The General’s Beloved Wife: Shame on You, Sweetheart

Chapter 1953: Zhan Muqian sneered and touched her face: He Lao

  The little woman has a clean and pure face after removing her makeup.

  No Fendai, but it is enough to frighten the soul of a man.

  Zhan Mu Qian loved her appearance without makeup, so she exaggerated it.

   is just touching the smooth and soft skin on her face, she can respond.


  Zhan Mu Qian is indeed a little impatient now.

  Perhaps because he drank a bottle of vinegar tonight, the two of them were almost washed, and he didn't even wait to wipe her off.

  I did it once directly in the shower.

  Jiang Xi couldn't stand him a little bit, mainly because he was tired.

  She could not stand.

  In the second half, he almost touched the tiled wall to continue.

  She couldn't stand still at all based on her own physical strength.

  Zhan Muqian hooked one of her legs, and she leaned against the wall several times.

   hit the back pain.

  Zhan Mu Qian was afraid that she would catch a cold.

   quickly dried her with a bath towel and hugged her out.

  The second round has just begun.

  He suddenly thought of something, and asked casually: “It seems that you have been delayed for a long time when you sent Pei Jun to stay. Did he embarrass you again?”

   Jiang Xi did not deny it, and nodded.

"Yeah, he is really difficult to be a person, and boring, he likes to cause trouble. He doesn't choose so many prepared rooms, he has to live on the side opposite us, I'm afraid he will disturb the people downstairs The guest, let the butler put him and Su Tian in. Anyway, it's just staying overnight. It shouldn't be a big problem, right?"

  Zhan Muqian originally pressed her on the bed.

  The movement under the body froze.


   Hearing this, all his movements stopped.

  His eyes are deep, with a few faint flames.

  Jiang Xi was puzzled. He thought he wouldn't get angry because of this, right?

  She looked at his changes in secret.

  He pulled the corners of his lips suddenly, not looking angry.

   just supported her waist and hugged her directly from the big bed.

   Jiang Xi couldn't help exclaiming.

  He is like this...

  ...Just like this, she walked out.

  He pressed Jiang Xi on the sofa outside.

  Jiang Xi quickly guessed what he was doing.

  The master bedroom of the presidential palace is already very large.

   is a large suite with several small rooms connected together.

  There is a small study room, as well as two cloakrooms, a bathroom, and a toilet. The big bed for sleeping is placed in the innermost room, which is far away from the opposite side.

  The sofa in the master bedroom is plain.

  There is only one door to the opposite side.

  And it's still a wooden door.


  Jiang Xi didn't think he had made any mistakes.

  But she soon paid a painful price for her actions today.

  Zhan Mu Qian pressed her down, his movements were very fierce and fierce.

   Several times, Jiang Xi was so scared by him.

   She trembled and pleaded, "Uncle, don't do this, be normal, you make me scared like this..."

  Zhan Mu Qian sneered and touched her face.

   "I’m not accustomed to having **** with my husband? What are you afraid of?"

  Jiang Xi blushed, only feeling that he was already gone.

  She was so scared that she couldn't say it.

  He was just anxious in the bathroom.

   is fierce now.

   was so fierce as if she wanted to kill her.

  When she closed her eyes and sobbed, she was forced to look directly at her by pinching her chin.

  Jiang Xi clearly saw the high bulge on his belly.

too frightening……

  She was really afraid that her stomach would be broken by him.

  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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