

   Jiang Xi’s high heels were so tired that he could finally sit down and rest.

  Following Zhan Mu Qian went upstairs, passing the corridor, she looked at the room diagonally across from the main bedroom door, feeling a little nervous.

  She told the housekeeper to stop telling you about this for now, so as not to affect your mood at the banquet.

  She was going to explain it herself, and she had already figured out her excuses.

  She is not very panicked now, because after she went downstairs and returned to Zhan Muqian, he did not show much abnormality.

  The remaining half of the night is also a very pleasant time.

  Zhan Muqian looked very fond of her in front of the guests, not as if he suppressed his anger and forced it out.

  Jiang Xi only thought he didn’t put Pei Jun in his eyes.

  I don’t care much anymore.

   But back in the house, the door to the master bedroom was closed.

  Zhan Muqian sat on the big sofa.

   Jiang Xi was tired and wanted to take a bath.

  Zhan Muqian patted the sofa beside him and motioned for her to sit down.

  She felt that the man's expression was a bit complicated, and she did not dare to provoke him.

   sat down beside his lap obediently.

  Zhan Muqian stared at her.

   is not staring at her.

   but stared at her blushing lips.

  Jiang Xi was relaxed at first.

  But he actually stared at it for more than a minute without making a sound.


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