The Genius Doctor

Chapter 1903: Sudden murder

Li Qiuhan thought he was wrong, so he rubbed his eyes and looked carefully, and found that Lu Yi's palm still had no black spots.

He is not poisoned!

How could this be?

Li Qiuhan was shocked. It was the first time he encountered this situation, and it would never happen before.

"What exactly did you use?" Li Qiu asked in a cold voice.

"I am not soaked in poison." Lu Yi smiled.

"Impossible. You are not a saint, it is impossible not to be immersed in all kinds of poison." Li Qiuhan did not believe it at all. In his cognition, only a strong saint could not soak in all kinds of poison.

"Just forget it if you don't believe it." The smile on Lu Yi's face suddenly disappeared, and he said coldly: "Do you have any means to do it, otherwise, don't say I didn't give you a chance."

"Huh!" Li Qiu snorted coldly, then took out a rectangular red box and opened it solemnly.

As soon as the box opened a gap, a river of blood rushed out, with a strong smell of blood that almost fainted people.

"This is the blood box of the Heavenly Evil Sect. The blood is specially refined and cannot be stained." Huang Wu reminded.

The blood river was very strange, drifting from the sky, like a picture scroll being spread, flowing towards Lu Yi.

Before he got close, Lu Yi felt his soul trembling.

"Sure enough."

Lu Yi narrowed his eyes, and then started the Nine Turns Golden Body Show.


A layer of brilliant golden light emerged, covering Lu Yi's body, like a layer of battle clothes, wrapping Lu Yi's body strictly.

Then, his hands began to evolve, and a huge seal appeared high in the sky, square, densely covered with golden light, like a mountain, heavy and full of power.

"Shank the sky!"

Lu Yi continues to evolve, and the sky-shaking seal is spinning rapidly in the air, emitting a bright golden light, which makes people afraid to face it.

Luluo's face was pale. Under the enormous power, she could barely stand steady, and quickly retreated 100 meters with Huang Wu.


The heaven and the earth trembled suddenly, and the Heaven-shaking Seal suddenly zoomed in quickly, and within a few seconds, it zoomed in to a hundred meters wide and was suppressed toward the blood river.


The river of blood in the sky was overturned in an instant, and the sky-shaking seal was terrified, and the force could shake the sky, and the river of blood was torn apart.

Li Qiuhan changed color and pointed out in the air: "Gather!"

The blood river that flew out suddenly gathered in the same direction again, and then, piled up to a height of one hundred meters, and then Li Qiuhan sacrificed the box in his hand.

The box flew into the air, drove the river of blood, formed a huge scarlet sword, and slashed towards the sky-shaking mark.


Lu Yi yelled violently, brought the earthshaking seal to its fullest, then threw it out vigorously.

This is a horrible scene, like throwing a mountain. This kind of strength made Li Qiuhan's expression extremely gloomy.


The Heaven-Shaking Seal slammed into the box, making a earth-shaking sound, and huge cracks appeared in the void, as if it suddenly destroyed the sky.

There is a turbulence of power collision everywhere.

Lu Yi backed away quickly.


With a crisp sound, the box shattered, and the sky was full of blood, splashing everywhere, and the earthshaking seal Lu Yi threw out was also cracked here.

"Who are you?" Li Qiuhan asked out loud in horror.

"The one who killed you." Lu Yi's voice was cold.

"It's not that easy to kill me, go!" Li Qiuhan was a little apart. Although the box was shattered, but the blood was obeyed his command and fell towards Lu Yi overwhelmingly.


Lu Yi's body was protected by a layer of bright golden light. As soon as the blood water hit his golden light, it made a "sizzling" sound and was then evaporated.


Li Qiuhan's heart jumped.

Who is he? How can there be such a combat power? Could it be a certain emperor?

Li Qiuhan was extremely frightened.

"Is there any means? If not, I'll send you on the road." Lu Yi's expression was cold, and he strode towards Li Qiuhan.

"Master Lu..."

"Shut up! This is my business with him, it has nothing to do with you!"

As soon as Huang Wu spoke, she was interrupted by Lu Yi.

"The original poster, Xiao Yifan and Li Qiuhan are too much, you can't blame Lu Gongzi, if it weren't for Lu Gongzi, we might have been killed by them today." Lu Luo said.


"I know what the host is worried about, but there are some things that we can't stop. Let's obey the fate!" Luluo comforted.

Huang Wu looked at Lu Yi's back, and finally did not speak again.

Seeing Lu Yi approaching, Li Qiuhan kept backing away, saying, "You are not from Kuzhuzhai, you are not from Kuzhuzhai..."

Lu Yi was funny: "Have I ever admitted that I was from Kuzhuzhai? To be honest, you guys who killed Kuzhuzhai have nothing to do with me, and I won't stop you, but you shouldn't do it. The idea hit me on the head."

For those who want to kill himself, Lu Yi has never been soft.

"I don't care who you are, if you kill Xiao Yifan, the Sword God Temple will not let you go, nor will Xiao Family and Xiao Wuhen let you go. If you let me go, I can help you hide the secret."

Li Qiuhan is still making the final struggle.

"Do you know who can keep secrets the best? That is the dead person." Lu Yi said: "It is a curse to keep you. Only by killing you can you completely eliminate the troubles."

"Well, since you are so decisive, then I will die with you." Li Qiuhan's face showed a hideous color, and then put his hands on his chest and kept making seals.

Soon, a huge palm print appeared in the air, tens of feet high, like a big mountain, trembling in the air.

"Is this your last resort?" Lu Yi didn't take it seriously, and said with disdain: "It seems that I really value the Heavenly Sect. Even you can become a genius. There are no outstanding characters either."

"Go to hell!" Li Qiuhan roared, and the giant palm in the sky snapped.

Under this giant palm, Lu Yi is like an ant.


Lu Yi used Wushuang's fists to rush into the air, three consecutive punches blasted out, the huge palm suddenly fell apart, and immediately after, Lu Yi dived down and killed Li Qiuhan.

"Spare..." Li Qiuhan yelled in horror, but Lu Yi would not spare his life at all, and with a sudden punch, Li Qiuhan was beaten to death, turning his body into ashes.

"What the hell, you want to kill me even with this ability. I really can't help it." Lu Yi glanced at the jungle not far away, then turned back and looked at Huang Wu and Lu Luo and said, "Isn't it scaring you?"

Lulu shook her head.

"Okay, the two guys are also resolved, let's continue to move forward!" Lu Yi said.

As soon as the three of them turned around, at this moment, a sharp sword light appeared like lightning from the depths of the jungle and pointed directly at Lu Yi's Tianling Gai.

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