The Genius Doctor

Chapter 1917: Fierce air battle

The three of them sat on the white jade gourd, moving steadily in the air, the wind whistling in their ears, and below, was a sea of ​​fire.

After flying for half an hour, the end of the cliff was not seen.

"Fortunately, there is such a flying treasure, otherwise we really can't pass here." Luluo said with joy.

"I just don't know if Senior Sister Li and others have caught up with the Heavenly Evil Sect?" Huang Wu's eyebrows were worried.

"Xingkong Pavilion's Void Carving Array is very capable. In my opinion, most of them have caught up." Lu Yi said.

"I'm afraid that Senior Sister Li and the others are not the opponents of that group of beasts." The worry on Huang Wu's face is even heavier. Although there are few people in the Tiansha Sect, they are very strong.

"Don't worry, at our current speed, it won't take long to catch up with them." Lu Yi comforted.

"Yeah." Huang Wu hummed softly.

He continued to fly for more than ten minutes, and suddenly, a sweet voice came into his ears.

"Stop them, don't let them run..."

"This is... Senior Sister Li's voice." Huang Wu suddenly stood up.

Because of the strong wind and the fast speed of the white jade gourd, Huang Wu was caught off guard when she stood up, and she crooked and almost fell.

Lu Yi's eyes were quick and his hands were quick, and he flashed over and hugged Huang Wu's waist.

"Thank you!" Huang Wu thanked softly.

"What are you polite with me?" Lu Yi felt the slippery feeling from his palms, and his heart swayed. What the **** did this woman do, the hand feels really good.

"You, can you let me go?" Huang Wu lowered her head, her voice like a mosquito.

"It's too windy here, you can't use your inner strength, let me take care of you!" Lu Yi was serious, but he was already happy in his heart.

It would be a shame to miss such an opportunity.

"Master Lu, I..."

"I know what you have to say, don't thank me, this is what I should do."

Huang Wu secretly rolled her eyes. In fact, she wanted to say, you don't have to!

But Lu Yi hugged her tightly, and she couldn't say anything. She just felt hot on her face and her heart throbbed.

On the side, Luluo felt sour and uncomfortable when she saw this scene, her eyes rolled and she stood up.

"Master Lu, I'm so dizzy!" Luluo said dizzyly.

"Dizziness? Are you sick?" Lu Yi asked.

"I don't know..." Lu Luo didn't finish her words, and then turned upside down. Lu Yi was about to help her. Who knew, she got directly into Lu Yi's arms.

what's going on?

Lu Yi was dumbfounded.

"Luluo, or I will get your pulse and check your condition. If you are sick, you must take medicine as soon as possible. I happen to be a doctor..."

"Thank you Master Lu. It's okay, I just need to lie down for a while." Luluo said.

This girl.

Lu Yi knew what Luluo meant, and shook his head helplessly. At this moment, he felt that he was pinched on his waist, making it painful.

Looking down, Huang Wu looked up at her with a warning in her eyes.

Lu Yi hadn't seen him.

Now he is holding a beautiful woman in each hand, which is great.


A scream came suddenly.

"No, I heard Senior Sister Li's voice just now, it must be the Senior Sister in the Starry Sky Pavilion that something happened." Huang Wu said.

Lu Yi looked up and saw that at a distance of 100 meters ahead, the disciples of the Star Sky Pavilion were fighting against the disciples of the Tiansha Sect.

Just as Huang Wu expected, although there are few disciples of the Heavenly Evil Sect, they are all above the disciples of the Starry Sky Pavilion, and they are still above the four or five Starry Sky Pavilion disciples one by one.

Only Li Biyue was stronger in Xingkong Pavilion, but he could only deal with a disciple of the Heavenly Sect, and the two sides fought fiercely.

Soon, a disciple of Xingkong Pavilion was killed.


With another scream, a female disciple of Xingkong Pavilion was shot down and fell into the flames.

"If this continues, Senior Sister Li and the others are afraid..." Huang Wu's expression was heavy and worried.

"It's okay, with me." Lu Yi then told Lu Luo: "You take care of Huang Wu."

After speaking, Lu Yi acted.


Xuanyuanjian flew out of his eyes. He leaped, stepped on Xuanyuanjian, walked with the sword, and his body quickly flashed out.

The people of the Heavenly Fiend Sect are fighting against the disciples of Star Sky Pavilion.

The person who fought with Li Biyue sneered loudly: "Li Biyue, do you want to die with us today?"

Li Biyue gritted her teeth and cursed: "You beasts, you insulted our sisters to die tragically. Today I will die with you."

"Don't die? Hey, what a big tone." The disciple of the Tiansha Sect smiled evilly at Li Biyue: "Your disciple of the Starry Sky Pavilion is really beautiful and beautiful, even your body is so good, depending on your appearance, you should pay Haven't you enjoyed the feeling of being moisturized by a man? It's okay, I will let you enjoy it when you get caught."

"Brothers, listen to my orders, don't let go of the Star Sky Pavilion alone, capture them all. With so many women, it's enough for us to change our game, haha..."

"Beast!" Li Biyue was furious, and with a wave of her finger, a bright line appeared in the sky like a starry sky, hitting the disciple of the unspeakable Tiansha Sect.

At the same time, her other hand was also in Jieyin.


The disciple of the Tiansha Sect was very strong. His shot was the Yin Sha palm, and he shot it three times in a row, not only shattering the line, but also vomiting blood from Li Biyue.

"Li Biyue, I will give you one last chance to take your sisters to obediently surrender, otherwise, don't blame me for destroying the flowers."

"I won't let your beasts do what I want."

"Okay! Very good! I hope you will be as hard as you are now." The disciple of the Heavenly Evil Sect quickly rushed towards Li Biyue.

The powerful force crushed the void.

Li Biyue gritted her teeth and was about to use a secret method to counterattack. Suddenly, a golden sword light fell from the sky and stood in front of her.

"Who?" The disciple of Tiansha Sect was startled and suddenly raised his head.

"The one who killed you." Lu Yi spit out four words and slashed over with a sword.


The sword light is like electricity, a sword seals the throat.


Immediately after, Lu Yi stepped out and punched the man's head with a punch, and wiped out the man's head together with the soul, and then kicked the fellow's body into the air.

"Sister Li, are you okay?" Lu Yi asked Li Biyue only then.

"I'm fine, thank you." Li Biyue said gratefully.

"I'll help you kill the others." Lu Yi finished speaking, and rushed out again to fight the disciples of the Tiansha Sect.

With Lu Yi's current strength, he had no pressure to deal with the disciples of the Tiansha Sect. It only took five minutes to wipe out three more Tianshazong disciples.

There were also two disciples of the Heavenly Fiend Sect, who were jointly killed by the people of Star Sky Pavilion.

In the blink of an eye, only two disciples of the Tiansha Sect were left on the scene.

The two Tianshazong disciples exchanged glances, one rushed towards Lu Yi, and the other suddenly turned into a plume of blue smoke and rushed towards Huang Wu.

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